Gnōthi seauton
Our vital soul energizes the body of flesh and blood. The astral soul is the emotional self, with a vehicle of its own ... and we share these experiences with the animals, even with the trees. Aristotle taught that we are also in possession of a Rational Soul (which itself uses a mental body, accordingly). Despite our mind or thought-stream often bearing the stamp or impress of an individual identity, the wise know that this is very much just that. Like castles built of sand, such notions of ourselves slip back into the Sea, eventually.
But there is a Divine Soul, even what is called an Oversoul, and we are each - and all - an individual incarnation of the former, while neither separated from, nor entirely yet One with the latter. Nor is the Oversoul an apt description of our true Self.
Lumpino is correct, describing this Monadic Spark as the source or ground of our Being, together with the Spiritual Triad (Will, Love-Wisdom and Active Intellect) Whose Consciousness is the Undying Root producing occasional shoots, or new leaves within the Book of Life, for us surface-dwellers. Most of the picture, of course, is quite `underground.'
But there is a Divine Soul, even what is called an Oversoul, and we are each - and all - an individual incarnation of the former, while neither separated from, nor entirely yet One with the latter. Nor is the Oversoul an apt description of our true Self.
Lumpino is correct, describing this Monadic Spark as the source or ground of our Being, together with the Spiritual Triad (Will, Love-Wisdom and Active Intellect) Whose Consciousness is the Undying Root producing occasional shoots, or new leaves within the Book of Life, for us surface-dwellers. Most of the picture, of course, is quite `underground.'