cartouche readings


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Maryland. usa. FINALLY! LOL
now, Ive been around a while and I have a bit of an attitude inregards to faiths etc. Also for a while to survive I did card readings. Mainly egyptian cartouche. Yes, I bought them from a conventional book store and started studying them. First I read a few friends their cards (for fun) then, funninly enoug I got confident to read a few clients. :eek: Sometimes my readings were more than accurate. eg. (i felt compelled to say, you will get a communicatio;n from overseas and everything will be ok) when I didnt know the person I was reading for was waiting on mail from a friend serving in the war. etc etc and they diid get a leter when they talked to me. (stuff llike that) after a few more ACCURATE incidents. I stopped altogether. regardless of what you might think. Its scary. can anyone else help. If you have read any of my other posts. you will kn;ow I am n;ot a great belever in God or the other stuff I feel maybe I can interpret the cards pretty well but I need some encouragement or advise. :)

What is your goal? Do you want to keep giving readings? Do you want to improve the quality of reading you give?
Cards themselves don't have any inherent power - they are a tool, like a pair of glasses, that allows you to try and perceive things you may not have been aware of, just by focusing on the cards.

It's very much like intuition, when you get a strong feeling of some event or outcome in ordinary life - and you turn out to be right. There's no reason why you should be able to know such a thing, but at that moment, you're tuned into something bigger and more important.

I guess it is very important to only do those things you feel comfortable with, though - I remember years ago some friends played a trick by pretending there was a poltergeist in my flat, by rearranging the furniture when I was out.

It scared me because if true, it meant all the dark supernatural stuff that could leave you hiding under the covers as a child could also be true.

Since then, I've ended up on a big spiritual journey exploring the universe, and the only scary things I've ever found were other human beings.

So, sure, work within your comfort zone, and maybe try tapping into the universe a little more in daily life by listening out more for your intuition.

2c. :)
now, Ive been around a while and I have a bit of an attitude inregards to faiths etc. Also for a while to survive I did card readings. Mainly egyptian cartouche. Yes, I bought them from a conventional book store and started studying them. First I read a few friends their cards (for fun) then, funninly enoug I got confident to read a few clients. :eek: Sometimes my readings were more than accurate. eg. (i felt compelled to say, you will get a communicatio;n from overseas and everything will be ok) when I didnt know the person I was reading for was waiting on mail from a friend serving in the war. etc etc and they diid get a leter when they talked to me. (stuff llike that) after a few more ACCURATE incidents. I stopped altogether. regardless of what you might think. Its scary. can anyone else help. If you have read any of my other posts. you will kn;ow I am n;ot a great belever in God or the other stuff I feel maybe I can interpret the cards pretty well but I need some encouragement or advise. :)

yes these are typical problems most people who are good at reading cards face right from the start
you were lucky if you only saw good or ambiguous things
often predicting bad things that come true makes the other person angry at you, as if it is your fault
generally predicting any kind of future, good or bad, that comes true or not, regardless, tends to develop a dependent relationship between the two people, which can cause serious distress, especially to the reader, as these are usually persons of highly developed intuition and emotional sensitivity, and so such events can be traumatic for them
these things get complicated, and are why many card readers are reluctant to read to family, good friends or lovers

personally i would assume the best explanation for this is that the system of prefabricated archetypes and complex modules of standardized meaning can be used as a symbolic mechanism for analyzing probabilities by using intuition to connect the random points of proposed meaning and cross reference them with current experience or knowledge
so basically chance, but chance occurring in a structuralized system
, one fabricated to be used intuitively to read meaning into random relations

still i have heard things, and from persons dear to me that i believe trustworthy, as well as from people who i dont know so well, suggesting these matters get much more complicated and life can get strange and unpleasant when dabbling with such things

if you believe youre good at what you can do, and decide that you will continue, it might be best to develop a set of personal rules and habits to distance yourself from the other person, to avoid unnecessary involvement and association with any possible problems the person might have
also some people might adopt or invent little personal rituals, to convince themselves no negative effects catch up with them, real or imaginary, or to regulate whatsoever energies or entities those persons might believe they are dealing with
this makes perfect sense from a psychological point of view

you definitely should not stop now you think youre getting results, simply because getting things right scares you
i mean, this is the actual point of the whole exercise is it not? To get things right, no?
the more you go into this, the more you open potentials to further develop as a person

if you are having trouble dealing with this new situation, why not attempt to develop a way of thinking that simplifies things, removes some of the perceived responsibility from your perceived position, if that is what burdens you
after all you are just the reader, most of the variables depend on the querant, and what he will do with his new information, even more than weather it should somehow turn to be true or not

also remember that, if you should decide to continue, and do things right, the actual prediction of the future, no matter how close you get it, or how completely you miss it, is less important
you are in fact preforming a completely different function, of which the actual predictions are but byproducts

but be careful, any which way
So much for cards, but palm reading has become a Science. Over on, uh, one of those personality/meet people sites the computer asks questions about your palm to give you a personality profile. It doesn't tell your future though its surpisingly good at personality profiles. Its results are based statistically on about 4,000 people who filled out personality info and had their hands scanned. Its the new Gattica, so give it a go.
now, Ive been around a while and I have a bit of an attitude inregards to faiths etc. Also for a while to survive I did card readings. Mainly egyptian cartouche. Yes, I bought them from a conventional book store and started studying them. First I read a few friends their cards (for fun) then, funninly enoug I got confident to read a few clients. :eek: Sometimes my readings were more than accurate. eg. (i felt compelled to say, you will get a communicatio;n from overseas and everything will be ok) when I didnt know the person I was reading for was waiting on mail from a friend serving in the war. etc etc and they diid get a leter when they talked to me. (stuff llike that) after a few more ACCURATE incidents. I stopped altogether. regardless of what you might think. Its scary. can anyone else help. If you have read any of my other posts. you will kn;ow I am n;ot a great belever in God or the other stuff I feel maybe I can interpret the cards pretty well but I need some encouragement or advise. :)

It works... but it screws you in the end.

I had a friend who really got into this stuff.... Lets just say that it ended very badly for her. Last I talked to her about it, she didnt wanna go near this stuff. It pulls you in, and before you know it, you actually start making important decisions based on the readings of these cards (she was really tarrot and astrology). I have noticed the same pattern associated with horoscopes, astrology, numerology, iching, biorhythms, palmistry, etc. etc. etc. whatever.

Personally, I used to be very interested in these things too... but I realized how destructive this stuff can be... I mean, if your religious beliefs are pagan in nature, then this obviously wouldnt bother you. But for monotheists like me, its a VERY big no-no.

Nonetheless, I would advise you to stay away from this stuff Grey.
Hey, grey. :) Not that it matters much, because this post is a "blast from the past," but I'd say do whatever you feel is most comfortable. Fear is usually an indicator that I'm not ready for something, even if I can do it. Healthy respect/caution is another thing. There have been times that I did things that made me fearful, and typically that was an indicator that I'd not worked enough spiritually in grounding myself in God to process what happened yet. It's my cue to run back to God. I'm not sure if that's how it is for others.

As for something like the cards... well, it depends on how one perceives them, I daresay. The cards themselves are, like money, neutral inanimate objects. It's our motivation and how we use them that matters. I have a Druid Animal Oracle deck that is simply gorgeous. I pull out cards when it suits me, which is to say whenever I feel like it. The way I perceive the cards is that they are gorgeous symbols that can assist in my conscious mind opening up to my underlying subconscious thoughts and feelings. What the card means is not so important as how I feel or my thoughts about its meaning. They are a means of dialoguing with myself about what's going on in my life. If the card tells me "Change" for example, do I feel happy? Excited? Worried? Why? Those answers are more important than the card itself.

Personally, I don't use the cards to communicate with anyone other than myself- to gain insight into my own subconscious or the latent workings in my own relationships. Kind of like remembering my dreams and then thinking them through. I also don't think they tell the future. My experience has been that some people are inherently given to precognition (knowing what will happen before it does) and if that is you, then you could do that without the cards as well. It's just that the cards allowed you a new way to tap into that part of your brain by thinking in a new way. I'm not precognitive as a rule, so I don't know. I can sense the proper action in the moment based on what I feel is God's will, or the most harmonious path, but I can't tell you what will happen afterwards. I simply have faith that if I'm praying for God's will sincerely and following my intuition, the best action will follow. The cards have nothing much to do with my decision-making except to alert me to how I feel and think "deeper down" inside. That doesn't mean the results should be blindly followed, since they are essentially my subconscious talkin'.

Anyhoo, there's my panentheist/Christian/Druid 2 cents. I'd say, if the cards scare you, leave 'em be. Why make life scarier? :eek::)