Hey, grey.

Not that it matters much, because this post is a "blast from the past," but I'd say do whatever you feel is most comfortable. Fear is usually an indicator that I'm not ready for something, even if I
can do it. Healthy respect/caution is another thing. There have been times that I did things that made me fearful, and typically that was an indicator that I'd not worked enough spiritually in grounding myself in God to process what happened yet. It's my cue to run back to God. I'm not sure if that's how it is for others.
As for something like the cards... well, it depends on how one perceives them, I daresay. The cards themselves are, like money, neutral inanimate objects. It's our motivation and how we use them that matters. I have a Druid Animal Oracle deck that is simply gorgeous. I pull out cards when it suits me, which is to say whenever I feel like it. The way I perceive the cards is that they are gorgeous symbols that can assist in my conscious mind opening up to my underlying subconscious thoughts and feelings. What the card means is not so important as how I
feel or my
thoughts about its meaning. They are a means of dialoguing with myself about what's going on in my life. If the card tells me "Change" for example, do I feel happy? Excited? Worried? Why? Those answers are more important than the card itself.
Personally, I don't use the cards to communicate with anyone other than myself- to gain insight into my own subconscious or the latent workings in my own relationships. Kind of like remembering my dreams and then thinking them through. I also don't think they tell the future. My experience has been that some people are inherently given to precognition (knowing what will happen before it does) and if that is you, then you could do that without the cards as well. It's just that the cards allowed you a new way to tap into that part of your brain by thinking in a new way. I'm not precognitive as a rule, so I don't know. I can sense the proper action in the moment based on what I feel is God's will, or the most harmonious path, but I can't tell you what will happen afterwards. I simply have faith that if I'm praying for God's will sincerely and following my intuition, the best action will follow. The cards have nothing much to do with my decision-making except to alert me to how I feel and think "deeper down" inside. That doesn't mean the results should be blindly followed, since they are essentially my subconscious talkin'.
Anyhoo, there's my panentheist/Christian/Druid 2 cents. I'd say, if the cards scare you, leave 'em be. Why make life scarier?