G-d - what is He?

Azure24 said:
...Looking at the reponse that I have received from Raksha or as you put it 'the Jewish perspective', Dondi, perhaps you too are also ignorant as you seem to have underestimated the sensibility of the Jewish people of this board.

Look, I'm not up to getting into a pissing match with you on this. This has nothing to do with the feelings of Raksha or any others on this board. It was more a comment on being aware of who you are addressing in a particular board. I do not speak for Raksha, BB, or dauer, but when the OP question states:

Muslimwoman said:
"Anyway, this got me to wondering what Judaism says about G-d. Do people of the Jewish faith have a collective vision of G-d or heaven? Does the Torah give you any glimpse of G-d or 'what' He is?"

you kinda have to figure that Muslimwoman is not looking for a Christian answer, nor long blocks of posts carried over from a Christian thread as you have in post #32.

I don't think anyone here minds if you have a view from a Christian perspective, being in a comparative format and all, but it makes it all the more disrespectful with pretentious statements such as:

Azure24 said:
Let me enlighten you, no not me... God!

...followed by extensive quotes from the New Testament. That to me borders on promotion. I would suggest to review the Code of Conduct.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, does the title of this thread not read

"G-d - what is He?"?

It does not say "G-d - what is He? For The Jewish Only"

as salaam aleykum

Yes I called the thread "G-d - what is He", which I posted on the Judaism board in order to ask for the Jewish understanding/view/ teaching about what G-d 'is'.

Had I posted anywhere other than the Judaism board but wanted a Jewish perspective I would have called it "G-d - what is He .... from the Jewish perspective".

Ok, so that means that i am not welcome is that what you are saying?

(I understand this is a Jewish thread but the question is Universal).

I have always found that everyone is welcome to contribute. The discussion I started is about how Jews perceive G-d and you are welcome to add any knowledge you have about how Jews percieive Him.

Forgive me but I come to the Judaism board to learn, with respect, not to preach or state my faiths beliefs.

certainly long blocks of cut and paste are rarely welcome as is proselytising. i think raksha has put it rather well:

Raksha said:
This hard-nosed policy is necessary because Jews have always been the prime targets for Christian proselytizing, which can be pretty sneaky and underhanded. Christians will come on the forum pretending to "ask a question" about Judaism. But then it turns out they are just looking for an opening, an excuse to tell all the Jews on that forum just how "wrong" they are regarding their interpretation of some prophecy, or the nature of the Messiah, or...whatever. What it usually boils down to is rehashing some old debate that has already been rehashed and (from our side) refuted hundreds of times. This creates a hostile atmosphere on the forum and makes all other discussion impossible, so the moderators have to take a proactive stance when it comes to proselytizing.

in short, "dialogue" is *not* the same as "sharing the 'good news'", or "saving souls", or "invitations to islam", or either dawah or evangelisation. none of these are welcome. dialogue is - and that is what this board is for, not for trying to convert people.

