
I started with The Koran {The link also has a collection of Hadith, Pillars of Islam, etc.} I also like reading Sufi Texts.
I printed out that poem. Read it while walking a labyrinth, took me ten trips. Some of it rolls off your tongue, and is very emotive. Other parts are quite confusing. Do you know what language that was originally printed in? I always wonder with poetry how much is lost during translation. Poetry has its own issues with the poet trying to make rhymes and make sense, but when it is translated and the translator also insists on making rhymes I can't fathom how much it must change.
I'd say it changes because of the difference in language... But, rhyme isn't whatsoever important in poetry.... It's emotions right? So I guess, the translation loses it's power in the words... because of replacement not because of rhyme ;\
I printed out that poem. Read it while walking a labyrinth, took me ten trips. Some of it rolls off your tongue, and is very emotive. Other parts are quite confusing. Do you know what language that was originally printed in? I always wonder with poetry how much is lost during translation. Poetry has its own issues with the poet trying to make rhymes and make sense, but when it is translated and the translator also insists on making rhymes I can't fathom how much it must change.
Which one? Bird Parliament? (That one is Persian.)
When looking into Islam..... For studying and so on and so forth, where would you suggest starting? Home - Islam, Muslim, News, Shari`ah, Society, Family, Culture, Arts, Science

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Regarding texts, the best translation of Quran I read was by Muhammad Asad.(Message of Quran ). Others are usually old & boring. The “Official Saudi” Muhsin/Hilali translation is not that good either (as its claimed to be).

Recently, Thomas Cleary & Laleh Bakhtiar have worked on new translations. Never read them so cant say much.

For Sirah, try Martin Lings, Tariq Ramadan & Karen Armstrong.

For general introsuctions books try William Chittick, Carl Ernst, John Esposito, Hossein Nasr etc.

Anything by Hamza Yusuf (Hamza Yusuf - Alhambra Productions Inc.)

In the thread linked below are some of my recommendations to MW.


'as-salāmu calaykum!

That is the chestnut! That is the same link to other references I was looking into I just didn't think to look at that, anyway! That has a version of the Qur'an which shows arabic writen then spoken then English writen that will -soooo- help me learn more of the Arabic language... My thanks again....

maca salāma
my bad, I keep thinking in three hours you can drive from one side of the island to the other!

We are but a small island compared to your mighty island.... But I am used to this small cage, so it becomes quite a large one in mind :D Also I wouldn't be going across it I would be going up it :p But, I will keep this link certainly... If I -ever- get the chance to witness this I am sure I will take that opportunity!
my advice: check out whose interpretation is being pushed. that link that seattlegal posted appears to link to a translation with "the introduction of syed abu-ala' maududi", who is probably not the best person for you to be reading if you want to get a balanced view of islam and the qur'an, as a commentator who has inspired many of today's loony jihadis.

my suggestions for further reading:

karen armstrong's "a history of G!D", "the battle for G!D", "muhammad" and "islam, a short history" A History of God: Books: Karen Armstrong The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Books: Karen Armstrong Muhammad: Prophet for Our Time (Eminent Lives): Books: Karen Armstrong Islam: A Short History (Universal History): Books: Karen Armstrong

something on sufism: The Sufis: Books: Idries Shah

and for the stuff "they don't want you to read", ie the critical stuff muslims are saying about themselves: The Trouble with Islam Today: A Wake-up Call for Honesty and Change: Books: Irshad Manji

and, given your own particular background and experience with extremists, the following: The Islamist: Why I Joined Radical Islam in Britain, What I Saw Inside and Why I Left: Books: Ed Husain

basically, if anything says "islam believes X", or "this is the islamic view", it's probably funded by the saudis, who supply most of the seemingly free islamic education as a means to propagate wahhabism worldwide.



Marhaban Banana!

As helpful as ever! Thank you... These are all being added to my to do list lol... Wading through them but not quickly as I wish not to miss important information..... The "radical" Islam link is obviously to just see how they tick and so on right? As I am sure you wouldn't think I would wish to join any extreme groups..... :)

maca salāma

Start with the Holy Qur'an first. But be cautious--do read verses a few times, look at the context of the verse chapter and use your reason. People are very quick to judge the Qur'an,but what it is really asking us to do is to think about its verses, not just read them.

Second, I would read Muslim commentaries about Islamic practices. Read both the western and easter resources to find objective perspectives on the Muslim communities.

Be cautious about people who have certain ideas in mind, weather muslim or non-muslim sources.



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my advice: check out whose interpretation is being pushed. that link that seattlegal posted appears to link to a translation with "the introduction of syed abu-ala' maududi",

Thank you so much BB, very good adivice.

17th please do me a favour and read the Ed Husain book BB gave you a link to first - it is brilliant, a must read for every Muslim and non Muslim. I am hoping if you read that it will show the way NOT to go.

17th if you start reading Mawdudi I shall be a very unhappy person.

I would like to put you in touch with a young friend of mine (he is about your age, has a wealth of knowledge and his brother studied hadith for a number of years). I shall check with him first and if OK I shall PM you his email. I have learnt to trust him and the reading materials he recommends.

I have spoken to my friend, I will PM his Yahoo address for chats and also he would like you to join his forum. It has so many resources for learning Arabic, learning about Islam etc - you will love it but you are not allowed to forget about us. I have asked him to walk you through everything and I know BB would approve of his views (just soBB doesn't think I am luring you to your doom). I am also a member there so shall be keeping an eye on you!!!!

'as-salāmu calaykum,

Quite worried about me then MW? lol.... Relax, I have seen from many references I have been looking at, from those that have been kindly given to me on here, and from those I have found myself that yes there seems to be a different attitude that differs between them...... Avoid Mawdudi... Got it lol. I will obviously ask those of a more middle ground what they think such as you or Amir.... To find if certain actions are too extreme, I have noticed so far that this is a very loving religion, and the stereotypical idea of a Muslim who abuses his wife for example is far from the truth there are so many laws to help/support/protect the women... And much of Muhammad (pbuh) teachings show you must look after them.... There are quite a few misunderstandings that are common with Islam, which I have found to be wrong. Yes my thanks for the contact I will wait with baited breath to hear from him.

maca salāma