

Start with the Holy Qur'an first. But be cautious--do read verses a few times, look at the context of the verse chapter and use your reason. People are very quick to judge the Qur'an,but what it is really asking us to do is to think about its verses, not just read them.

Second, I would read Muslim commentaries about Islamic practices. Read both the western and easter resources to find objective perspectives on the Muslim communities.

Be cautious about people who have certain ideas in mind, weather muslim or non-muslim sources.


Jazak Allah khair,

Your advice is much apreciated... I have joined another forum that seems to be over flowing with information and resources, and indeed the Qur'an meanings are short but much is said in that short area, seems like an internal and external meaning... That a photo of yourself? That is some amazing jilbab?(I bet I got that wrong.... lol)

maca salāma
wa aleykum salaam

Of course I am worried about you, one thing I have learnt the hard way is to be careful what you read and trace everything back to the Quran - if you can't then ask yourself why. If someone gives you information, myself included, check it - there is much misinformation out there from outside and within the Ummah.

Yes alhamdolillah Islam is a peaceful and loving religion. However, Muslims are not always peaceful and loving people, some do beat their wives, some do kill, etc but they are astray. The vision non Muslims tend to see is the bad stuff, as that is always magnified in the media and because of cultural issues but Islam itself was set up to be fair, kind and yes loving.
