Do tell!
A few years ago when our son was looking after his friends iguana ( when they went on their hols ) he did what i told him not too,
he put them in the same enclosure togeather ,
his friends iggy was a lot younger than our iggy and was quite small,
but it was a MALE
any way my son came to me all guilty looking , and said i think they have mated
we were hoping that the male iggy was to young , but some time later our iggy grew fatter and fatter in the belly then she started to dig and scratch everything in sight , she was trying to find a place to lay her eggs in .
any way , it was about the time that we were booked up to go to our hols , so we took her to REPTILE FANTASIA to be boarded for the hols , we explained to them that she was full of eggs and there was a chance that she may lay while we were on our hols
because they were really into reptiles they said do you want us to incubate the eggs if she has them while you are away .
i really didnt know what to do so they said that they had some incubation tanks and if we allowed them to incubate them they could sell them and we could have half the price .
i felt a bit guilty to just let the eggs be destroyed ,so we said ok then.
Anyway when we came back from our hols she had laid 47 eggs i could not believe how many eggs she had . and the size of them.
they looked like a hard boiled egg but about half the size .
they said that she must be a really healthy iggy to get through it all in captivity.
anyway we took her home and they incubated the eggs for about 3 months i think it was ,
when we got her home ,a week later low and behold she had another 3 eggs but they looked deformed and broken so they were no good any way.
so we waited to see what would happen with the other eggs but they were all infertile and did not produce any new little iggys
we thought at first that the people at reptile fantasia were just saying that and really they had sold them and made a profit .
not that we cared i didnt fancy having lots of iggys anyway,
but i did read in a book about reptiles that if the male is juvenile the eggs will be infertile so i think that was the case .
so there we have it ,my iggy has done more than most iggys in captivaiy i think .