The Message

But, if you deem that my judgment and rebukes are really just weeds, or that I am a spade, or that I am merely throwing stones, or that it simply does not bear fruit, then I will happily withdraw and go plant somewhere else. What do you say?
37-38"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity."
wil: Do you wish me to hear and judge your words, or not? Your choice.

Please answer plainly. I do not wish to be a hypocrite. I desire anyone and everyone to judge me and my words. I seek God's judgment.
wil: Do you wish me to hear and judge your words, or not? Your choice.

Please answer plainly. I do not wish to be a hypocrite. I desire anyone and everyone to judge me and my words. I seek God's judgment.
Namaste Cyberpi,

Those are not my words, they are The Message Bible's interpretation of what Jesus said. You may choose to hear or judge Jesus's words or mine.
35But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
36Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
37Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:
38Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
But my question is, with all our questioning of other Christians as to what and how they should think, with all our looking at other faiths and telling them they have to come over and be saved and learn our 'truth' how does all that fit in with what Jesus is said to have said according to this passage from Luke 6?

Hi Wil,
I had to go back and read the original op, was getting a little lost in thought. Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with Luke 6, but what mainstream Christians are taught and those ideas and topics that get the heavy emphasis.
Chris add something earlier, that the whole of Christian thought doesn't rest on one selection of gospel. My bible has over 2000 pages of text to use, to try to come up with an idea of what G-D wants. I read something one time, can't remember where, it went something like this: If Christianity was practiced like it is described in the bible, then a majority of us Hindus would be Christians.
So maybe it's not so much of what Luke 6 says but how some Christians are brainwashed to act.

Hi Wil,
I had to go back and read the original op, was getting a little lost in thought. Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with Luke 6, but what mainstream Christians are taught and those ideas and topics that get the heavy emphasis.
Chris add something earlier, that the whole of Christian thought doesn't rest on one selection of gospel. My bible has over 2000 pages of text to use, to try to come up with an idea of what G-D wants. I read something one time, can't remember where, it went something like this: If Christianity was practiced like it is described in the bible, then a majority of us Hindus would be Christians.
So maybe it's not so much of what Luke 6 says but how some Christians are brainwashed to act.

Namaste Joe,

I agree and I get nailed for selecting texts which indicate that we should be working on ourselves and concern ourselves with our own growth, and treat others with respect always.

Folks want me to focus on other parts of the bible and I ask well how does what it says here work with what it says there?? I'm not going to focus on separation or berating people to come to Jesus, or telling folks they are going to hell. I'll go ahead and focus on loving my fellow man, where ever they are!

Now I've run into a number of Hindu's in temples who revere Jesus as a guru, and his teachings as part of Hinduism. One priest had an "I heart Jesus" chain around his neck and in another temple a picture of Jesus was in the main hall.
Namaste Cyberpi,

Those are not my words, they are The Message Bible's interpretation of what Jesus said. You may choose to hear or judge Jesus's words or mine.
Am I talking to the bible, or am I talking to you? I am asking you, do you wish me to judge your words? Yes, it is my choice and I am asking you what your will is... do you, or do you not, wish to be judged by me?
Am I talking to the bible, or am I talking to you? I am asking you, do you wish me to judge your words? Yes, it is my choice and I am asking you what your will is... do you, or do you not, wish to be judged by me?
Namaste cyberpi,

Great question. And I don't mind hearing your opinion, but in truth first you can't judge me, and second what makes you think you have the right?

Oh, you can slander, libel, say I am wrong, state evidence to the contrary of what I say, but can you judge? I don't think so.
More than a question, and it still needs your judgment and answer.

By what authority do I judge?
Only yours. Surely not by Jesus's authority. Your decision would be agreeing to the consequences of being judged by the same measure, not by me, or anyone else in this plane...

You have free will.
More than a question, and it still needs your judgment and answer. I am asking you, do you wish me to judge your words? Yes, it is my choice and I am asking you what your will is... do you, or do you not, wish to be judged by me?
More than a question, and it still needs your judgment and answer. I am asking you, do you wish me to judge your words? Yes, it is my choice and I am asking you what your will is... do you, or do you not, wish to be judged by me?
And I've repeatedly asked you, by what right do you feel you are compelled and qualified to do so? Have you been annointed by G!d for this task? What is this inherent need when your elder brother and wayshower indicates the risk is not worth it. Best to look for your log whilst I work on mine.

You need not my permission and any encouragement on my part, according to scripture could be the unraveling of your salvation, I surely do not wish to take part in that.
More than a question, and it still needs your judgment and answer. I am asking you, do you wish me to judge your words? Yes, it is my choice and I am asking you what your will is... do you, or do you not, wish to be judged by me?
As steel sharpens steel, so does one brother bring another up to righteousness. Be my brother's keeper, and I will be yours.

That too is biblical.


And I've repeatedly asked you, by what right do you feel you are compelled and qualified to do so? Have you been annointed by G!d for this task?
By what right do you feel you are compelled and qualified to love? Have you been annointed by G!d for the task?

What is this inherent need when your elder brother and wayshower indicates the risk is not worth it.
If Jesus said it is not worth it, then why do seek his judgment?

Best to look for your log whilst I work on mine.
Is the log in my eye when I seek the judgment from others, or when I reject their judgment? If I give something that I do not see, then I am a fabricating liar. If I give something that I do see, then I speak the truth. But if you do not wish to receive from me, then must I give?

You need not my permission and any encouragement on my part, according to scripture could be the unraveling of your salvation, I surely do not wish to take part in that.
If your enemy loves those who love them, and you love everyone, then who is going to hate you? If Jesus tells you to turn the other cheek, then what will you do to have been punched or slapped in the first place?

I receive as I give, and I like what I receive. If you do not wish to receive, then I think Jesus says to not give. But if you do not wish to receive from me, then I will not give to you. Judgment.
By what right do you feel you are compelled and qualified to love? Have you been annointed by G!d for the task?

If Jesus said it is not worth it, then why do seek his judgment?

If your enemy loves those who love them, and you love everyone, then who is going to hate you? If Jesus tells you to turn the other cheek, then what will you do to have been punched or slapped in the first place?
Namaste cyberpi,

As I see it, read it, understand it, we've all been anointed by G!d thru the words attributed to Jesus, to love one another. Am I qualified, I'd like to work on that certification, till then I'll practice.

I don't seek Jesus's judgment.

As for that last sentiment. Tis quite interesting how many folks who we run into that believe that things like health, wellness and peace on earth would simple destroy our economies that are based on sickness, dis ease, violence and war. I would love to live in the world where we all understand that we have no enemies and we all love each other unconditionally. Nirvana, Utopia, Heaven. No disrespect but the fact that you put into words that we somehow have to instigate somehow have to instigate situations to allow us to turn the other cheek is quite funny. (of course maybe I've just done so.)
Am I qualified, I'd like to work on that certification, till then I'll practice.
Then truly helping others would mean helping others achieve... achieve their certification.

I don't seek Jesus's judgment.
Are you sure? I do. Yours too.

wil said:
As for that last sentiment. Tis quite interesting how many folks who we run into that believe that things like health, wellness and peace on earth would simple destroy our economies that are based on sickness, dis ease, violence and war.
If judgment is not spoken then the stones will speak. Violence and war will come when people will not judge and hear judgment.

wil said:
I would love to live in the world where we all understand that we have no enemies and we all love each other unconditionally.
I would like for people to learn that judgment is a part of loving and being loved. But decide for yourself, do you or do you not, want me to keep judging you?

wil said:
Nirvana, Utopia, Heaven. No disrespect but the fact that you put into words that we somehow have to instigate somehow have to instigate situations to allow us to turn the other cheek is quite funny. (of course maybe I've just done so.)
If I command a dog then my words do instigate. Who are you calling a dog? A purpose of judgment is to inform, not to instigate violence.
Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy. matthew 5;7
Then truly helping others would mean helping others achieve... achieve their certification.

If judgment is not spoken then the stones will speak. Violence and war will come when people will not judge and hear judgment.

I would like for people to learn that judgment is a part of loving and being loved. But decide for yourself, do you or do you not, want me to keep judging you?

If I command a dog then my words do instigate. Who are you calling a dog? A purpose of judgment is to inform, not to instigate violence.
Namaste Cyberpi,

Such a way with words you have. In reverse order. You use your unknown definitions to equate with your unspoken analogies and then accuse me of calling someone a dog. The stand up routine is wonderful!

If judgment is loving why would Jesus ask you to judge not? If you are a follower why are you so insistent on ignoring his direction?

Folks without sin are always invited to throw the first stone, just after they get the log out of their eye.

Achieve certification?? Do you get parchment to frame and hang?

I still say, I'll stick to encouraging by actions and discussion, not by berating, cajoling, and threatening. As I indicated to mee, if you have issues discussing the text from Luke which this thread is about, there are plenty of other threads on the board to participate in.
Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy. matthew 5;7
Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law: judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought you to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

So if Jesus calls the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for omitting judgment, mercy, and faith... are we following Jesus when we personally omit either judgment, or mercy, or faith? I submit these are verbs in the personal relationship with a friend, and a stranger, and an enemy on the street. It is not a societal problem, it is an individual requirement in every relationship. It is convenient to drop any one of those three: judgment, or mercy, or faith... depending on the personal relationship. Jesus called hypocrite... literally called hypocrite those who dropped judgment, who dropped mercy, or who dropped faith. When society framents to leave the responsibility of judgment to one, mercy to another, and faith to yet another... do individuals really get to choose one over the other? I submit the scribes and Pharisees as individuals each presented one or the other depending on whether it was a friend, stranger, or enemy.

wil, despite your words and interpretation, I find that you do judge and apply words, which I consider is good.

I find that with an alleged enemy or where there is conflict: mercy, judgment, and faith can each tend to be absent. So if someone promotes one but not another then I have words. For example those who are at war with each other... when do they really stop and exchange words? There is judgment internal, but where is there an honest exchange of words across the line? Instead of open judgment, those involved in war are taught to hide from or lie to their enemy. Camoflage and decoy. Secrecy and propaganda. Open judgment is not easy, especially with an alleged enemy or an authority.
You use your unknown definitions to equate with your unspoken analogies and then accuse me of calling someone a dog. The stand up routine is wonderful!
If I am incited to violence by judgment, then I compare myself to a dog. A dog does have ears.

If judgment is loving why would Jesus ask you to judge not? If you are a follower why are you so insistent on ignoring his direction?
My interpretation: If you don't want to be judged, then don't judge.

Folks without sin are always invited to throw the first stone, just after they get the log out of their eye.
You speak of punsihment, not judgment. Call it metaphor if you wish... did David not hurl a rock at the forhead of a giant? Is it not possible to judge without throwing a rock? Do you think judgment is only for one called a 'Son of David'?

Achieve certification?? Do you get parchment to frame and hang?
I don't know... what certification were you referring to working on? All I am saying is that helping someone else is more involved than a handout.

I still say, I'll stick to encouraging by actions and discussion, not by berating, cajoling, and threatening.
Yet those are your judgments... of what you consider to be berating, cajoling, or threatening.

As I indicated to mee, if you have issues discussing the text from Luke which this thread is about, there are plenty of other threads on the board to participate in.
Luke 19:40 And he answered and said unto them, "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."
Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law: judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought you to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

So if Jesus calls the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for omitting judgment, mercy, and faith... are we following Jesus when we personally omit either judgment, or mercy, or faith? I submit these are verbs in the personal relationship with a friend, and a stranger, and an enemy on the street. It is not a societal problem, it is an individual requirement in every relationship. It is convenient to drop any one of those three: judgment, or mercy, or faith... depending on the personal relationship. Jesus called hypocrite... literally called hypocrite those who dropped judgment, who dropped mercy, or who dropped faith. When society framents to leave the responsibility of judgment to one, mercy to another, and faith to yet another... do individuals really get to choose one over the other? I submit the scribes and Pharisees as individuals each presented one or the other depending on whether it was a friend, stranger, or enemy.

Jesus often defended the Holy Scriptures against misuse, misinterpretation, and misrepresentation. The religious teachers of his day represented God’s Word in an unbalanced way. They put a lot of emphasis on observing the smallest particulars of the Mosaic Law but very little on applying the principles on which the laws were based. They thus encouraged a superficial form of worship, one concerned with outward appearances rather than with weightier matters—such as justice, mercy, and faithfulness. (Matthew 23:23

They were indeed blind guides