Who is the beast in revealation?

no, 17th, didnt mee say that is when gods rule has started again etc and the messiah is here. oh crap I cant follow all this prophecy, I think Ill wait fo r the movie to come out.
no, 17th, didnt mee say that is when gods rule has started again etc and the messiah is here. oh crap I cant follow all this prophecy, I think Ill wait fo r the movie to come out.

I don't believe it is worth the wait lol....... Just look at it like this... They believe that their students that were looking into the bible found that Satan was cast down from Heaven forever by God, and that is why the world has "got worse" and it is great that there was a war at the time also lol.... JW's believe that prophet jesus (saws) will come back as the son of god in revelation, for some crazy reason to rule then after a 1000 year period when it has calmed down give it back to God I guess... Some reason God couldn't handle it? lol... Jesus (saws) the JW's believe now is "in control" in heaven.. From that date... I thought that was what God was to do? But, oh well...
well, if he is in control I think he needs a few apprentices cos its pretty **** in some places. My place is fine but there is a whole lotta crap elsewhere. he may need to speak to his union official cos someone is sleeping on the job,
well, if he is in control I think he needs a few apprentices cos its pretty **** in some places. My place is fine but there is a whole lotta crap elsewhere. he may need to speak to his union official cos someone is sleeping on the job,

Yes, but what Mee and any other JW will tell you is that Heaven is now in order... And they will get to Earth next some time.... Soon.... Promise.... It was a war let's say

Satan here and his butt buddies

God and his angels here....

Satan is giving it all that.... God then says see ya, kicks him down to Earth, Jesus (saws) for some crazy reason takes control....... And hooray heaven is cleansed.....

Now they have to wait till whenever and Jesus (saws) [not god] will come down and sort out Earth, then Jesus (saws) [not god] will rule Earth......
mee., is sooo fanatical about his beliefs I cant get a conversation from him without him quoting stuff. Not his opinions, mind you just religious babble. If something good has happened he says its Jehovahs will etc but if something bad happens it must be all Satan. How about Humans. ****, maybe we are actually responsible for something.???????/
mee., is sooo fanatical about his beliefs I cant get a conversation from him without him quoting stuff. Not his opinions, mind you just religious babble. If something good has happened he says its Jehovahs will etc but if something bad happens it must be all Satan. How about Humans. ****, maybe we are actually responsible for something.???????/

I know it can be hard, as he only quotes the watchtower.org lol....

Anyway, in reference to oh that is good so "jehovah" must have done it! That is bad! Satan did it! Indeed, my view on that is bs. Something good happens it is because you have wished for that, if something bad happens it is because you have created that... We are complex creations of Allah but are minds are ours, he has given them to us, we call the shots for now, if we do evil it isn't Satan doing it, it is us.... If it is good it isn't God, it is us.... We at the end of the day stamp our own ticket, heck we even choose our own destination.... Satan, God they do not choose we do. Reap the benefits/rewards/punishment afterwards... Everything is taken in account, and you are soley responsible for where you're heading ;)
holy crap 17th that sounds a bit like what I reckon 2 ?????

But, that is because it is true.... ;)

You think Satan causes to be? Tsuanmi for example... Were the people involved evil people of satan? And God removed them? Or do you think they were ALL good people? And Satan removed them? Or do you think, it was just something that naturally happened? And what good/bad these poor souls have done before dying to the disaster will go ahead of them and be counted? and from there, it shall be judged.... Not from this one example on Earth.... JW's would have you believe that satan was responsible btw.... ;) But then, if he were, it doesn't matter what some book says, if Satan did that God would step in, because god is a being of mercy, but it doesn't work like that.......
so, mee, was the new messiah born in 1914?
GODS HEAVENLY KINGDOM was born in 1914 ,Daniel 2;44 remember the book of revelation is for our days , and we are living in thrilling times , and the book is highly symbolic , do not make the mistake of thinking that the male child spoken of is Jesus , because it isnt speaking about the birth of Jesus , it is speaking about the birth of the heavenly kingdom.
but of cause Jesus is the one that was given kingship of Gods kingdom Daniel 7;13-14
well, if he is in control I think he needs a few apprentices cos its pretty **** in some places. My place is fine but there is a whole lotta crap elsewhere. he may need to speak to his union official cos someone is sleeping on the job,

the reason that the problems are still with us ,is because humans are still ruling on the earth, and God has not as yet stepped into the affairs of humans , you will see from reading DANIEL 2;44 that the kingdom was set up (in the heavens) and it was in the days of those kings ( in other words while humans were still ruling) so that is why things are not right on the earth , human goverments miss the mark of perfection . so even though Jesus was given kingship in the HEAVENLY kingdom in 1914 , the goverments of men are as yet still ruling . but NOW in this time of the end, the gathering of a GREAT CROWD is going on and that GREAT CROWD are putting their trust in the heavenly kingdom and its reigning king Jesus christ, and they are also knowing that it is Gods kingdom REVELATION 7;9-10 And Jesus is directing a great preaching work that is going global all over the world , and that preaching work means that those who respond to it ,are putting themselves among that great crowd and preaching about the kingdom also . and it is verrrry gooodnews indeed. matthew 24;14
If something good has happened he says its Jehovahs will etc but if something bad happens it must be all Satan. How about Humans. ****, maybe we are actually responsible for something.???????/
the fact of the matter is..... humans were not created to rule themselves independant of God , thats why no matter how many goverments are tried it will never work out , the earth is full of problems , even though human rulers may try their best ,we were never created to rule ourselves.

yes i agree that humans doing it there own way makes problem after problem ,it is all trial and error .

but at the end of the day satan is responsible for all of the problems because he was the instigater of the rebellion back in the Garden of Eden , and it was him that got the first humans to go it alone .
I know it can be hard, as he only quotes the watchtower.org lol....
i think you will find that all Jehovahs witnesses quote what the bible says and that is what they base their beliefs on .

rather than manmade thoughts :)
But, that is because it is true.... ;)

You think Satan causes to be? Tsuanmi for example... Were the people involved evil people of satan? And God removed them? Or do you think they were ALL good people? And Satan removed them? Or do you think, it was just something that naturally happened? And what good/bad these poor souls have done before dying to the disaster will go ahead of them and be counted? and from there, it shall be judged.... Not from this one example on Earth.... JW's would have you believe that satan was responsible btw.... ;) But then, if he were, it doesn't matter what some book says, if Satan did that God would step in, because god is a being of mercy, but it doesn't work like that.......
tell me ,why do you say that JW think God made the tsuanmi and other tragic things happen?:confused: the God of the bible is not responsible for killing people , it is just that people are in the wrong place at the wrong time , if i was to step off the path and into a passing bus i would die but that would not be Gods fault, it is just as the bible tells us in
(Ecclesiastes 9:11)

because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all.

wrong place wrong time
Yes that is interesting that JW's will state with irony that such things are not of God's doing... (although happily say something is of Satan's doing) such as the classic example you people use, the dead little girl? And the vicar says God wanted a flower for his garden or some karp? Something along those lines.... And you then state God doesn't do such things as this, he isn't involved in anything that takes human life away....... Yet, in the "bible study book" You know the one, A5 sized yellow, on the front has a picture of an open bible.... With (if memory serves me correctly) Dark brown border? If you go near the end, it shows things that will have to happen to bring on the last days.... (revelation) Meaning, that infact, yes you believe God makes these things happen to fullfil prophecy.... If Ya think aboot it....

Hmm that has made me think of something to ponder... Noah's ark :\
mee., is sooo fanatical about his beliefs I cant get a conversation from him without him quoting stuff. Not his opinions, mind you just religious babble. If something good has happened he says its Jehovahs will etc but if something bad happens it must be all Satan. How about Humans. ****, maybe we are actually responsible for something.???????/
its not that i am fanatical ,its just that i make known the truth and people do not like the truth of the bible . and rather than putting over my own thoughts i would rather put over what the bible has to say . not quite sure what you mean about the good and bad thing ,

JW are not like some people who say that everything that happens is part of Gods plan , good and bad ,we do not think that at all .

i have known some so called christians say that when a plane crashes it was all part of Gods plan , the bible does not teach such lies as that ,and the God of the bible is not like that .

the bible fortold what sort of things would be happening in the last days such as in 2 timothy 3;1-5 and matthew 24 but God does not plan bad things to happen .
i think you will find that all Jehovahs witnesses quote what the bible says and that is what they base their beliefs on .

rather than manmade thoughts

Que? LMAO........... Manmade thoughts? Yeah ok then Mee.......
Yes that is interesting that JW's will state with irony that such things are not of God's doing... (although happily say something is of Satan's doing) such as the classic example you people use, the dead little girl? And the vicar says God wanted a flower for his garden or some karp? Something along those lines.... And you then state God doesn't do such things as this, he isn't involved in anything that takes human life away....... Yet, in the "bible study book" You know the one, A5 sized yellow, on the front has a picture of an open bible.... With (if memory serves me correctly) Dark brown border? If you go near the end, it shows things that will have to happen to bring on the last days.... (revelation) Meaning, that infact, yes you believe God makes these things happen to fullfil prophecy.... If Ya think aboot it....

Hmm that has made me think of something to ponder... Noah's ark :\

i think i am correct in saying that many religious leaders of CHRISTENDOM tell people that loved ones have gone to heaven and God wanted them up there with him ,

and when you think about that, it is actually promoting the first lie of satan ,and that FIRST lie was said to Eve , YOU WILL NOT DIE the teaching of the IMMORTALITY OF THE HUMAN SOUL is promoted by satan to teach people lies about the condtion of the dead . that first lie has been promoted in many ways .
Hmm that has made me think of something to ponder... Noah's ark :\
have you pondered ? :)

i think we are living in times just like the days of noah , and back in noahs day when things did happen as noah had made known , it was God who shut the door of the ark , so no more people were able to enter into the ark . and now the making known about the GOODNEWS of salvation is going on all over the world, and eventually the preaching work will stop and it will be to late to get into the place of concealment,

but the sign of christs PRESENCE has been going on since 1914 and we are in a time like noahs day .

while most people realize that noah was a builder of an ark, not many realize that Noah was also a preacher . and i can imagine that he must have been ridiculed when he told others how to get away safe :)
no, 17th, didnt mee say that is when gods rule has started again etc and the messiah is here. oh crap I cant follow all this prophecy, I think Ill wait fo r the movie to come out.

1914 was the START of the last days , and the last days mean the last days of humans ruling themselves independant of God , it was the start of the end for human rulership.

the end of manmade goverments is what the end means , not the end of the planet . thats why in matthew 24;14 it speaks about GOODNEWS OF THE KINGDOM AND THEN THE END WILL COME ,

It will be the end of man ruling himself, but first the GOODNEWS about the kingdom will be made known .
1914 was the START of the last days , and the last days mean the last days of humans ruling themselves independant of God , it was the start of the end for human rulership.

the end of manmade goverments is what the end means , not the end of the planet . thats why in matthew 24;14 it speaks about GOODNEWS OF THE KINGDOM AND THEN THE END WILL COME ,

It will be the end of man ruling himself, but first the GOODNEWS about the kingdom will be made known .
this is another false setting of a date by a group known for setting false prophecies.. jesus warns us to beware of false teachers and false prophets.