Weird things are happening to me, what does it mean?

Hello Nevermore,
I am a skeptic when it comes to existence. What is this place we are experiencing...I don't know... I'm still trying to understand... I find it hard to be a skeptic for there are plenty of people who are believers of one thing or another... People who have decided that what they believe is the one truth... It's hard to argue with these people they can't hear you...

Anyway, as to your experiences with sleep paralysis, I have experienced this dreamlike state all of my life and have recently overcome the paralysis aspect of it. I am currently astral traveling instead of being paralyzed and look forward to these infrequent and involuntary experiences.
I will attempt to travel backwards in time when next I enter this strange dream state. I will also try to speak with Angels, ghosts and even God... I plan to travel within the Earth and to the outer reaches of this existence if that is possible. I want to know what this place is and if there is life after death...
Good luck with your journey....
~G. Bruno
Pontius said:
...Belief, any belief, is dangerous. If you believe in something you must disbelieve in something else. It is the nature of belief that creates internal violence. Most people are believers and have closed their minds to inquiry. As you become a believer you close your mind to other ideas and beliefs because you already have the answers (you believe)...

Any belief is dangerous? I've gotta disagree with much of what you are saying, Pontius. Certainly there are extremist in every corner, and that can be dangerous, but just having a belief about something doesn't make you dangerous, or make the situation dangerous. On the contrary, it may even be beneficial. Many charities have been started by religious organizations. Many of our laws are based on biblical principles. I do not believe that belief creates internal violence, nor does one have to be closed minded to inquiry, ideas, or other beliefs. There are certain values and moral shared by different religions. And though I might not agree with a particular system of belief, I can certainly try to understand it. That is really the basis of this forum, a sharing of ideas from across all kinds of religious boundaries. Sure, we can get into some heated arguments, but many of those barriers are broken down due to a better understanding of where the other is coming from.

It is not easy to let completely go of a belief system, particularly when you've been raised up in it. Even if you change religions, some of the things you believed before will still be present. It's not like you can shut it off. Nor more than you can shut the memories of the past off.

I do agree that we must be open minded toward a more tolerant view of others. But the fact is that religion in general provides a structure to life and stability. And if something is working for me, why should I abandon it? If I find joy, love, peace, and all that stuff in what I believe, where else do I need to go?
never fear nevermore.....
What is there to be afraid of? Humans are so blissfully ignorant of what this reality actually is. Perhaps there is a God or several Gods that are responsible for this universe and all of its quirks, quarks and properties, perhaps not… Perhaps there is an evil entity lurking out there… perhaps not… Certainly there is pain and suffering, but there is love and understanding too.
Why be afraid of what you know nothing about? Just because someone from our collective human history spoke of Gods and devils, dragons and fairies does not make them real.
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself" -T. Roosevelt
a lot of young fellas around here have "no fear" stickers on their cars. I guess its a good marketing campaign, but I always think......mmmmmm, no fear, really, do you know what fear is really? At the ripe old age of 18. fear of getting caught maybe, but real fear? I hope not. ( forgive me, but i think I have had this dialogue before, dejavu? or senility? you be the judge. )
Hi, I'm new and need theories or suggestions or advice or something, or just comments but I can't keep it all locked in my own mind any longer.

Thanks in advance.

Hi nevermore,

As you can see, we're a varied bunch and often unable (well me at least) to stay on topic. :D Still around lurking? How's it going?

groan. snoopy,well, whats the verdict? as if i didnt already know. LOl.

Well, taking into account your age :eek: it has been decided by the court that you are guilty of being an old fart in a public place. You will be taken from the court and made to sit in a rocking chair to do 10 hours community knitting. :D


You have so many replies’ I hope you will get to this one.

I have! Hi Pontius and welcome to CR. :)
Belief, any belief, is dangerous.
You mean in the context of this forum, i.e. religious? Belief the sun will rise tomorrow is not dangerous is it?
If you believe in something you must disbelieve in something else. It is the nature of belief that creates internal violence. Most people are believers and have closed their minds to inquiry. As you become a believer you close your mind to other ideas and beliefs because you already have the answers (you believe).

It is possible to let go of your belief systems and open up your mind. All ideas and beliefs have some merit. Many are difficult to swallow but that doesn't mean that one should outright reject them. Take each belief with a grain of salt. It might be that those strange people worshiping a rock know something I don't but, maybe they are misguided followers of some charismatic leader using them to benefit him or her. Neither accept nor reject.

As you become less influenced by old ideas which you have let go you will begin to see how almost all people are manipulated and used by the belief systems which they are caught up in. There are many, not just religious beliefs. Belief means something I accept to be truth and usually sets me apart from non believers. An example would be; I am an American and I live in the greatest country in the world.
I see merit in the thrust of what you are saying. In fact, I believe you are right!! How about beliefs being useful in a provisional manner on a day to day basis, without becoming attached to them like lichen, and understanding that “ultimate reality” transcends such dualistic thinking?

Well, taking into account your age :eek: it has been decided by the court that you are guilty of being an old fart in a public place. You will be taken from the court and made to sit in a rocking chair to do 10 hours community knitting. :D



snoopy, old mate the only thing Id be doing in a rocking chair is snoring.:eek::eek: I doubt if I could do it for 10 hours though. . But, Id gladly go to your court if that s the kind of sentencing youd hand out . :D
a lot of young fellas around here have "no fear" stickers on their cars. I guess its a good marketing campaign, but I always think......mmmmmm, no fear, really, do you know what fear is really? At the ripe old age of 18. fear of getting caught maybe, but real fear? I hope not. ( forgive me, but i think I have had this dialogue before, dejavu? or senility? you be the judge. )
Fear is the smell of chocolate at home, because it smells just like a burnt body you just had to bag and tag. Fear is your son drowning in the tub, because you've pulled one too many from the bay. Fear is bearing down on a felon with a loaded and locked 9mm, and knowing today might be the day you are forced to take a life, and praying God don't let it be so. Fear is not being able to pay bills, or provide for the family. Fear is watching your sons go off to war, while you are stuck pushing papers at a desk.

Fear is seeing "No Fear", as a bumper sticker on your kid's car, because they're too innocent, and ignorant and arrogant to know what Fear is.
But, Id gladly go to your court if that s the kind of sentencing youd hand out . :D

Well, the judge is senile! (it's a requirement of the job).

If the offender is unable to carry out the punishment of this court, then so be it, a lesser penalty of snoring is handed down; with the strict proviso that the tongue doesn't loll out of the side of an open mouth, thus causing drool to run down the chin in an unseemly manner.

this could be a whole new thread. probably one we had better not start. If people know your fears, they know your weakness. in my opinion. anyway.

I have nightmares about drool.

this could be a whole new thread. probably one we had better not start. If people know your fears, they know your weakness. in my opinion. anyway.
Quite the contrary. By expressing fears and overcoming them, there is nothing but strength. You missed the point. These are overcome fears...