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Not that it means much tangibly, you have my support and respect 100%mw.
wa aleykum salaam
In my post i never said that we should kill them i said we should never ever kill them sister so why you made this point........... Having said so their were done a research in our country on this videos.....but i say many not all but many were claimed to be videos from Taliban etc .... were not thiers but rather were captured in Gautonamo bei the prison and were acted so like that... it is proparganda tactics again i say not all but many.....That is what I was saying in my post. You do not agree with killing innocent people, you agree it goes against Islam and yet some Muslims still do this. They shout Allahu Akbar as they cut the head off a journalist or aid worker and they film it so the world can see. These are innocent people, not fighters so where does our religion say we can kill them because their countries government does something against Muslims? These are the actions of some Muslims and it makes non Muslims fear and hate us.
I havn't known to these things if Taliban did this i say yes sister it is wrong do qoute me i did not have seen this kind of example if they did that on the Name of Allah SWT then it was and is wrong.......So are you saying that women wanted to be beaten in the street for walking too loudly? They wanted to black their windows so they lived in darkness? That they were not allowed to get medical treatment? That the only hospital in the capital city allowed to treat women had no medical supplies and no running water?
i replied it is wrong...Can you tell me where sharia says women are to be treated in this way?
What is true it is true i would say i have no regret and should also not have any that you are right because you are speaking true, i havn't come to known about this examples and upto my knowledge i havn't seen this example upto my knowledge okay... if trusting your words i would say yes if their are like this then it is wrong.When I see oppression of women I speak out against it. You may think it is okay to say these people wanted this but I have never in my life met a woman that wants to be beaten or wants to die rather than recieve medical treatment and with attitudes like yours this oppression will be allowed to continue. This is the reform I speak of, reforming of our minds so we live by the real sharia not one that is made up by men to please themselves.
I havn't known any my knowledge is very little if their were then it is wrong.....I just want to say that the picture what you are potraiting me is from the eyes of Television or newspaper because i think you never been to Afghanistan, 30% of them are true and 70% are made upon i know i say yes 30% it would be true but 70% are not its tactics of properganda to do..... but i would say what the answer to oppression then answer me that? it allow our sister to dance in clubs let them do modeling let them be film actress let them do dramas on TV let them dance naked... and say look this is answer to oppression of Muslim woman oppression then sister i must say it is wrong.... But do remember that i would not support any Man to beat his sister, or wife for but qustion also may arise for what then do it for? please do remember i donot know you seem to answer what i never said.. your most of Part of post was on Taliban so,... sister i may say that look beating your wife is wrong but you know talking about you just have eyes or see through the media which depict you the picture ir something like that you have to have be in it to know best.... Sister i never said that woman should be treated like that way... okay never..... and i have never seen these type of things which you tell me according to my knowledge yes i say if they do this it is wrong....Very Much wrong.....We can oppress our woman you know it is allowed in Islam if she not where A hijab you know that it is in Islamic law not beat them but we can say that look if you do not where what is in Shariah we would stop your pocket money or any way we can okay.... You seem to like Zakir Naik in his giving true picture of Islam... he said that and from that im saying this... If woman say look im committing sucide because my man is saying me to cover head then it is wrong in deed and sucide in any way in Islam is Haram you should know that then she is committing more sins.... You know you seem to extract the things i have never said , do read my whole post first then answer because i sometime make more clearer later okay... I again say we should not beat our woman or anything like that i may say that wearing a burka is very much good deed it make you much more pious but having said so that minimum Islam says about is covering head to toe except hands and face okay.... So we can just pressurerize a wife or sister by not beating but by just you pressurrizing like if you not where a scarf or cover you head we will not give you pocket money or things like that... and having said so a woman can also like wise pressurrize her man to do the Fardh.So why did so many women set fire to themselves? Why did they want to die if they were so happy?
I say yes burka is not Fardh but hijab is so you can have law about it if a Taliban pressure woman to where Burka then it is wrong... sister but i again say what are answer to it that woman whould left free to become naked... no sister.... it is not........ sister okay sister........Yes alhamdolillah I am Muslim, which is why I know they were not Allah's laws.
Please tell me, if Allah wanted women to wear a burka then why did the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) say that the only part of a woman that should be seen is this and this (indicating the hands and face)?? Do you think our beloved Prophet did not understand the laws of Allah?
If i would have supporting that kind of view from first day i would have been saying that you are wrong and you should not come on net and things like that..... i know that point of view is wrong.... look if i would be supporting that view i would havn't allowed my own sister to go to school universities...if i would have said that Burka is fardh then i would have not allowed my sister to only where Hijab... i never support that view if some one do that it is wrong......You seem to think that i do not know what are Haqooqs or wrights of woman is Islam.... i also know that our Holy Prophet(pbuh) had race with His(pbuh) wifes.... i know Islam speaks about giving share to woman in a property... their are many i would say i can list them what are wrights of woman on his Husband you know it is not in any Law stated that a woman should cook food or make food for her mother in law and things like that rather it is duty of man to do it for his mother their are thousands of examples of things like islam gives complete islamic code of life. It is hadith that if Allah would have allowed a woman to have "sajdah" other then Allah then it would be his Husband....okay.. having again said so but man should not think that his wife is his servant or things like that.. i do not you know i give complete comprehensive answer but what you do only one line answer and i know it is your own choice but i say do read my all post....When our beloved Prophet said that men and women must seek knowledge do you think he meant to say men must seek knowledge and women must be banned from education?
i never said you just extracted that from that phrase i can also from many of you posts like that... that is why i said you are A muslim.. you misunderstood me and i you i thought you were saying to me that a man should not sentence to death for doing rape okay that was in my mind okay...that was what i was sayingAs I said in my last post, as soon as you question the laws of men made in the name of Islam people say you are not a good Muslim or not even a Muslim. You just prove what I say is true.
Yes you should also i will support you in that if you read my whole post i said it is wrong....What are you talking about? Every Muslim should pray 5 times a day and no that does not make us extremists. But people that oppress and kill and set off bombs in market places with women and children dying - they are extremists and I will speak against them until Allah takes the last breath from my body.
Yes i say you are true that Only Allah can judge our faith.. you know sister you misunderstood me i was not questioning your phrase sister.. you know what i believe as a Muslim that im the biggest sinner of the world in eyes of Allah Almighty.... im very much low im just like a very small creature in respect to my deeds in front of Allah Almighty... im just like some very very very small just.... i can have words to explain like a a beggar in faith in Front of Allah Almighty... if you would have known me you would have not a said these words.. you took wrong sight of the picture... my friends know that i believe that every Muslim man or woman is greater then me i just believe that and nothing else.......Do you think your words can hurt me? They can not, I am Muslim and only Allah can judge if I am a good Muslim, not you. Our beloved Prophet said we must fight oppression wherever we see it and I see it in some Muslim communities, so I will fight against it.
You know you i misunderstood you and you me so if you would have uptil read my whole post you would have remove misunderstanding you have in your mind...Did I say that I want to change our religion? No, I did not, I want us to go back to our religion. I want us to reform our minds and return to what Allah and our Prophet taught us and forget the man made laws that have been accepted for centuries. I want people like you to go back to the Quran and understand that oppressing women is not a part of Islam.
again misunderstood me if you read my other posts before this one i said that only the rapist you should be killed not woman she should rather given a more respectful stature in a society...So you think that Islam says we should kill a woman because she is raped?
this is in Saudia okay and you seem to listen to Zakir Naik much you would have known the answer to it....You think that women should be banned from driving? Please tell me where the sharia says this.
Like wise this i can also make many examples like that but having said so i say i trust your words because you are Muslim okay if it is done in Afghanistan Taliban government did that then it is wrong you know.... look sister i know their may be many things which Taliban did would be wrong but many are also good ones.... having said so it is wrong..... look some person steals something or kill some one in Egypt may i say that the government of Egypt is wrong the individual or group of people is wrong sister......You think 15 girls should be beaten with sticks and made to go back into a school that is on fire because they did not have their faces covered? All 15 girls died in that building - you think this is what Allah or the Prophet said or wanted?
you know seem to misunderstood or you just saying what i never had said seems know sister i take all my other Muslim sister like my own know you are talking me about compassion to sister???????????????????? sister i never said what you try to extract... you know my father died when i was just 5 year old sister from that point uptill now my whole life revolve around Muslim woman because i have only my mother and my sister in my family if would not know about that then who will??? and i do not know about compassion to my sisters??? sister if i would support to kill a woman to where burka i should die at that day.... and not only burka we should also not kill any of our Muslim Woman for not wearing Islamic rather we should talk to them teach them hadith and Quran and try to do it i more peaceful manner.....I thank to you for praying for me sister...i know my intentions were not of any what you extracted but having said so thanks for your Dua.....This you say is Islam!! How dare you try to say this is the law of Allah and say He would want children to die in His name because no-one should see their face. May Allah forgive you for your ignorance and teach you to have compassion for your sisters. I hope you will pray for these girls and for all sisters that are so badly treated by men in the name of Islam.
i replied itDoes a woman have a choice when she is raped?
i never said so and replied it.....Should girls choose to stay and die in a fire because there is no time to cover their faces?
You know i have replied it above having said so rape victims are not stoned to death sister... i havn't seen this kind of example in Islamic society sister i do not know from where are you saying that.... if you have read my other post i will provide you the link to that post and you would please read that also then you would be answered.....But we have changed it, again and again until we have girls dying in fires, women beaten with sticks for walking or talking too loudly and rape victims being stoned to death. The sharia does not say we must do any of these things but some Muslims do it every day.
where have i said that in my post sister about this??????I would want the man or men killed according to our laws and I would even kill them myself but why then in so many places are the women this happens to killed and the men are not punished at all? Where does the Quran or Sunnah say to kill a woman that has been so badly treated in this way? Where does it say that a man that does this should not be punished?
it is wrong and where are you saying this sister i think you have your fantasy world where you are taking out these things give some source with out source i can't believe it having said so if true then that shriah court should be banned........Why did a sharia court order that 6 men from the court must rape a woman in front of the people because her brother was too young to be punished? Tell me where it says a woman can be punished for something her brother does????
i do not know where i supported that?? i havn't sister first of all i think you misunderstood me sister thanks for reminding me alhamdulilah i have always that in my mind that what will i do when i return back to my Allah SWT im very much afraid because you know i have already said that i think in Eyes of Allah SWT im the biggest sinner of the world.....Of course you cannot tell me because it is not a part of Islam and yet this happened and it was a sharia court that did it. But you will defend them and ask if I am a Muslim. Please remember that on the Day of Judgement you will be asked about this and you will be asked why you supprted actions that are against the laws of Allah (swt).
I do not defend them sister if they something if do this what you told me then it is wrong but you should also tell me some sources also but again i say if they what you wrote then it is wrong.....You said that Allah SWT knows best about anyones faith and on other hand you are questioning my faith Allah SWT knows my intentions also before and after writing it i say i that im not superior then any other Muslim Woman or Muslim sister......I do neglect my much more then you do but sister what you wrote it was not what i wanted to say sister.......You are a wonderful example of what is currently wrong with Muslims. You will accept these things, you will even defend them and will not open your eyes and see that they are wrong and are against the teachings of Allah (swt) and the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
Im not scared to speak out truth sister but the thing is you misunderstood me sister and im not the one to question any one elses faith if i do not know of mine sister.............Sister yes you might be true Muslims because i do not know what are merits for you to being a true Muslims, for mine is life of Sahaba(R.A) and Holy Prophet(pbuh) , i know im not like them but i aim to be true a true Muslim and try my best to be true Muslim.So many Muslims are scared to speak out for truth and justice because as you have done with me, they will say "you are not Muslim" or "how can you be Muslim if you do not accept this". Well I will speak out and may Allah be my witness that I am a true Muslim.
look sister the system Taliban introduced in Afghanistan was according to the need of the people their they wanted complete Islamic Shariah imposed on their country so they did, people were much happier under their control
what Saudis Arabia does is accord to the Teachings of Islam, and is accord to Islamic Shariah,
I do not defend them sister if they something if do this what you told me then it is wrong but you should also tell me some sources also but again i say if they what you wrote then it is wrong
You know i have replied it above having said so rape victims are not stoned to death sister...
they said you know why because we do not know their true intentions you know they teach us that we should also not see some Muslim down upon even in our eyes he or she comitts so many sins that they have no limit.......
I have some doubts on the hijab and burka im just researching already on it and already is being researching on it because many ulema say that covering face is fardh many say it is not, im just researching and asking many different ulema about this and why they support what they say until and unless im not clear about it...
islamis4u, you're going to have a very hard time in this world if you just claim that something is "propaganda" if it doesn't suit your view of the taliban. frankly, the atrocities of these so-called muslims are a matter of record in many independently verified sources. you might not be used to this in pakistan, where it seems that people will believe anything the ulema tell them, or the government tries to ban youtube (!) for containing material they consider to be insulting to islam. i've got news for you - the truth will always come out despite the efforts of despots. as for your attitude towards muslimwoman, it is breathtakingly patronising - all i am hearing from you is an attempt to try and silence what is perfectly reasonable criticism.
wa aleykum salaam brother
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post and I read everything you said very carefully. I know english is not your first language, so I do thank you for working so hard to be understood. I do not have much time today so I must answer very quickly.
But you do defend them. When you say the Taliban introduced according to the Islamic Sharia and you say what the Saudi's do is according to the teaching of Islam and Islamic Sharia, you are supporting them. You accept that 30% of the stories are true, so how can they live according to sharia?
Before you say that anyone lives according to Sharia please try to find out what they do and how they apply sharia.
"Since the start of the Afghan solar new year [on March 22, 2004], we have registered 234 burn victims, and 84 of those women have died as a result of their burns." -- Doctor Abdullah Ardalan
"My name is Fazela, I am 15 years old. On that particular day when I burned myself, my husband -- who is also my cousin -- had a fight with me. He beat me. And after I was beaten, I poured kerosene over myself. Then I lit myself on fire. Before this, I really wanted to leave this house. But he took my burqa and did not let me go outside of the house. Now I really regret that I burned myself."
Perspective on Women in Afghanistan
This is from the Muslim Womens League and talks about the Taliban banning womens education and how this ban goes against the teachings of Islam. Please note that they also banned women working and women were not allowed to be treated by male doctors, so if women could not work there were no women doctors to treat sick women.
RAWA is a womens group in Kabul, Afghanistan and this is their website. Please take time to read about the 4 year old girl that was raped, the women set on fire by their husbands, men that rape and nothing is done about it, young girls (from 7 years) forced to marry to pay debts of their fathers. Scroll down to the bottom and read some of the stories and then tell me that these people were happy to live under the Taliban and the Taliban lived according to Sharia.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
As Muslims it is our duty to find the truth and not pretend it does not happen, it is too easy to close our eyes and say that is not Islam but that is the man made Islam many women live with every day and we must speak against it.
The 15 girls that were beaten and then died in a fire were from Saudi:
A civil defence officer told al-Eqtisadiah newspaper that he saw three members of the religious police "beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya".
I like to read this blog, it is written by a Saudi man and he started it because of the girls that died, this is how his blog starts, so nobody can say it is western propaganda:
In Memory of the lives of 15 Makkah Schoolgirls, lost when their school burnt down on Monday, 11th March, 2002. The Religious Police would not allow them to leave the building, nor allow the Firemen to enter.
The Religious Policeman
How can this be according to Islamic Sharia?
Yes they are, you just have to read. This is not Islam but it is what Muslims do in many countries and claim it is Islam. In Africa many women are sentenced to stoning after being raped, because they cannot produce 4 witnesses to say they were raped but the court says their pregancy is proof of zina. Also many Muslim families all over the world kill their daughters, often by stoning if they are raped, they are called "honor killings" and happen regularly in southern Egypt.
Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2003 - News
He said that rape victims under Pas' hudud need to have four witnesses of impeccable character to prove their allegations.
"If four witnesses were to merely watch a woman being raped and not attempt to help her, would they not be regarded as having sinned (for allowing a woman to be raped) and are not be fit to be witnesses?" he said.
Under Pas' hudud also, rape victims would in turn become the accused in the event that she could not make the four witnesses available.
This was said by the former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir and I think he should know what the laws said in his own country.
Now I ask you, how many men will go out to rape a woman and take 4 good pious Muslim men as witnesses?
and the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said we must fight oppression wherever we find it. He also said we must help the oppressed and the oppressor, when asked how we should help the oppressor the Prophet answered "by stopping them from oppressing".
I will be interested to know what you find out. I will not answer your comments about women going naked because they are just silly, I am a Muslimah and I wear hijab because I want to, I can dress modestly without covering my face or hands. If my husband tried to pressure me to wear it I would refuse because my faith in Allah (swt) is my own and cannot be forced on me.
Sister i have some 8 or 9 times said if Talibans are doing this then they are wrong, and i would be first one to raise voice againest them........I thank you for providing the resources......
That is what im speaking you know not all the sharia courts which claim to call themself as sharia courts are the right ones......
that if you had not wore Hijab then your Husband can pressurize you for it and likewise you can also your husband if he do not obey or practice Fardh.....
and in this some Muslims also that the answer to oppression is that Muslim Woman should be let free
I have just given short reply i stated the reason to Banana Brain and also the other day i was much scolded by ma mother also for sitting on computer for so long when exams are at ma head so sorry for short reply
I am not sure what you mean by pressurise? The wearing of hijab is a part of my faith, my submission to Allah and I do not wear it for people, so if my husband pressurises (ie forces) me to wear it then this is for the wrong reasons. If I do not wear it then yes my husband can discuss this with me and try to encourage me to see that it is part of my submission to Allah but it must be my decision and not done to make my husband leave me alone.
And when I say that Muslims must rethink (reform) what they are doing, this is what I speak about. It is not right for tribal leaders to set up sharia courts when they have no real knowledge of Islam but that is happening in many places now and that is when tradition and culture become mixed up with what is really sharia.
As-sallamu aleykum,
Thank you very much for your post! You made some really good points and you made them in a different language I think that is amazing lol... You speak very good English , also welcome to the boards!!!
Welcome hereI have joined this forum today and was going thru this thread. Its an important thread to discuss.
Now a day, it became a fashion for non-Muslims to label the Muslims as “Fundamentalist” or “Terrorist” to present a misconception to the religion which teaches the solution for humanity.
Yeah you are totally right
Yeah some but much is propaganda and nothing not all but muchThere are Muslims who are doing wrong things and this makes Islam looks bad. However, there are Muslims who are sacrificing their lives to help people on the contrary.
Totally agree with you.All I think is best for us to keep up the good work and spread the teaching of Islam as best as we can with having the respect towards Christianity and Judaism.
Maybe Muslim Woman agree with me in ma post now.