Some dates (not all!) for the End of the World

do you know what the bible is refering to , when it speaks about the thing that was, and the thing that was not , and then it was again .:)

It sounds familiar... I think I knew it at one point... I hope I can find it again and post it. (in fact, what I just said sounds like it was, was not, and then was again.... in my memory... if I can find it again :) )
These dates are pretty close:

1836 — John Wesley wrote that "the time, times and half a time" of Revelation 12:14 were 1058­1836, "when Christ should come"

1836 — Millennium begins; Johann Albrecht Bengel divided 666 by 42 and came outh that each month = 15-6/7 years. Came up with date using this formula

1843-1844 — William Miller was the founder of an end-times movement that was so prominent it received its own name — Millerism — precursor to the Jehovah's Witnesses.

and as Dah-veeth pointed out generally coincide with the beginning of the Baha'i era in our calculations.

I have a three volume set by an Adventist scholar simply entitled simply "1844" which covers social and scientific advances as well as prophecies and so on that coincide with that period.

The year "60" or 1260 AH coincided with the Gregorian year 1844 and was the year predicted of the appearance of the Mahdi in Shiah Islam actually the Shaykhi school which was like a messianic expectation parallel to the Millerite movement in the US and Europe..

There are what i would call odd coincidences that happen on various historical dates but prophecy is something though that is very subjective or projective for many people but i think a historical approach helps clarify what is behind many of these predictions..

They give people meaning and perspective i believe in a universe that is for many of us a hostile, unforgiving place.

The most recent one i've heard of is supposed to be based on the Maya calendar but most who study the Mayas dispute its accuracy... Recently i spoke with a man who believed the poles would change and human consciousness would likewise change in the year 2012. Wikipedia has a good article about this:

Harmonic Convergence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm all for the elevation of human consciousness, however the way this will come about I think will take hard work and an improving environment.

- Art
Yes I do. It means that 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000 thousand years from now someone will be proclaiming the end is near, paradise is at hand, and have an out to deny the predictions and predictors of today while at the same time swearing they got it right this time.

Heaven or Hell, tis here now, and is our choice, our perception, look neither high nor low...
its all happening in the last days Daniel 12;4 understanding is abundant, and the book of revelation is for our day, and the understanding is abundant indeed .
and knowing what the thing is that was, then it was not , then it was again, stops us putting our trust in it .
It sounds familiar... I think I knew it at one point... I hope I can find it again and post it. (in fact, what I just said sounds like it was, was not, and then was again.... in my memory... if I can find it again :) )
the bible book of revelation is the place to look :)

The Only True Way to Peace

The Bible shows that the Kingdom of God refers to heavenly rulership, or government of the earth from the spirit realm. (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 21:1-4)

This Kingdom government by Christ is already functioning worldwide and is preparing a supranational people for everlasting life under its rulership.

This completely united body of people from all nations and of all languages is known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. revelation 7;9-10 . and the great crowd is getting bigger.

They are the truly "united nations" who have already ‘beaten their swords into plowshares.’ They have also broken the shackles of racism and of parochial nationalism, which has been called "the most powerful and destructive force in international politics." Those very shackles still bind and impede the manmade organizations , but not for the great crowd spoken of in revelation 7;9-10 . they are free of it all, unity indeed :)

The most recent one i've heard of is supposed to be based on the Maya calendar but most who study the Mayas dispute its accuracy...

A lot of my colleagues study the Maya and I've absorbed a bit from classes and by proxy. I don't think the dispute is about the 2012 date as much as the idea that it means the "end" of anything. The Maya conceptualization of time was cyclical, not linear and they had multiple calendars. 2012 is when a long-count calendar would re-start, not when the world would end. New Agers (most of whom don't know much about the Maya or their calendars) grabbed hold of 2012 and assigned all sorts of ideas to it.

By contrast, the regular calendar for the Maya turns over every 52 years, but you don't have people attaching end-of-the-world dates to those years. People are funny creatures.

Recently i spoke with a man who believed the poles would change and human consciousness would likewise change in the year 2012.

We are due for a polar change, but as I understand it, it is not a process that happens in a day. The poles gradually weaken and then you have a period of time in which everything is crazy- you can have multiple "north" poles, for example. This happens for a while, and then it eventually stabilizes with north in the south and vice versa. I don't think science holds up the idea that it would happen in a single year.

I'm all for the elevation of human consciousness, however the way this will come about I think will take hard work and an improving environment.

I agree. I don't think dates have much to do with it. I think people need to stop wishfully thinking that some magical day will come when we live better, more loving lives and start doing it *now.* There is no time like the present for positive action.