A better you..... A better world.

Yeah, it's just meditation. But on the other hand, I think changing our thinking helps change our action. And it reminds me to hold up in prayer and love all those who suffer because of war and conflict.

Hey less of the just :)

As you indicated Path, our minds (thoughts) are given expression through our bodies (action), including our speech.

Changing minds changes everything.

Until the mind changes, nothing changes.

Hey less of the just :)

As you indicated Path, our minds (thoughts) are given expression through our bodies (action), including our speech.

Changing minds changes everything.

Until the mind changes, nothing changes.


I'm with you Snoopy. :) I was referring to how people tell me, "Why bother? It's just meditation!"

Personally, I think there are ways to even bypass change having to be mediated through our bodies (action). So to me, meditation and focusing one's intent, or directing energy to a vision (of peace or love or whatever) does have direct impact. Some call it magic, but I just think it is a different kind of action- an action that directly impacts energies in the world as opposed to matter.

So think good thoughts! Because whatever you think on, manifests in some way (except when you're trying to win the lottery LOL).

As for my suggestion for the day- if you live with a family member (your child, your spouse, etc.)- try waking up earlier than them and watch them sleep for a little while. It sounds odd, I know. But there is something deeply moving about seeing a loved one sleeping, especially one's spouse. All the expression of worry or stress that are there when they are awake melt into a look of innocent childlike rest. It's a lovely thing.
Show acceptance and Love and support... To everyone, even those that do not share it back.... It works out in the long run....

Dance! Great exercise, good excuse for insanity and good for the soul....

Do not keep a list of those whom "owe" you....

Love, you can't lose.

Stop pretending to Live, and for the sake of Love,... Do it.

An act of Love IS an act of Love... It cannot be meausred, So from giving a stranger 1,000,000 big ones or a simple smile.... There isn't a true scale... It is all Love... So you have the power to do that today.... :D Share it!

Kind of stealing this one off Paladin lol The World of Leo Buscaglia Do this test every day! :D
You being serious? You wanna borrow my ears? I am more than willing to listen. :D Heck even give advice (if you dare) But to offer support really lol, count me in brother. (if we for some reason cannot get a care team up and running, I am willing to listen to anyone!)
BTW: What I was thinking was a sub forum under health? You know the "groups" thing? You could start a group and all those that wished to get help advice borrow an ear, borrow a shoulder... Could join that group. And we could have the choice then, you have the open way and the closed way, so you can list those in there that will be supporters... And you can either speak to them alone or in a group as both ways has it's positive side... That is all lil me was thinking.
I kinda like that idea, Alex. Maybe bring it up in Feedback and let's see if people could use it?

My advice for the day...

Adopt an animal, if you haven't already done so. Studies show that pets generally make people more healthy and happy (just don't pick a pet you're allergic to) and are a big de-stresser. Plus, if you get a dog, you have to walk it and then you'll get exercise!

If you're going to get a pet, make sure you honestly evaluate what you can handle (problems, age, training, activity level, etc.) and adopt an unwanted one. There are so many wonderful animals that need homes.

My horses and dogs second the motion...
...have a wash...use deoderant... stay indoors when psychotic...

Damn I just spat coffee all over my keyboard, that is the funniest thing I have read in ........ too long to remember!!

My 2p worth - open your mind, respect that other people have views and opinions that you don't need to agree with but you should accept as their right to have. Be open to new ideas.

Teach someone something, knowledge is wasted if you keep it to yourself.

Everytime you see or speak to someone you love tell them so.

Take a pound/dollar/yen/euro out of your pocket and put it in a charity box.

Take your old books, toys, games etc to a hospice or hospital ward.

Tell children they can be anything they want to be, you believe in them.