who was he?

I'm not sure brother! Because what takes more courage? To hide away? Or to open up? In my opinion what I am trying to do is come out from being a "lone wolf" and be sharing... And I feel deep down that takes more..

I obviously mean those first steps and that descision.. But it becomes so easy and comfortable and feels right after awhile... :D
I'm not sure brother! Because what takes more courage? To hide away? Or to open up? In my opinion what I am trying to do is come out from being a "lone wolf" and be sharing... And I feel deep down that takes more..

I obviously mean those first steps and that descision.. But it becomes so easy and comfortable and feels right after awhile... :D

It is fine to be open, just be wary who you open out to.

Lest you trust too easily, and find yourself with a knife (metaphorically), in your back. Never ever let your enemies know what you are thinking.
It is fine to be open, just be wary who you open out to.

Lest you trust too easily, and find yourself with a knife (metaphorically), in your back. Never ever let your enemies know what you are thinking.

What enemies? lol.... Why does there have to always be a threat or a catch? But, yeah I apreciate what you're saying :D But stil gonna throw suspiscion and caution out the window... What ever pops up I'll deal with it there and then.... If I keep this idea of some negative agenda or something negative being an effect from my positive effects, it wouldn't be worth while, because I would miss so many golden oppotunities..... My spelling has gone to ass for some reason lol....
What enemies? lol.... Why does there have to always be a threat or a catch? ...

So many questions, sir.:)

I'm afraid that is the way it is.

Try it for a time. Trust everyone, tell everyone everything, and soon you will find what I am saying is true. I am not saying I want it to be that way, I am saying that is the way it is. I just accept it.
So many questions, sir.:)

I'm afraid that is the way it is.

Try it for a time. Trust everyone, tell everyone everything, and soon you will find what I am saying is true. I am not saying I want it to be that way, I am saying that is the way it is. I just accept it.

Who's feelings are you trying to convince? It's ok Steve, I understand :(
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus also taught his disciples how to show love for fellow humans. He said: "All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them." (Matthew 7:12) The word "men" that Jesus used here includes even one's enemies. In the same sermon, he said: "Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you." (Matthew 5:43, 44) Would not such love solve many of the problems that we face today? Hindu leader Mohandas Gandhi thought so. He is quoted as saying: "When [we] shall get together on the teachings laid down by Christ in this Sermon on the Mount, we shall have solved the problems . . . of the whole world." Jesus' teachings about love, if applied, can solve many of mankind's ills.
From experiene, everyones experiences differ. But, man seriously if somethings bothering you we should drop the subject.... See who Jesus was... (sorry we kinda deraile... No train wrecked the topic sorry )

Nowt bothering me mate! Just saying, while it is a lovely idea to think you can go around loving and trusting everyone, you can't. Well, you can, but just expect muchos dissapointment.

That was really my sole point.
Not if you're Love is strong.. I accept the majority of the world will not Love me back... It is sad and upsetting but, it happens, I shall Love them never the less! :D You know how you were saying you're tired? In that other conversation, and here you acknowledge that kind of "high" from the chemical balance in your head when happy and feeling Love? Can you see a solution?

There is a film... Called "the man" Comedy... This guy in it... Always says "I've never met anyone that hasn't been my friend in the end..." That is what I am aiming for.

17th.... I love you man!! Your my best friend....
come here let me give you a huge big man ((((((((HUG)))))))):D
salam Mee,

What can I say? oh! my dear, beloved Jesus..peace be upon him and all the prophets..we Muslims differ with Christians in a lot of details about the prophet Jesus (pbuh), but we love him...we love him tooooooooooooo much ...we love him and all the prophets....for sure, he is a great, amazing person....May Allah gather us with him and all the prophets in the heaven......

salam Mee
sis, DB
Jesus is going to do the gathering DB. Please do not mistake Mee's concept of Jesus with the rest of Christianity's. They are different reads. Mee appeals to your sense of God, because he is in line with the One God Allah/Jehovah, concept, while Jesus is second rate. Not so with the rest of Christianity, where Jesus is God.

Just wanted you to know the facts.


The best compliment that I can give the chap, is to say that while I have never met him in person, I trust him way more than many people that I do know in person. He has never let me down.