universal evolution and the real and living creator god [yes thats right!]

As for the whole evolution thing, I tend to think we are not on the top of the spiritual or otherwise ladder. So many versions (both scientific and religious) put humans at the apex of creation. From a scientific viewpoint, I find us weak and puny, with poorly developed senses and little instinctual common sense. We make all sorts of irrational and disadvantageous choices due to faulty intellect. We're abominably selfish in a way that is not useful to group survival. We're singularly inelegant and clumsy too, a point always brought back to me when I hang out with any animal, bird, or fish. From a spiritual viewpoint, everything else seems to glorify God (i.e., partake in the oneness) automatically while we waste all our time on the details.

And while the lion/tiger and dog/wolf are considered different species, this sort of thing is debated in biology and evolutionary science. The fact is, we don't have clear boundaries that define species, and each one is a judgment call. There's a lot that can interbreed that doesn't due to behavioral difference, and while they are different species in the old Linnean system, evolutionary scientists that base their species distinctions on cladistics often contest the old divisions. Overall, I don't think people have changed much, at least in the ways that matter. Despite seeming cultural differences, humans have always had no problem mixing it up sexually. I don't see any evidence of that trait slowing down in modern populations.


Thank you so much for the post and information. I will have to review it in a bit. I only had time for this first post and now I'm off to the barn to spend a little time on horseback.

The lovely thing about horses is they are such "in the moment" critters. And they are so willing to act like the prey animals they are, shying and snorting at the slightest provocation, which draws us inevitably in to that "now" with them...
You know I've often wondered if humanity is more afraid of peace than war.
Possibly. It could also be that peace is an arbitrary and unnatural state of being...depending how it is defined.

All creatures wage war of a kind just to survive...it is called "eating."
another question.... why didnt humans that live in cold climates develop fur like all the other animals did. yes, I have seen a few hairy backed men,but thats not what I mean. theanimals evolved thick down and fur to protect from the extremes, weve been around long enough, surely it wasnt a case of ....nah, Ill just kill that animal and wear his fur instead. ugh.
Actually, the branch of humans known as Neandertals did. But they died out after the Cro Magnon immigrated north from Africa, and the Ice Age waned. I don't think they had fur though.

BTW, without dogs, the Inuit could never have settled in the Arctic regions. I don't know enough to speak about the Lapps though.
Hi Path,

Your post gives me cause to pause and reflect that my approach to what seems to be our common ideal is perhaps flawed and counter-productive. You make a lot of good sense, even if I dont agree with everything. But I do think you are onto something truly positive in the approach you take to attempting to change peoples notion of what being spiritual really means. And you are right to hint that my method is too confrontational to work. Perhaps I let my anger and disgust at what the institutions of religion have done cloud my senses.

The thought has crossed my mind, to be honest. I am starting a non-profit this year, but it's more immediately practical- an institute for focusing on solving social and environmental problems with grassroots, local solutions. But I do have grand hopes for what might come out of those local solutions once enough momentum is reached...
I am involved in something of this nature here in Edinburgh. Transition Towns is all about doing just what you say. We had our first meeting in December and about 100 people came to it. It started life here in a suburb of Edinburgh called Portobello, (our excuse for a seaside resort), and has been such a success that it was decided to try and make it a city wide venture. Here is the link so you can have a look.
Transition Towns WIKI :: Portobello / Portobello

The Edinburgh group is still organising, we do have a members website but as yet nothing is publicly available. I will keep you informed of what we are doing though if you want.

How about the Dept. of Peace campaign? That seems like it might be a good one?
Dept. seems to 'governmental'... what about People for Peace?

Hi, Tao-

If it helps you any, I still sometimes get really angry at all the injustices. (Take a look at the Politics section- a few of my less peaceful days are as angry as yours!) I just find when I'm angry, few people listen. :eek: Plus, it's bad for my health. :rolleyes:

Although I must say, every so often, I do run across someone who actually responds better to the angry, indignant version. It's just a rarity. I'm kind of empathic and just go with whatever I sense off of somebody. Most people do best, it seems, with the loving version. I sneak the radical change stuff in after everyone is cozy and comfy. :D

That Transition Towns thing is totally cool. I'm so downloading that PDF file of the Kinsale plan. Thanks for sharing it!!! What we're hoping to start with through our institute (I have some other folks on board- a few social scientists, a few educators, a public health professional- hope it grows!) is a plan to integrate parenting education (lesson one- turn off the TV) that will build children's emotional competency, nutrition and exercise education, and structural designs for communities to exchange child and elder care and to foster a sense of local communal bonding. It's huge, but we have some plans and I hope to get funded starting in 2009 to roll it out for a pilot program. Environmentalism is often seen as some sort of liberal agenda, so I plan to roll it into family level health and nutrition education. The same stuff that is healthiest for us is healthiest for the earth, too!

The Dept. of Peace campaign is actually a campaign to make the US government balance it's "Defense" (War) Department with a Peace Department and commit funding to finding peaceful ways to handle conflict (both domestic and abroad). I think we actually need this to be a Federal government agency. It would make the importance of peace too mainstream for people to ignore (except the super-fundamentalists, but then they're out in distant right field and a minority group anyway).
Bruno, it will take me a long time to read everything on that website and digest it, but on first page read-through, it seems to resonate. I am still confused as to how everything I've already read fits together (strings, branes, etc.) and how that would or would not fit with the wave structure concept. But I'm working on it! :)

All I do know is that if there were a Big Bang, logically there must be something that precedes it and something that it explodes into. Or maybe that is just my logic. But any time I try to conceive of a singularity, I wonder what is around the singularity if it is so tiny? And what causes the Big Bang (not just in terms of God, either, since I believe God works through observable processes).

Whatever physics has to say on the subject, I firmly believe that we are all part of one thing underneath the surface illusion of separateness. It is what I have experienced spiritually and it also explains a whole lot in terms of synchronicity, ESP, and other stuff that science doesn't seem to know what to do with. I also think, logically, that being a human I should not be able to communicate with non-human beings unless there is some more deeper unity, of which I am a part, and simply encased temporarily in this seemingly solid form. Since I have communicated with non-human beings (and even stuff like weather, if you want to say it is communication, maybe interaction is more appropriate), and effected observable change in them upon doing so, I am led to think that there is an underlying one thing that allows me to accomplish this.
is it as much to do with universal consciousness as it is the creation?

"on December 21, 2012 at around 11:11 universal time, there will be a precise alignment of our Sun with the Galactic center". it will be the end of our cosmic cycle and the beginning of the new one.

the galactic centre is within as well as without. presumably each galactic centre is a manifestation of the universal centre [in druidry the divine centre ‘caugant’], where the consciousness is [mind aspect of the the awen], it is through the universal centre that things evolve in coordination with environmental conditions. you get types of insects animals and plants and those ‘types’ adapt to their conditions.

we may see another variant to this in ‘cosmic synchronicity’ where bodies are aligned as if by coincidence, such as the moon is exactly the right size and distance from the sun for an eclipse. generally speaking the whole thing is a massive organised network of phenomenon and consciousness, where one exactly correlates with the other.

mayan stuff here:
the entire mayan cosmology and extremely accurate calendars were based on the existence and location of Hunab Ku and they believed that the future of mankind ultimately depends on what occurs there.
the Mayas believed essentially that Time flows in a circle. There is a beginning and an end to things but there is a renewal at the end of the Time cycle. There is a "periodicity" to all manifested phenomena. The Mayan highly accurate Long Count Calendar is based on this precept. The Mayas also believed that Time originates out of the Hunab Ku and is controlled by it.
The pyramids at Teotihuacán which means "City of the Gods", constructed by a Meso-American civilization just north of Mexico City that preceded the Mayas, are also aligned to the Pleiades as are the Egyptian pyramids at Giza. This is not all, on December 21, 2012 at around 11:11 universal time, there will be a precise alignment of our Sun with the Galactic center (Hunab Ku).
Sorry Z but exactly what kind of alignment? The Earth, or sun, has very likely never ever been in exactly the same position in relation to the galactic core twice. Our sun moves in a 3 dimensional wavy orbit about the galactic hub, as do all the stars. The chances of it ever having had an exact position that will be repeated is infinitesimal. Even an approximate one, within a few dozen light years, is highly unlikely. So my friend, I think that's all gobbledygook!!

i don’t know what kind of alignment they are talking of, but i presumed it was where the sun is between earth an the galactic centre ~ apparently between saggitarius and scorpio. i just watched about it on the history channel in a program called; the lost book of nostradamus, now people contested many of the findings but not that part!
i have spent most of today checking it out and noone has said it isn’t true ~ although all those sites may be lying? that aspect may be rubbish [?], but the consciousness ~ is that not universal? it helps explain why nature is so coordinated, i know we can say it is for x and y reasons but are we missing the point.
i just watched about it on the history channel in a program called; the lost book of nostradamus, now people contested many of the findings but not that part!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I see...."The Lost Book of Nostradamus"!! Why did;nt you say!! Has this been found since 2002? Or should I say after the 1001 books were published in the 90's telling how Nostradamus was predicting Armageddon in 2002 followed by 1000 years of blissful peace? Or was it the rebirth of Adolf Hitler in a pink tu-tu? I cant remember.

Sorry mate but astrological alinement's of this nature have become absolutely meaningless to me. The only truth I have yet to see in them is that inventing one can be quite profitable in book royalties.

I just find when I'm angry, few people listen.
This is almost always true and i would do well to remember it more often.

That Transition Towns thing is totally cool. I'm so downloading that PDF file of the Kinsale plan. Thanks for sharing it!!! What we're hoping to start with through our institute (I have some other folks on board- a few social scientists, a few educators, a public health professional- hope it grows!) is a plan to integrate parenting education (lesson one- turn off the TV) that will build children's emotional competency, nutrition and exercise education, and structural designs for communities to exchange child and elder care and to foster a sense of local communal bonding. It's huge, but we have some plans and I hope to get funded starting in 2009 to roll it out for a pilot program. Environmentalism is often seen as some sort of liberal agenda, so I plan to roll it into family level health and nutrition education. The same stuff that is healthiest for us is healthiest for the earth, too!
At our first meeting for the Edinburgh group we had a sort of mass brainstorming session which was the basis for agreeing subgroups. One of them was very specifically dealing in exactly the area you are exploring. I am in another subgroup tho, dealing with communications. This will mean I will be in contact with the community responsibility subgroup and so I can keep you updated about any interesting developments. I wish you every success, and please keep me updated as to your progress!


Sorry mate but astrological alinement’s of this nature have become absolutely meaningless to me. The only truth I have yet to see in them is that inventing one can be quite profitable in book royalties.

no need to take da pizz :p i am aware of both sides of the argument [you may have noticed that i tend to go from one opposing argument to the other], the way i see it is; you either have universal consciousness or nothing bar the purely mechanistic. if the former, then we may see the interactions of that on both a personal and galactic scale. conjunctions are simply links between bodies where profound connections are made, life is the result of a myriad of such things all culminating living thinking creatures like us.
there are only the two options as i see it, either the scientific atheist or not, without the other option there is no nirvana eternity infinite being tao or awen. yet for me there has to be eternals and the infinite, so i come from there and try to see how it would all work on a universal basis.

no need to take da pizz :p i am aware of both sides of the argument [you may have noticed that i tend to go from one opposing argument to the other], the way i see it is; you either have universal consciousness or nothing bar the purely mechanistic. if the former, then we may see the interactions of that on both a personal and galactic scale. conjunctions are simply links between bodies where profound connections are made, life is the result of a myriad of such things all culminating living thinking creatures like us.
there are only the two options as i see it, either the scientific atheist or not, without the other option there is no nirvana eternity infinite being tao or awen. yet for me there has to be eternals and the infinite, so i come from there and try to see how it would all work on a universal basis.

Sorry buddy... I'm glad you laughed too tho.

I know that your threads if taken all together tend to have this duality :rolleyes: you speak of and I love it. If you were to go over all I write here I am sure it would not take long to find some glaring inconsistencies in me too, and for the same reasons as you. My mindset is not fixed and neither is yours, I think thats a great thing. So keep bouncing Zebidee!!

thanks tao

yes i am bouncing back towards a non godly explanation now, what is good is that with each turn we move on a step!

i hope the stairway isn’t infinite ~ oh wait no, no i don’t, that would be great. :p