Keep going, Mee
ok then
‘Fourth century Trinitarianism was a deviation from early Christian teaching.’—The Encyclopedia Americana
Keep going, Mee
Not to mention that the Egyptians predated Babylon by oh say 1500 years...Keep going, Mee — the more you write about the Trinity, the more you show how little you actually know about it, let alone offer a critique. Sorry Mee, but when it comes to this topic, you are an empty vessel.
The above deities are cosmological, and symbolise the forces and rhythms of nature.
Not what the Trinity does at all. There's not the slightest correspondence. You don't know what you're talking about.
Reference please. What Catholic churches, where?
And whilst we're on the subject, how do you explain your founder using the symbol of the Egyptian sun god 'Ra' on the cover of his books, or the Masonic Knights Templar symbol of cross and crown on the cover of his magazine?
No, actually He is one and the same with the Father. However as a "man" He willingly gave up His godhead in order to walk with man as a man and experience all that a man experiences, yet again to show us that we too could rise to the occasion, should we lean on God for support and encouragement. After rising, Jesus assumed His godhead and the transformation confirms it. He recloaked Himself in the mantle of the majestic...in short, Jesus was no longer a man, but once again, fully God. It is so spelled out in the New Testament, and Old Testament that you, like the Jew's find it too simple and therefore unbelievable. After all, God is much more complex than man, right?[FONT=verdana, helvetica, arial, sans serif]Having been created by God, Jesus is in a secondary position in time, power, and knowledge[/FONT]
i am glad to say that Jehovahs witnesses worship in spirit and truth ,and dont need any visible symbols to bow down too.And you still haven't explained why your organisation favours pagan symbols ...
Obviously the Trinity from a JW's perspective does not exist...
or even , the trinity is not inline with the bible, and Jehovahs witnesses are very focused on being inline with the bible .![]()
Jesus is most certainly in unity with his father ,and he willingly left his heavenly life to be born as a man on the earth ,and after his father raised him , he sat at the right hand of God as the bible informs us .No, actually He is one and the same with the Father. However as a "man" He willingly gave up His godhead in order to walk with man as a man and experience all that a man experiences, yet again to show us that we too could rise to the occasion, should we lean on God for support and encouragement. After rising, Jesus assumed His godhead and the transformation confirms it. He recloaked Himself in the mantle of the majestic...in short, Jesus was no longer a man, but once again, fully God. It is so spelled out in the New Testament, and Old Testament that you, like the Jew's find it too simple and therefore unbelievable. After all, God is much more complex than man, right?
They worship according to the word of your founders, your tradition, not God's Word.i am glad to say that Jehovahs witnesses worship in spirit and truth, and dont need any visible symbols to bow down too.![]()
No. or "at unity" is not implied by the Greek, that's entirely your own insertion, to make your own doctrine ... it's not there, Mee.I and the Father are one.
Or, "at unity." Lit., "one (thing)." Gr., hen, neuter, to show oneness in cooperation. JOHN 10:30.
Actually it is quite in line with the Bible.Obviously the Trinity from a JW's perspective does not exist...
or even , the trinity is not inline with the bible, and Jehovahs witnesses are very focused on being inline with the bible .![]()
However, it is mute to explain to deaf ears, anything.
Good point, considering only God can forgive sins, and God the Father can not look upon sin. That only leaves one other aspect of God that can...Jesus the Son of God. But then that must mean He is God, not just a God-like man...so for jw's is there is one God (the Father) and one god-like man (Jesus) or two Gods who save, judge, forgive, and are unchanging and eternal? who forgives your sins?
the bible is the aurthority for Jehovahs witnesses , and all of their beliefs are based on good bible based teachings and it is verrrrry gooooodThey worship according to the word of your founders, your tradition, not God's Word.
getting back to the original meanings and understanding of the original inspired word of God is what it is all . and it is verrrry gooooodNo. or "at unity" is not implied by the Greek, that's entirely your own insertion, to make your own doctrine ... it's not there, Mee.
yes the book of Revelation is inspired of God.Revelations 22:18:
"If any man shall add to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book."
Then of course you could and can walk away from the JW kingdom hall, any instructions the leaders have given you about conducting your life and who you associate with and go into any church to worship...After all, we all believe in Jesus as savior...right? (lol) Fat chance. You aren't even supposed to be here on CR, let alone fellowshipping with other than JWs. We're all corrupt, and you have yourself one hell of a pickle to get out of.the bible is the aurthority for Jehovahs witnesses , and all of their beliefs are based on good bible based teachings and it is verrrrry goooood![]()
getting back to the original meanings ...