what is Armageddon?

Firstly, may I thank you for your respone/post.

Now down to business... ;)

Imainge what we could acomplish, with time? Time, my brother isn't the factor, oh no... That isn't an issues, time is most certainly not of the essence here my brah. Think what deciding to help our fellow brother/sister stand will acomplish.... That's the key brah.

A man could live forever, but not choose to lift a finger, that has accomplished nada, hermano. Love isn't this emotion that magicaly appears in us, no no, it is a human descision it is a gift oh I grant you, but the other gift of free will that comes with our gift of life.... Is what is used to achieve the third gift... Then there are more gifts, but that is for another day...

We all got to grow old, who would teach the young?? ;) We make the mistakes and then pray we can teach our beLoved offspring not to do the same.
yes , it will take me a 1000 years to gain perfection . i am a work in progress . and you are correct in saying that we could choose to not lift a finger , but it will be better if we choose to go along with Gods purpose now ,then we will have the chance to live FOREVER
And still we will need to work on decisions not just sitting around believing we are perfect. Testing ourselves and teaching... You can't be born perfect... Even your Jesus (Peace be upon him.) Had lessons to learn.... And he was constantly tested wasn't he? And he also had to go and teach, Love is learnt and understood its an upgrade, it don't come as standard.

I seriously have come to appreciate the fact I am alive... What are the fricken odds? But now? I have come to appreciate Love.... So all I wish for is world Peace and Love and unity... Living forever doesn't appeal to me greatly... All things beside Love live within it's shadow.
just think what living forever will acomplish . no growing old to put a stop to everything........... very good :)

What crass reasoning!! If you can do nothing but believe and preach a corrupted logic in this life how greater the waste to do it for eternity!!
Ah see, I've only been on this planet a mere blink of an eye... In the scale of things, not even a nano second in the timings of life and creation and all other wonderful mysteries this universe holds.. But I have already grown weary and tired of the binds and the chains and the ideas of how to use our lives, I want more experience and a more meaningful existance. Even when my work here is done and I vanish into the ether of time, I shant of been here long enough, and there is truly so freaking much to see, feel, hear, taste, touch, travel to... People to meet! People to help, people to laugh with, people to bond with, people I can stand side by side with... I want to take this golden opportunity to do so.

So these chains must break.... And then turn into little butterflies and flutter away. ;)

Right on! I'm just saying that I enjoy my house, my kids, my wife. I like pulling my weeds and mowing my lawn. I enjoy my work. I'm doing exactly what I want to do, and there is a great measure of freedom in that. I've been the rolling stone, the lone wolf my whole life. I still am, but I really dig the comfort and security of the family life. It's something I never had before.

Why do you say Christians are required to reach all countries with the gospel, Mee? First of all, we are not part of the Great Commission at all. The 'Nations' mentioned in your scripture Matt 28:19-20 and Mark 16 are the nations of Israel which are Twelve. 12 nations --> 12 apostles. This is the most obvious in Peter's conversation in Acts 2, where he talks about his commission to reach all of Israel. His commission would have required the snakes, poison, and supernatural languages mentioned of the Great Commission you keep bringing up. They are Israeli signs -- not Gentile ones.

Gentile Christians came from a separate commission than the 12 apostle's Great Commission. Matt 28 does not play into it at all! All believers, both Gentile and 'Saint' are told to hold fast in I Thessalonians 5:11-23 until the king returns, but the Great Commission had to be completed before that time.
How do you figure there are twelve nations of Israel? At the time of writing Israel wasn't itself a nation.

Right on! I'm just saying that I enjoy my house, my kids, my wife. I like pulling my weeds and mowing my lawn. I enjoy my work. I'm doing exactly what I want to do, and there is a great measure of freedom in that. I've been the rolling stone, the lone wolf my whole life. I still am, but I really dig the comfort and security of the family life. It's something I never had before.


My heart rejoices Chris my brother. :D
How do you figure there are twelve nations of Israel?
Its semantics. Abraham was told he would be the father of many nations, and the tribes are actually considered nations though together they are also a nation. They were forbidden to marry in such a way as to cause property to transfer between tribes, so each tribe was separate. At least that is the sense in which the tribes are thought of by the gospels and Paul. They are nations, and a nation. The twelve apostles were told by Jesus that each would sit upon a throne in charge of one of the tribes (Matt 19:28). Because Judas lost his place the other apostles had to find a replacement to take his throne. In Acts 1:26 the remaining eleven apostles cast lots to select Judas' replacement, Matthias.
Its semantics. Abraham was told he would be the father of many nations, and the tribes are actually considered nations though together they are also a nation. They were forbidden to marry in such a way as to cause property to transfer between tribes, so each tribe was separate. At least that is the sense in which the tribes are thought of by the gospels and Paul. They are nations, and a nation. The twelve apostles were told by Jesus that each would sit upon a throne in charge of one of the tribes (Matt 19:28). Because Judas lost his place the other apostles had to find a replacement to take his throne. In Acts 1:26 the remaining eleven apostles cast lots to select Judas' replacement, Matthias.

It's sort of a mythological construct like the knights of the round table?

More practical. It was a practical language method in their time, however our population is not as 'Tribe' aware as theirs was, which is where the difficulty lies. Here we are, 2000 years into the future, and we don't live in tribes and clans anymore, and the word 'Nation' refers to our Republic instead of our 'States'. It is difficult for us to envision the point of view of Tribes. That's one reason the US had difficulty understanding politics in Afghanistan for the longest time.

For a clearer example of tribal unity: In the US, many Indian tribes have signed treaties and obtained large tracts of land within the US called 'Reservations'. These tribes are considered separate nations under treaty, and have their own laws. Semantically I could either say 'Go speak to each Indian Reservation' or I could say 'Go speak to every Tribe' and it would be the same thing. Are they separate nations, or are they part of the US? They would say they're separate.
Living forever doesn't appeal to me greatly...

you say that ,but if you never grew old and frail or had sickness or mental health problems , when would be the day that you woke up in the morning and said...... OK today i will die ........ you would not want to die , you would want to go on living ,its only the things that are enemies to us
such as oldage , sickness, and death of loved ones ,that make us want to die. if you had youthful vigour and perfect mind and body you would not want to die and its also the problems that this world throws at us that make people want to die. but in Gods NEW WORLD it will be very good to live for ever
What crass reasoning!! If you can do nothing but believe and preach a corrupted logic in this life how greater the waste to do it for eternity!!
some people think the bible is not the word of God, but as for mee i love the promises of God.
But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
psalm 37;11

Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth. matthew 5;5

The righteous themselves will possess the earth,
And they will reside forever upon it. psalm 37;29

With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." revelation 21;3-4

But there are new heavens(rulership) and a new earth (earthly society of people)that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. 2 peter 3;13

:) yes and it is verrrrry goooood :)

I know imperfection = Character and makes us who we is. haha, we are using Mee's concept of perfect here.... No one is born like that.

That is why, just as through one man (adam)sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned—. ROMANS 5;12 WE ARE ALL AN IMPERFECT LOT :) we all grow old and die :(

For since death is through a man,(adam) resurrection of the dead is also through a man.(Jesus) For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive. 1 corinthians 15;21;22

For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. ROMANS 6;23.
Right on! I'm just saying that I enjoy my house, my kids, my wife. I like pulling my weeds and mowing my lawn. I enjoy my work. I'm doing exactly what I want to do, and there is a great measure of freedom in that. I've been the rolling stone, the lone wolf my whole life. I still am, but I really dig the comfort and security of the family life. It's something I never had before.

:) YES THOSE THINGS ARE REAL GOOD :) i enjoy those things as well . Jehovah instigated the family and it is very good .
but lets not forget the most high who gave us those things psalm 83;18
Why do you say Christians are required to reach all countries with the gospel, Mee? First of all, we are not part of the Great Commission at all. quote]

and Jesus said the following
And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things."

The Great Prophet, Jesus Christ, gave a composite "sign" of things that would occur to mark not only the conclusion of the Jewish system of things in the first century but the end of the worldwide system of things today.

and among those signs was this one in matthew 24;14

And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.matthew 24;14

yes Jesus is with his followers , and they are doing just what he wants .

and the GOODNEWS about the kingdom ,that was set up in 1914 is happening on a global scale .

and it is very goodnews indeed ,because Jesus has recieved his kingship and he has been given GREAT AURTHORITY and NOW he is a reigning king .:) daniel 7;13-14

And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people REVELATION 14;6

The battle of Armageddon will not be fought on any one specific battlefield .instead, the entire earth will be the battleground.


because the two opposing sides are so large that they cannot be contained at any one site
What crass reasoning!! If you can do nothing but believe and preach a corrupted logic in this life how greater the waste to do it for eternity!!
Armaggeddon is something that no man can stop from happening.

even if they choose to think it is from a corrupted knowledge .

yes the great day of Jehovah is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much .

lovers of Jehovah and his son Jesus christ need not fear Armageddon

a heart warming promise in PSALM 37; 24 says

Hope in Jehovah and keep his way,
And he will exalt you to take possession of the earth.
When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see [it].