Re: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 105820974944592307816406286208
I think you see a mistake because you dont like to consider it true, not because it is not true. The statement hinges on the words "real evidence". Real evidence implies something that can be shown to anyone to provide a compelling case. That simply does not exist.I noticed several times you have stepped into stating what 'we' have seen, what 'we' can prove, and what evidence 'we' have. Your words on another thread were:
Quote "There is not one single shred of real evidence been provided during the entire span of human history that there is a God." unquote.
That appears to speak even for the dead and what the dead have allegedly seen. I see a mistake regardless of the subject.
I can do all that as an atheist and still get the same buzz you call God.Seek and you will discover. Pray to the power that you do not see and do not realize you already know, and ask for guidance... with both general and specific, for personal and for others. Every day is a day in school. Realize there are virtues that a person lacks. Seek change, seek improvement, and do good. Seek with honesty of what is good and test whether it is in your own actions and state of mind. Find the person or place where you know the individual is in a pit that you already recognize, who seeks something better, and give. Give so that you are given. Upon being personally given you have received more than proof. It is repeatable, verifiable, and awesome.
But if you go around really really believing that you get medication, and labelled a schizophrenic.. the voice of God can be on the lips of anyone, and yet with control of events outside of any man.
I do not seek out those that agree with me to prop up my ego and nor do I find disagreement boring. We often, in fact invariably, disagree but i do not read your posts and answer immediately, I always read...allow some time for digestion and then reply. I do not disagree or dismiss what you say glibly, but thoughtfully. I make no effort to attempt to make you believe you are wrong, only that I do not share your views. It is you who insists on trying to say that I should look for something that you see yet every time you explain it I find descriptions of things I have already considered at length. I have never pretended to have all the answers, how do your posts read? Yet here I am still talking to you. You may well be a bright cookie and received far better education in certain areas than I, I will not bow to that tho, you will remain my equal, no less, no more. So as an equal I would say to you that before you put pride on my shoulders first examine your own ways.Because it blinds. Pride finds the disagreement and opposing questions uninteresting... disagreeable. Find the good in disagreement as well as in the agreement.