Re: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 105820974944592307816406286208
Placing faith in anyone can be a difficult choice dependent on the circumstances and importance of the reason behind it. Its a scaler thing. Putting faith in a mystical notion for which I have more realistic set of explanations to me seems foolish.
I see assertions that make no sense to me. Perhaps you should try framing a question I can understand ?
A guru? If and when you seek God then you will find the guru. In the meantime seek to place faith in even the least of people. A guru? Wow that was revealing.
Placing faith in anyone can be a difficult choice dependent on the circumstances and importance of the reason behind it. Its a scaler thing. Putting faith in a mystical notion for which I have more realistic set of explanations to me seems foolish.
In the imagination of math within any range of numbers: (# of irrational numbers / # of rational numbers) = Infinity
In the real world, for any collection of numbers: (# of irrational numbers / # of rational numbers) = 0
I see assertions that make no sense to me. Perhaps you should try framing a question I can understand ?