Happy Spring Equinox


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In a farmhouse, on a farm. With goats.
We had a light snow last night, and the day before a heavy thunderstorm rained down sleet, cutting power across town. Today looks clear and bright, with a few clouds in the sky and icy patches melting on the ground. I don't have anything exceptional planned to celebrate, but have been in a productive phase with some creative projects, which seems celebration and ritual enough for the equinox.

Enjoy the lengthening days and the return to growth in the physical, substantial world that sustains us! :) :D

that, (above) is an awesome statue. where is it???. also while you are celbrating your spring, we will be returning toour autumn. awww. where i live its only mild, so i dont mind and if we are really lucky we might get more rain. yay. happy spring equinox to you all.
that, (above) is an awesome statue. where is it???. also while you are celbrating your spring, we will be returning toour autumn. awww. where i live its only mild, so i dont mind and if we are really lucky we might get more rain. yay. happy spring equinox to you all.

Happy autumn, the grey! It's a good thing that the world is not totally standardized in its seasons. ;) I have no idea where that statue is. I just pulled it off of a google image search.
I am loving the renewal season. Especially since moving to California I have to enjoy it quick. Summer here is the season of brown. The price to pay for moving to avoid the season of white.

I agree thats an awesome statue. It goes directly into my "someday Id like to do something like this" folder.
I thought the statue was awesome too. Gives me ideas for my garden (though mine would have to be *much* smaller).

Happy Easter to all! Nice and rainy here, but the days are lengthening anyway!
Happy spring equinox everyone! I'm in Minnesota, and while it's supposed to be spring here now too you'd never know it the way the weather is today. We're in the middle of a big snowstorm with lots of the white fluffy stuff clinging to everything. It's very pretty but it isn't spring-like.

If we're lucky we'll have warm weather next week and the snow will all melt away. I did see my first robins of the season this week so I know spring is on the way!
I wish you could see some snow. Snow is one of those things that make everything in the world come to a stop, including school and business. Its expensive, but its an amazing experience. While we people may stay warm in our coats and houses, our way of life still freezes. The shrubs and trees and everything get coated with a transparent sheen, and so does our day. Everything looks beautiful.
one day, i hope i will. until then, all you northern hemispherer's..................enjoy it for me.

i could go further south of here for winter and see it....... but i just have this urge......if im gonna see snow i want to see sh/tloads of it. lol. canada, alaska, the rockies, maybe, i dunno........... but one day..........
one day, i hope i will. until then, all you northern hemispherer's..................enjoy it for me.

i could go further south of here for winter and see it....... but i just have this urge......if im gonna see snow i want to see sh/tloads of it. lol. canada, alaska, the rockies, maybe, i dunno........... but one day..........
Heck, greymare, you could go to Southern China. They've had lots of snow this year.