Angels on earth...

the angel of Jehovah is camping all around those fearing him, and he rescues them.—Psalm 34:7; 91:11.
People who love God with all their heart, they are angels, whether in this world or another.
People who love God with all their heart, they are angels, whether in this world or another.

Both the Hebrew mal·’akh´ and the Greek ag´ge·los literally mean "messenger."

From the first book of the Bible to the last, these words occur nearly 400 times.

When spirit messengers are indicated, the words are translated "angels," but if the reference definitely is to human creatures, the rendering is "messengers." (Ge 16:7; 32:3; Jas 2:25; Re 22:8;

However, in the highly symbolic book of Revelation certain references to ‘angels’ may apply to human creatures.—Re 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14.

Both the Hebrew mal·’akh´ and the Greek ag´ge·los literally mean "messenger."

From the first book of the Bible to the last, these words occur nearly 400 times.

When spirit messengers are indicated, the words are translated "angels," but if the reference definitely is to human creatures, the rendering is "messengers." (Ge 16:7; 32:3; Jas 2:25; Re 22:8;

However, in the highly symbolic book of Revelation certain references to ‘angels’ may apply to human creatures.—Re 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14.

Gabriel is certainly a Messenger :)
Gabriel is certainly a Messenger :)

From the Bible record it is learned that Gabriel is a high-ranking angelic creature in close association with the heavenly court, one "who stands near before God"

he was one "sent forth" by God to deliver special messages to servants of Jehovah here on earth (Lu 1:19, 26)

that his personal envisioned or materialized form was, true to the meaning of his name, "like an able-bodied man."—Da 8:15.

(Ga´bri·el) [Able-Bodied One of God].

People who love God with all their heart, they are angels, whether in this world or another.

People who love people with all their heart.... They are angels. ;)

I'd humbly say, if you cannot even love your fellow man, then shut the book on loving your god, cause you ain't ready. ;) (not directed at dawud by the way! lol... Just a statement!)

they are here all the time,
the bible tells us that the bad angels have been cast down to the earth , and they are angry about that, because they know that they only have a short period of time before they are out of work revelation 12;9-10
Earth is planet where mankind the creation of your god calls home, it is a troubled, evil and violent world that needs help and saving..

So why, in this infinity of space, of all places they could be held.. Does he put them right here on this very same planet? ALL the freaking places they could be put lol... Wouldn't you say mankind has enough issues and struggles to deal with, aside from putting these demonic meddlers of satan on our planet? lol.... I just wished to see what the accurate truths of the bible say, as you seem to be able to explain everything from your watchtower site, so I was curious to know what was he thinking?? He didn't say to himself "WWJD?" did he....
regards Angels on Earth,
well, Alex is one for sure, And so is Tao,
thanks for supporting me when I have been so down.
Thats all the proof I need.

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