Conan the Chihuahua...

Hello again toujour, have I outed a lurker? :p:):D


i love that you used the term 'outed'. i dont know if you remember the post i made about homosexuality and buddhism, but im a gay buddhist, so that works on many levels with me. :) but yes, im back. i check the website every week or so just to see whats going on, but havent had much time to write anything in reply. but its good to hear from everyone and know that you guys are doing well.

be well in peace
bah... yoga... bah..meditation... my cat, well... he writes! I hold the pen, and ask him to do cat writing, and he pushes the pen with his head...

so far, he has written- cat, and no...

its a start...
well, my master trained her cat to do exactly the same thing by making it grab a cookie between its paws!!

You guys could try it if u like!!
well, my master trained her cat to do exactly the same thing by making it grab a cookie between its paws!!

You guys could try it if u like!!

Hi emanrohe :)

Who is your master?

Saw this on Photobucket:


I realize they've got anger issues.