What am I?

How so? Magnetic fields and radio waves only target the protons of atoms to align them briefly. There is no reason for that to interrupt electrical activity in the body. There is no evidence that I ever came across that even comes close to suggesting that internal communication in the body is anything but electro-chemical.


Come on now, be serious. Most every electron used in most every circuit world wide is generated by simply moving a coil within a magnet.

In basic science class, a held magnet moving over a coil produces a potential.

In fact, they have magnets that cause levatation to a 'frog'.....

and if you so much as bring a watch or cell phone in any proximity to them 'enormous' magnets (MRI) you have no memory or usage let alone even be able to hold the (watch/phone) without it being ripped from your hand.

So if we are all just binary units (electrical and/or gates) , I could be the mad murderer with a stupid magnet. Just place it along the spinal cord and you'd be dead.

Or how about that EEG, the brain and a bowl of jello share almost exact single recordings..

You don't have to believe me.... look for yourself and be honest.....


nothing being shared is to harm, but simply open your eyes .....

doubt is good as unless each can understand, then what good is knowledge, so do the digging and see for yourself ;)
There is no evidence that I ever came across that even comes close to suggesting that internal communication in the body is anything but electro-chemical.

I know……….. that is why what you are reading is so unique. Not a one on this earth knows the whole story just yet.

We each are evolving.

But… now you can see a much greater impact and change occurring all over the scientific community.

Look up entanglement and Hoping Hu (or in Russia); Gravity being shared as entangled energy…….

Look up Polaritonics: Energy in wave lengths, used to create a crystal structure that can return a memory in em. (this is how the memory of the human brain works) And in fact, there is a study where an electron microscope (within these last few months) that identified them fixed structures within glial of the neural network.

Look up Bose-Einstein Condensate; rubidium is capable of both ‘slowing’ as the term is.. ‘light’ which breaks all laws of current physics, as well stumbled on how them wavelengths entangle the system…. MIT and Colorado have good material on these….

What I inquired was how the BEC was made as they miss a huge item, ‘how energy goes from a cold to hot’ as to recognize how the BEC is isolated, again.. current physics will not conform…..

Or how about Casimir/ Van der vaals; look up the geiko’s little feet…. Note how the little critter can defy gravity by interacting with the surface of most anything…. Note his feet are micro tubules……. And does the community try and define the phenomena for the benefit of physics, no! They are using the funding to develop an adhesive…. But what they are seeing is a mathematical frame to reveal gravity as it truly is…

Please, I wish not to harm but to simply convey, and each line item posted is purely based on a collection of material as great as any could wish.

Not a single atom in all existence that combines without ‘light.’……………..
Magnetic fields can alter the brain. You can put a person into an epileptic seizure and truly fry their neurons with a pulsed magnetic field. It requires a time-varying magnetic field to induce the currents, in the presence of a magnetic field. A static magnetic field does not do it. I'm not fully familiar with the pulse of an MRI but it is obviously not strong enough, or not at the right frequencies, or not of a significant length of time to cause noticeable changes. MRI is not a passive method of investigation... it is active. The frequencies of the resonance of an electron for MRI are much, much higher than normal thought patterns. The neurons in the brain are fired in the low Hertz.

NMRI (nuclear MRI) makes use of the nuclear resonances.
Magnetic fields can alter the brain. You can put a person into an epileptic seizure and truly fry their neurons with a pulsed magnetic field. It requires a time-varying magnetic field to induce the currents, in the presence of a magnetic field. A static magnetic field does not do it. I'm not fully familiar with the pulse of an MRI but it is obviously not strong enough, or not at the right frequencies, or not of a significant length of time to cause noticeable changes. MRI is not a passive method of investigation... it is active. The frequencies of the resonance of an electron for MRI are much, much higher than normal thought patterns. The neurons in the brain are fired in the low Hertz.

NMRI (nuclear MRI) makes use of the nuclear resonances.

how simple it is to look for facts before writing misunderstandings

To understand how MRI works, let's start by focusing on the "magnetic" in MRI. The biggest and most important component in an MRI system is the magnet. The magnet in an MRI system is rated using a unit of measure known as a tesla. Another unit of measure commonly used with magnets is the gauss (1 tesla = 10,000 gauss). The magnets in use today in MRI are in the 0.5-tesla to 2.0-tesla range, or 5,000 to 20,000 gauss. Magnetic fields greater than 2 tesla have not been approved for use in medical imaging, though much more powerful magnets -- up to 60 tesla -- are used in research. Compared with the Earth's 0.5-gauss magnetic field, you can see how incredibly powerful these magnets are.
Numbers like that help provide an intellectual understanding of the magnetic strength, but everyday examples are also helpful. The MRI suite can be a very dangerous place if strict precautions are not observed. Metal objects can become dangerous projectiles if they are taken into the scan room. For example, paperclips, pens, keys, scissors, hemostats, stethoscopes and any other small objects can be pulled out of pockets and off the body without warning, at which point they fly toward the opening of the magnet (where the patient is placed) at very high speeds, posing a threat to everyone in the room. Credit cards, bank cards and anything else with magnetic encoding will be erased by most MRI systems.
The magnetic force exerted on an object increases exponentially as it nears the magnet. Imagine standing 15 feet (4.6 m) away from the magnet with a large pipe wrench in your hand. You might feel a slight pull. Take a couple of steps closer and that pull is much stronger. When you get to within 3 feet (1 meter) of the magnet, the wrench likely is pulled from your grasp. The more mass an object has, the more dangerous it can be -- the force with which it is attracted to the magnet is much stronger. Mop buckets, vacuum cleaners, IV poles, oxygen tanks, patient stretchers, heart monitors and countless other objects have all been pulled into the magnetic fields of MRI machines. The largest object I know of being pulled into a magnet is a fully loaded pallet jack (see below). Smaller objects can usually be pulled free of the magnet by hand. Large ones may have to be pulled away with a winch, or the magnetic field may even have to be shut down.

Sorry, but maybe read a bit more

Magnetic Therapy

And please, newspaper and magazine articles are often quite misleading.

What the point being made here is that structures combined for life are not electrochemically bound, nor are the interactions between living structures in an electrical form.

These are misconceptions of descriptions and cause...... just as any can make a change or affect on any electrical signal with a magnet, likewise, then every electrical signal of a living structure must be affected.

Case in point, life is misdescribed in today's sciences.
Bishadi I am physically an engineer. If you take a copper or aluminum plate and place it near one of those magnets nothing will happen to it either. Yet if you pulse a magnetic field then you can launch a copper or aluminum plate with significant velocity and force to cause some serious damage. The human brain is no different. Prior to launching the tissue some serious currents and voltages can be magnetically induced against the neurons to cause mind alteration, induce a siezure, and even damage the neurons.
I was specifically referring to this statement which I found misleading and erroneous:
As simply to realize that if all our interactions were of electrical impulses then an MRI would kill every person entering the magnet.

First off most reasonably read individuals know that much of the internal communication in the body is not just electrical but also chemical. And that high power fields may be dangerous but have to be of a particular type to cause damage. The static charge of a man wearing a nylon suit and sparking off his car can reach 25,000 volts. If that was a dc charge he'd be seriously dead... like I mean really seriously dead. So your statement there really does not say anything useful but implies a lot.

Several of the other topics you allude to I too find very absorbing, esp Bose-Binstein condensates.(pun intended). And I know that there are far more discoveries waiting to be made than all we have found to date. I'm not trying to " get on your case", just telling you that I see you wrote something that is wrong. I do it all the time.

Bishadi I am physically an engineer.
Good for you. All that education and still having a tough time with reality.

If you take a copper or aluminum plate and place it near one of those magnets nothing will happen to it either
Put a charge to it and then recheck your statement and not meaning an attraction but an affect to the current or signal within the copper, aluminum; any movement will affect the signals. Remember most all generators are simply copper coils moving in a magnet… So a whole bunch of happening does occur.

Not a one ever said, you would be attracted to the magnet, the pure point to observe is within a magnet that can almost hold a car off the ground. Your body is exchanging signals, and they are not chemical in the form of ionized mass, conveying signals. When your head tells your foot to move, and it is immediate, them ionized chemicals could not travel so. And the MRI point is, that no ‘electrical charge is doing it either’……. Within a living body.

So for a little reality simply understand a chemical reaction release a ‘light’ signal, and all along the axon are mylean sheath with all them glial, refract that signal like supporting mirrors (memories). (ever here the term muscle memory?) to cause reactions as when the single specific wave length reaches a threshold the muscles react.

Remember, electricity is on and off, there is no middle ground, that is why defibulators and tasers upon flesh simply snap the muscles into full force.

As well note the structure of nerve axon and the tubules, then note the gecko feet, or any or most every fiber optic signaling format.

In 1982 the first paper I ever wrote was PNC (Photon Neuron Conduction), so unless you are ‘engineered’ up to ground the neural network at the molecular level, I guess maybe you might not understand but please, test, doubt and ask all the questions you like, I will not mislead you. That paper was to assist with Alzheimer’s disease, and since the medical field was not communicating with the physics dept in 82’ at MIT, Cal Tech etc…. them folk had no idea what I was saying way back then.

The comment I received was, ‘a photon cannot be held in one place, it’s breaks the laws of physics’………… well since 86 they have been using rubidium to do that very thing, and if you observe BEC, you will find, they’ve been doing it for almost 20 years but does any of the ‘community’ care to address ‘life?’ No!

As simply to realize that if all our interactions were of electrical impulses then an MRI would kill every person entering the magnet
It’s a fact!

Take any ‘electrical’ anything you want into an MRI magnet, and make it work…..

From a minute watch, to a calculator……… nothing electrically exchanging information will work.

just telling you that I see you wrote something that is wrong. I do it all the time.
I rather enjoy thinkers, and if there was something I said or conveyed in error, please be the pen keeper.

It seems your ability to communicate is not as damaged as mine. My problem is, I feel everybody should know this stuff or at least the basics of how life actually works.

For example; ‘what am I?’ ………….. you would think each should know that before they drive a car.
Remember, electricity is on and off, there is no middle ground, that is why defibulators and tasers upon flesh simply snap the muscles into full force.
False. There is a world full of capacitance, inductance, and time-variant interactions that you have probably seen but have yet to show an understanding of here. Consider: How many MRI magnets do you think it will take to prevent a light switch from turning a light on or off? What would be the effect on an AC circuit powering a light bulb in the presence of a 1,000 MRI magnets... or one magnet 1000 times as strong as an MRI magnet?

It’s a fact!

Take any ‘electrical’ anything you want into an MRI magnet, and make it work…..

From a minute watch, to a calculator……… nothing electrically exchanging information will work.
Not true. Here are some more questions for you to consider: What is the Earth's magnetic field and why do all things electrical and electronic here work in it? How many MRI magnets will it take to prevent a coaxial cable from delivering a cable TV signal? How many MRI magnets will it take to prevent communication across a cat-5 ethernet cable? They can transmit their signals in the presence of magnetic fields 1000 times that of an MRI magnet.

For example; ‘what am I?’ ………….. you would think each should know that before they drive a car.
Alternatively: I would think a person would have a grasp of basic linear time variant physics before claiming that an MRI magnet will kill the car.
Remember, electricity is on and off, there is no middle ground,
Which is correct.

False. There is a world full of capacitance, inductance, and time-variant interactions that you have probably seen but have yet to show an understanding of here.
Please…… please…. Now you are going backwards. You suggest my knowledge ‘of’ is incorrect then even mention a capacitor which is exactly that, a discharge (on/off …. See farad) mechanism, but often used as a filter of 'f'. Still I am focused on conveying at the molecular level about facts. There error you point at is why angular momentum is fixed at angles of degree, current physics have no place for the ‘l’ or change to time based on that exact item I am suggesting; that electrical is on and off, and has no place (at the molecular level) to describe that increase based on wavelengths. There are 2 items that control the power of a system. ‘f’ ..frequency of the cycle with time, and ‘l’ the amplitude of the wavelength (shared among associated mass). In current (molecular) physics there is no account for ‘l’ in planck’s constant; they use fixed points as reflected in angular momentum. That is why ‘walking the planck’ is the incorrect basis of all physics and what ‘light as energy’ corrects my friend…. Planck retained
Newton’s 2nd law (thermodynamics) as a core requisite to establishing the constant, which is the cause of the error. There is no method to define the environment (entanglement) in all of current physics because of this.

Consider: How many MRI magnets do you think it will take to prevent a light switch from turning a light on or off?
Please, do not use an analogy that has no bearing. How about, how many itty bitty magnets can I put on your CPU before is stops working? And in today’s teaching they suggest our brains retain memory by analog of 1’s and 0’s in a binary recording such as a CPU, and yet put your body in a magnet that can pull a wrench from your hand.

This was the purpose of the analogy I used. That to understand how the ‘community’ suggest life associates in an ionized mechanism within an electrically confined system with the physics of how electrical items work and then the physical reality behind the how they operate does not jive. I mean simply go through a metabolic process, the idea is that electrical or ionizations cause momentum and association but fail to realize that when these ‘chemical’ reactions occur, em (light) is released and in stead of addressing the wavelengths, they call it simply HEAT. All heat is is mass with energy (light) causing vibrations (resonance) and momentum.

And to stop any one of them releases a per se ‘photon.’

I am only sharing reality and how simple it is to observe. As for the math, well Einstein would have loved to hang out with the material we have now a days. As to realize what is being shared would enable you to realize, the picture all them contributors had been pursuing is now about to change physics and finish what our species has been waiting for; the reality that grounds all phenomenon; the single truth.

Not true. Here are some more questions for you to consider: What is the Earth's magnetic field and why do all things electrical and electronic here work in it?
this is above already on this thread, and If you choose not to read, then I will not consider your comments
The magnets in use today in MRI are in the 0.5-tesla to 2.0-tesla range, or 5,000 to 20,000 gauss. Magnetic fields greater than 2 tesla have not been approved for use in medical imaging, though much more powerful magnets -- up to 60 tesla -- are used in research. Compared with the Earth's 0.5-gauss magnetic field, you can see how incredibly powerful these magnets are

How many MRI magnets will it take to prevent a coaxial cable from delivering a cable TV signal? How many MRI magnets will it take to prevent communication across a cat-5 ethernet cable? They can transmit their signals in the presence of magnetic fields 100 times that of an MRI magnet.

Take a little magnet and put is on your TV screen.

Alternatively: I would think a person would have a grasp of basic linear time variant physics before claiming that an MRI magnet will kill the car.
the comment was ‘lift’ a car…..

sorry, nothing in the world is more rude than questioning another in such a tone as you did, when you really have no idea or comprehension as to what you are reading.

AS for my physics; I knew the math, the comprehension and exactly how to make a nuclear weapon before I was 17 years old; re-constituted the physics of energy and even how the brain works before I was old enough to vote…. And if I did not care, I could have simply published, chased the dollar or go work for Dow and be a big wig, but all this work is for one reason, simply to understand.

The biggest mistake Einstein ever did was publishing. (now we have big bombs)

That promise to learn over the course of my life simply to give something back as thanks for being alive is quite weird when recognizing history and if you know your theologies, then realize that big old ‘covenant’ thing this whole taco stand is looking for, is the promise for truth.

And still people who think they got it all figured out (complacent) often share that they don’t want the truth.

If anything shared is incorrect, then share your knowledge but if you use someone else’s material and do not or have not done the homework then please keep that in memory and ask ‘your’ questions; what you need to know to be squared up with reality. That community and them scientists you see on TV are not who I am committed too; don’t want that approval. It is the new generations! Our tomorrow that I care about as when them youngsters are learning, I intent that they never have a doubt about what is true ever again.

That chance you and I never had! All I did was make a promise; a choice to remain true to pursuing knowledge for the purpose of UNDERSTANDING!

I will not fib! I will not misrepresent! What you are reading is from the source and from someone who truly has done that homework.

Notice I have no needs of things or reason other than simply to share; to plant the seeds and allow the words to assist, as once each find what is correct within themselves, then each can live with the ability, equal to all mankind, of making good choices all by themselves, with comprehensible UNDERSTANDING, that is true to all existence that never could any ever take away!

What am I? …. ………..That is question every soul ever born has wanted to know!

In one sentence;

Light upon mass with the experience of predetermination (consciousness); combined to all existence; mass, energy and time!

Or simply; light is life!
I see multiple issues here. The first which is relevant to this thread: as I see it any and all knowledge that I might possess ultimately originated from God... or quite simply, somewhere else. I am not going to rate myself by whatever I possess. Most of it came by the way of someone else... my family, teachers, friends and neighbors. It is the option of others to rate themselves by their possessions, or to also rate me by my possessions, but I consider it a mistake. I also consider that they are mistaken when they think I'm rude by offering them information of anything. If a person feels that it somehow harms their self rating then it is unfortunate that they have rated themselves by their possessions in the first place. So my response is very well... I possess nothing of my own. If anything I ever say is ever true then it did not originate from me. I found it in my mind like a gift that showed up on my doorstep from someone else, and all that I can do is be thankful that someone out there loves me. I am grateful for what I've received, but I am not deluded into thinking that I am what I have received. Who rates themselves by what they know?

The second biggest issue is similar to the first. When, what, where, why, and how is the transition? Transition is significant. It is where work is done, where energy is consumed. Physically it is a point of no return. Not that a person can not return to the same place in a similar cycle, but that a person is not able to return to the same time and make use of the same energy all over again.

The third issue is that a constant magnetic field does not impede or prevent an alternating current. It does not impede a transition. Most all communication and power transmission is alternating, like a wave travelling across the surface of water. Whereas an electron gun in a CRT TV, for example, is DC (direct current) like a river flowing down a hill in one direction. Both involve a transition but in different ways. A constant magnetic field is like the rotation of the earth, which can have an effect on the river flowing down a river. However it does not impede the waves travelling across the water. A constant magnetic field is also similar to the height of the tide, which does not impede the waves travelling across the water. Similarly an MRI magnet will not impede a person from using their brain in its vicinity. Many electronic and electrical circuits will work just fine in the presence of a large magnetic field.
I see multiple issues here. The first which is relevant to this thread:
Ooops! Yet in a way, you are finding that you are “NOT” an electrical system.

I possess nothing of my own. If anything I ever say is ever true then it did not originate from me.
Now that is a scary thought; ‘I represent a thought, but it isn’t mine’…….. Now that is irresponsible as a human being but I will give you a pat on the back for admitting it. Most of pride can’t do that.

I personally follow a rule; if you represent it, then you are responsible for its accuracy.

Otherwise, if the validity is truly unknown, then speak less in the matters of facts unless the fact is that a question needs an answer; so ask the questions versus represent what is not truly understood.

Who rates themselves by what they know?
Most every individual that hangs their ‘credentials’ on the wall. That cultural mechanism of providing proof of your intellect; curriculum vitae.

The second biggest issue is similar to the first. When, what, where, why, and how is the transition? Transition is significant. It is where work is done, where energy is consumed. Physically it is a point of no return. Not that a person can not return to the same place in a similar cycle, but that a person is not able to return to the same time and make use of the same energy all over again.
Transition is a problem? And is similar to the first?

Open a new thread and ask what your question is. If you are questioning a non local effect, then think in the lines of your electric usage. That although you may observe your electricity as being generated by the isolated system at your power plant, than think again. Try observing the amount of entangled environment. Think in the lines of what that dam is holding back. What that coal came from (and not only where)? Every line of energy consumed is from entangled energy from the environment; borrowed but never depleted. That is where the ignorance shows itself. We (human) simply collect a resource (cold) and funnel it as in to concentrate the exchange. Energy is not a potential difference in true form; the exchange rate is that measured potential. (eV/joules)

The third issue is that a constant magnetic field does not impede or prevent an alternating current.

Sorry but there is apparently some new data on what you share as true.

This below is new as of 62’….. and approved for the public to read at this level. You should see the material available from Russia and China. They have scientist too!

Report Date : DEC 1962
Pagination or Media Count : 1

Abstract : The influence of a magnetic field upon a gas discharge laser has been investigated. The magnetic field changes the spatial and energy distribution of the electrons and therefore influences the light output of the laser. Experiments show that this effect may be useful for adjustment and modulation of the laser emission. (Author)


Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

Search DTIC's Public STINET for similiar documents.

Members of the public may purchase hardcopy documents from the National Technical Information Service.

If you would like material evidence, then please be prepared to do the homework. Just as I will not publish the one true (e=mc2) because them in the ‘community’ are not up to speed just yet…….

Here is a little material to read on AC; motors, and what is currently understood.
All the math and more fun in physics than most every see…

and keep the link as it has calculators within that are quite fun

Similarly an MRI magnet will not impede a person from using their brain in its vicinity.
OK…. I guess that’s why they use an MRI on ‘living’ or ‘biological’ mass.
Many electronic and electrical circuits will work just fine in the presence of a large magnetic field.
Make that the experiment of all time. Take any electrical device, with memory, within a 2 Tesla electromagnet and see if it works.

When you figure that one out, please go get a nobel for magic!

The error is clear; complacent; overcoming observing material facts rather than the intent on accepting an unknown as true simply because others do.

I am the nut, and everyone else is correct! Been that way since I was a kid!

Each think they know and yet very few actually do the homework or even have the integrity to admit ‘they don’t know.’

SO the thread in on ‘What am I?’ …..

A few definitions are presented. From this little corner; material information grounded in physical evidence and observance to science, math and the comprehension from the trinity of mass, energy and time; has been presented.

Yet because you had not read it before and a condition already accepted about what you understand is being challenged, then it simply relies on integrity of the individual.

I can actually say, ‘I have done the homework.’ Can you say the same?

The claim is the human brain does not operate in an electrical form and to observe ‘light’ as the energy upon mass, then each of the misunderstood phenomenon; (the list is huge) consciousness, dejavu, prophecies, memories and even life itself can be described.

So the issue is are you ready for the truth?

I don’t play when it comes to conveying knowledge. Either people want to know or they don’t, all I can do is keep at it until that spark finally sets in. What the whole globe is looking for already exists and it is the integrity of each person exposed to recognize the truth when they see it.
When each begins to observe, and contribute their time for the cause of truth, then we will know Peace is getting closer.

What I enjoy the most are the little people, they are willing to learn as most are still seeking. Them youngsters also have access to the internet. As they can dig until theirs hearts are content (or need of sleep/food)….. and no matter what….. the revealing is developing, is growing, is living, and nothing can stop it…….. our future will see what is true and the complacent will eventually fade to extinction.

Them little people are our future and the complacent will no longer be able to own them.

What am I?
Ooops! Yet in a way, you are finding that you are “NOT” an electrical system.
Are you trying to say that a person is not their body, or that their body is not an electrical system? The body is an electrical system. Most every interaction involves the exchange and sharing of electrons and protons. Interactions between light and matter is also electical... electromagnetic.

Now that is irresponsible as a human being but I will give you a pat on the back for admitting it.
I drive a car. There is a portion that I am responsible for and there is a portion that I am not. The car has a capability, it is a possession, but I do not consider myself to be the car. I am what I do with the car... I am the hidden someone who drives it.

Every line of energy consumed is from entangled energy from the environment; borrowed but never depleted.
Energy is consumed... if a person can perpetually eat their own refuse and live by it then they will have proven me wrong.

That is where the ignorance shows itself. We (human) simply collect a resource (cold) and funnel it as in to concentrate the exchange. Energy is not a potential difference in true form; the exchange rate is that measured potential. (eV/joules)
1 joule = 6.241457 x10^18 eV. (eV/joule) is without units.

Make that the experiment of all time. Take any electrical device, with memory, within a 2 Tesla electromagnet and see if it works.

When you figure that one out, please go get a nobel for magic!

The error is clear; complacent; overcoming observing material facts rather than the intent on accepting an unknown as true simply because others do.
I often use an electrical device that I designed, an electromagnet over 2 Tesla that works with the memory of something in its presence. It would be very bad to place this pulsed electromagnet in the vicinity of a person's brain. Very bad indeed. Your choice whether or not to believe me. If it were a 2 Tesla constant magnetic field then it wouldn't be a problem.

Each think they know and yet very few actually do the homework or even have the integrity to admit ‘they don’t know.’
Each? Doing the homework involves doing the experiment. If you'd like to prove me wrong then the electromagnet I've described is at your disposal. You can shoot your brain with a 2 Tesla pulsed field and you will feel a mind altering sensation.

A few definitions are presented. From this little corner; material information grounded in physical evidence and observance to science, math and the comprehension from the trinity of mass, energy and time; has been presented.
It has? One the one side you've said you are not going to present something because society is not ready to hear it, then you claim that you've presented something here grounded in physical evidence.

Yet because you had not read it before and a condition already accepted about what you understand is being challenged, then it simply relies on integrity of the individual.

I can actually say, ‘I have done the homework.’ Can you say the same?
If it involves a 2 Tesla field with an electrical circuit with memory in its presence, then yes... I've done the homework. Perhaps it is why I responded.

The claim is the human brain does not operate in an electrical form and to observe ‘light’ as the energy upon mass, then each of the misunderstood phenomenon; (the list is huge) consciousness, dejavu, prophecies, memories and even life itself can be described.

So the issue is are you ready for the truth?
Lets be clear: do you think you have conveyed this alleged truth already or not?

The expressed concept of a trinity of energy, mass, and time is interesting, but light is an electromagnetic perturbation and it does have a relativistic mass. It has a momentum. A photon is rumored in physics to have no mass at rest, but a photon is never at rest.
Hi Bishadi,

I'm certainly finding your posts intriguing. I only hope what you say you know is as substantial as your ego :) Don't get me wrong, I've no issue with ego where its earned, its just that I have not heard enough from you to yet determine that you have.

I cannot compete with Cyberpi or yourself in either the detailed knowledge nor the jargon of electromagnetics. What I do know is that powerful magnetic fields are usually more or less harmless to living things. After all we evolved on a planet with one in a universe full of them. My understanding of electromagnetism has it that it caused by the dynamo effect of friction between charged particles creating a charged field of non uniform intensity. An MRI uses this to polarise protons in a uniform observable direction? Surely then it is not designed to interfere with gross electrical conductivity? All it seeks to do is read the position of protons. The actual charge delivered to the individual for the scan is tiny and most of the magnet is actually used to screen outside interference? or is my understanding simply wrong?

I do like your opinions on the transfer of energy through systems and time and agree that nothing is ever truly used up, only converted. Entropy being an observation of flux not of destruction.

I suggest, if I may be so bold, that you start a thread that defines clearly for the novice thinker like myself what it is that you believe you have that will inspire me to throw out the orthodoxy. I am genuinely interested and believe we are on the cusp of fundamental realisations on the nature of matter and would love to hear what you have to say.

"I" am the transcendent aspect of that which appears to be unaware that it exists. The brain, to the extent that it exists in symbiotic accord with it, is a means of channeling it.

Oh, if consciousness didn't exist first, on a cosmic level, that is, what would give brains the incentive to develop?
Are you trying to say that a person is not their body, or that their body is not an electrical system? The body is an electrical system.
Sorry, the body is not an electrical system.

Most every interaction involves the exchange and sharing of electrons and protons.
Ah chemistry and the whole ‘uncertainty’ of it all. Just as to heat something up, it is vibrating and using up more space, but the ‘electrons’ are not getting fatter. Protons are not puffing up but an increase of energy and weight just the same.

Interactions between light and matter is also electrical... electromagnetic.
Two different frames of math and the observance to the interactions. One is based on a potential difference, the other of ‘f’ or light, in the sense of a pound of copper can have more energy hot, than a pound cold.

As for the rest; Not sure how to answer you. The comments begin to make unruly condescending tones. AS if maybe you are confused.

The expressed concept of a trinity of energy, mass, and time is interesting,
Good! Because that is what defines.

but light is an electromagnetic perturbation and it does have a relativistic mass. It has a momentum.
and then contradict yourself

A photon is rumored in physics to have no mass at rest, but a photon is never at rest.
So try an observation;

If we a glass container (a vacuum) and in it oxygen at rest (cold) and weigh it.

Same setting with hydrogen. Then while retaining perfect conditions, same temp, complete vacuum, and we combine the elements.

Now we find that the electricity is out all over the city. So now the H and O are warming up as the A/C is not running.

First, if mass is electrical and electrons are thought to be governing all mass to associate, then how could the H and O warm up. Is ‘heat’ electrical?

Second what physical force caused the increase of ‘relativistic mass’ when the mass is in a sealed glass container.

This you will see when you weigh the combination and find the figure is greater than the sum of the 2 added separately.

Now be careful, this is a trick so remember ‘vacuum.’

So take that 2 your lab!

And find, the only answer is em is energy itself. And please be careful that experiment is dangerous but unequivocally quite revealing. As you will find that while under vacuum the weight is greater but when the elements combine, and exothermic reaction and then the combined weigh less; it’s a phenomenon.

Not really but it seems like it is when you realize what has actually occurred rather than what today’s sciences will teach you; energy is light!


Energy does have ‘weight’ in the sense of ‘gravity’ between structures and never let anyone tell you otherwise. :)

For example: I could suggest, ‘hey you won the lottery’ or ‘hey someone stole your car’….. ‘energy’ exchanged between mass but the affects are quite different.

This is something you may have a hard time finding in standard physics. ;)

What you will find if you dig hard enough it that energy (light) has a property called entanglement; that property of energy, not mass, is that missing identity of gravity itself.

There is no dark energy, dark matter ….. :eek: what is being observed is exaclty what is being mentioned, them exchanges between structures is 'light' and the reason the math has loop holes in current physics is because of the error in how energy is described. :eek:
Good, so you agree that energy has mass, and that EM energy is energy. Now back to that MRI... a constant magnetic field has a potential whereas a transient magnetic (EM) field has an exchange of energy. As you agreed, the EM is energy and that energy has relativistic mass. Being both energy and mass it can definitely interact with the human body. If the frequency is wrong and the intensity too great then it can fry the brain. For example a microwave oven uses a magnetron to create EM at a frequency that will be absorbed by water and will cook the flesh and the brain. It might be good if the MRI avoided that frequency, right? Similarly other frequencies or spectrum can cause havoc or destruction. Simply moving too fast towards a magnetic field and too fast away will generate voltages against the neurons.

I designed and utilize a piece of equipment that can generate over 2 Tesla with sharp dB/dt, or the rate of change of the magnetic field with time. A sharp transient has many frequencies all lined up at a single point in time. This equipment can easily generate a 500,000 T/sec rate of change in a small area for a brief time. I assure you that it is bad for a person's brain because a person's brain is an electrical system. However if you are seriously intent to prove otherwise then the equipment I refer to is available for doing homework with. It has a surface that can be placed right up against someone's brain. I would probably have you sign a long disclosure document trying to tell you why it would be stupid and potentially lethal. Personally I've been a little too close a couple of times and have felt an effect, but it was nothing near 2 Tesla and the 500 kT/sec of the coil.
Good, so you agree that energy has mass, and that EM energy is energy
You just broke every rule in physics and chemistry. Congratulations…..

But the problem is that to realize what you said, completely ruins half of material information you proposed.

If you realize that em is simply magnetic and electric potential at perpendicular planes (light upon mass), then the assumption that an electron is taken from its shell needs a 2 tesla magnetic is ridiculous. The math itself will tell you that.

For some reason the scales of your analogy and the debate of how the MRI does or does not affect living mass is really way out of perspective. Or simply unless the brain or all life is a complete resistor then why would it take such a large magnet to cause the simple change to an electric charge. Meaning if I have even a little ionic potential to mass, even a little magnet will affect the potential charge and orientation to the mass.

Or simply to remove an electron from its shell can be done with even a little magnet to create a potential between points. So to also understand the descriptions of how life itself is said to operate you would see the current norm suggests each living cell uses ionic potential for all movement of chemical proteins and if that were in fact true, then even a little magnet would damage most any life, like kryptonite to superman.

The representation of em, does not mean electro-magnet. As emr is electromagnetic radiation (light in open space or as in a vacuum)… where the change may assist is to observe electromagnetism upon mass simply a magnetic and electric field at perpendicular planes (upon mass), represented as light and all her illustrious wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum.

This analogy would be like a photon upon an electron, but the difference is the math in relation to the words. On this side the math is from a pi scaling to the frequencies of the em spectrum, with no ‘c’ constant (speed of light) and mass, energy and time are combined. Whereas in current use, Planck’s constant ‘h’ defines the qubit ‘photon’ within the confinement to entropy (directional).

My point here is em is simply light in a physical sense, and since the line item ‘photon’ is already defined, the word is not used often.

If a single atom is at rest any change is caused by energy. Even kinetic energy measured upon a structure is simply light; proof simply cause an abrupt stop, and a photon will release. In every interaction of mass, a photon is of the cause. Chemical reaction; energy exchanged (em). Heat itself is simply em. As some elements will free from bonds with the correct wavelength and have a momentum; we measure them impacts and exchanges.

The difference is to realize that each form of interaction has something occurring at the molecular level and between each and every atom interacting in time, ‘light’ is the energy being described.

The MRI analogy was simply to prove that current descriptions of how the brain mass interacts in not in the binary form of electrical impulses or electric discharges as described with the ionizations of chemical metabolic processes.

Now do you see how thoroughly encumbering a paradigm shift really is?

So from the core of how energy associates to how life works and how the galaxies turn, not to mention ‘good and bad’…. Consciousness, the brain and soul…………. It all has a change beginning at a point that even marries up the various theologies…………….. ‘light’
You just broke every rule in physics and chemistry. Congratulations…..
E = mc^2 is a pretty straight forward equation. Light is drawn by gravity just as if it has mass. This mass is often referred to as relativistic mass. Whereas light or a photon at rest, if there were such a thing, has no mass.

If you realize that em is simply magnetic and electric potential at perpendicular planes (light upon mass), then the assumption that an electron is taken from its shell needs a 2 tesla magnetic is ridiculous. The math itself will tell you that.

For some reason the scales of your analogy and the debate of how the MRI does or does not affect living mass is really way out of perspective. Or simply unless the brain or all life is a complete resistor then why would it take such a large magnet to cause the simple change to an electric charge. Meaning if I have even a little ionic potential to mass, even a little magnet will affect the potential charge and orientation to the mass.

Or simply to remove an electron from its shell can be done with even a little magnet to create a potential between points. So to also understand the descriptions of how life itself is said to operate you would see the current norm suggests each living cell uses ionic potential for all movement of chemical proteins and if that were in fact true, then even a little magnet would damage most any life, like kryptonite to superman.
Valence electrons in a metal are like ions in water. They are already somewhat free to move around in a fluid like manner. Intensity and frequency are both a factor in driving, polarizing, or frying cellular structures like neurons. Take for example the electrical device known as a photoreceptor cell: Photoreceptor cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While you can see light thanks to these cells if you stare at the sun for too long then you will be temporarily and possibly permanently blinded. Yet a little light does not damage... as you say, like kryptonite to superman. Similarly too much sun will fry the skin cells yet a little bit of sun light is easily absorbed every day.

Anytime that you would like to test a 2 Tesla pulsed magnetic field with 500 kT/sec on your brain, just let me know. While I know that a person will more than feel it, and by my accounting they would enter into an induced seizure, I frankly don't know whether or not the person will survive. I'd say some testing is in order. I simply calculate the voltage, current, and charge required to induce a seizure from electroconvulsive therapy, and I back calculate what magnetic field and rate of change of magnetic field is required to induce the same. Care to put my calculations to the test?
Or simply to remove an electron from its shell can be done with even a little magnet to create a potential between points. So to also understand the descriptions of how life itself is said to operate you would see the current norm suggests each living cell uses ionic potential for all movement of chemical proteins and if that were in fact true, then even a little magnet would damage most any life, like kryptonite to superman.

A simple set of words that have lost flavor to arrogance coupled with ignorance and the transformation becomes;

Yet a little light does not damage... as you say, like kryptonite to superman.

Sorry, but that was our exchange of words together. :(

Equality is important, and apparently you choose to think you have it all figured out and simply do not even comprehend what your own descriptions represent; all puffed up with pride.

Equality is important, and apparently you choose to think you have it all figured out and simply do not even comprehend what your own descriptions represent; all puffed up with pride.

Cyberpi? Never !!! :rolleyes: