No. You've simply placed a high value on yourself by what you think you know. I read your argument. On the one hand you say that electronic or electrical devices that clearly work in the presence of a relatively small magnetic field will not work in a field of 2 Tesla. On the other hand you say that if the human brain was an electrical system that relied on ions or charged molecules to function then the slightest magnetic field would be like kryptonite. So you say the brain is not an electrical system. I see a huge error there. A small magnetic field is not kryptonite to the electronic or electrical device you are typing on.A simple set of words that have lost flavor to arrogance coupled with ignorance and the transformation becomes;
Sorry, but that was our exchange of words together.
No we are not equal... that absolute is not obtainable. You say that it is important here... I don't. I have designed and built a machine that does set up a field over 2 Tesla with high dB/dt, but I do not know if a person misused it if it would kill them. I am fairly certain it can cause cardiac arrest if placed against a person's heart but I am still uncertain if it is powerful enough to permanently fry their brain if placed there. You say no. You say that it is safe. If you are so confident that you would like to put your theory to the test then the machine is available. My calculations say that it would be a mistake... a foolish gamble. The only payoff in taking the gamble would be the value that you've placed in something. What would that something be? What is it here that you've placed value in that you are apparently irritated with me for disagreeing with you?Equality is important, and apparently you choose to think you have it all figured out and simply do not even comprehend what your own descriptions represent; all puffed up with pride.