What am I?

A simple set of words that have lost flavor to arrogance coupled with ignorance and the transformation becomes;

Sorry, but that was our exchange of words together. :(
No. You've simply placed a high value on yourself by what you think you know. I read your argument. On the one hand you say that electronic or electrical devices that clearly work in the presence of a relatively small magnetic field will not work in a field of 2 Tesla. On the other hand you say that if the human brain was an electrical system that relied on ions or charged molecules to function then the slightest magnetic field would be like kryptonite. So you say the brain is not an electrical system. I see a huge error there. A small magnetic field is not kryptonite to the electronic or electrical device you are typing on.

Equality is important, and apparently you choose to think you have it all figured out and simply do not even comprehend what your own descriptions represent; all puffed up with pride.
No we are not equal... that absolute is not obtainable. You say that it is important here... I don't. I have designed and built a machine that does set up a field over 2 Tesla with high dB/dt, but I do not know if a person misused it if it would kill them. I am fairly certain it can cause cardiac arrest if placed against a person's heart but I am still uncertain if it is powerful enough to permanently fry their brain if placed there. You say no. You say that it is safe. If you are so confident that you would like to put your theory to the test then the machine is available. My calculations say that it would be a mistake... a foolish gamble. The only payoff in taking the gamble would be the value that you've placed in something. What would that something be? What is it here that you've placed value in that you are apparently irritated with me for disagreeing with you?
The magnetic pull of an MRI scanner is powerful.

It’s 30,000 times more powerful than the earth’s magnetic field,” says Dr. Moriel Nessaiver, Ph.D.

The machine uses the megaton magnet, radio waves and a computer to capture images of the body's soft tissue. It can also capture any iron-containing metal you're wearing and you don't want to wind up in the line-of-fire if metal flies.

“if the patient is actually in the magnet, then you know, they’re at the center of the highest magnetic field and that’s where something is gonna get sucked into.”

Dr. Emanuel Kanal says, "People forget. I didn't remember about the scissors or the nail clippers in my pocket, or something of that nature."

Metal inside the body is another concern, especially with some older implants.
Dr. Kanal says, "Patients with pacemakers of certain types have died in MR scanners and there has even been a patient that has died with an aneurysm clip that was a type, that was made up of a type of metal that should never have been exposed to an MR examination.”

Now take your phone into your magnet while it is on.

Not a computer chip of binary (and/or gates) that can withstand these fields.

and any representation thereof opposing is either a direct fib or a fib....

either way, your representation shares just how deep your honesty is.

Meaning the whole rest of the world will not bring even a metal paper clip into the same room, but you have 'built' one that has no affect on electrical devices or any danger to the operations of devices of electrical memories.

Better still bring you favorite van halen tape (8 track) inside of a 2 tesla magnet, while it is on, and see if your music is still on any track.
On a construction site we used to use the old multichannel brick sized walki talki's. We also would put security on the construction trailers or buildings we built. There wasn't a pad or control panel that couldn't be turned on or off by keying the mike button on those monsters.

We'd need to get into a building early in the morning, no security code, we'd hold the walki next to the entry pad and key it a few times until it turned green. of course when we left we'd realarm the place the same way.

OH no, he's given away secrets!
:D Wil


Flow went missing shortly after your invitation to dinner. And now I see you travel round with a brain fryer. Were sweetmeats on the menu?

Flow.....you have to say hello or Cyberpi is going to jail!!

:D Wil


Flow went missing shortly after your invitation to dinner. And now I see you travel round with a brain fryer. Were sweetmeats on the menu?

Flow.....you have to say hello or Cyberpi is going to jail!!

Flow had a hard time even believing that I travel with work... I've never offered or met Flow. Innocent I tell you. I did however have the pleasure of meeting Juantoo3 and wife.
OOOps My mistake... sorry. But (not to give in but to insist on a conspiracy), 123 has returned a different and "angry" man..... Cyberpi...are you a Borg? Did you assimilate him? :rolleyes:

OOOps My mistake... sorry. But (not to give in but to insist on a conspiracy), 123 has returned a different and "angry" man..... Cyberpi...are you a Borg? Did you assimilate him? :rolleyes:

Tao you reveal yourself. I think both Juantoo3 and I at some level recognize that other people do not dictate our mood. For example if the military tells Juantoo3 to be proud then he'd still be thinking independently whether or not he really wants to feel proud about anything. Whether he deems it appropriate to be angry or to be proud the choice is his. Personally I don't hold it against someone if they are angry with something or even with me. My closest family: parents, wife, and children have the right to be angry... why shouldn't Juantoo3? Personally I doubt that Juantoo3 is angry just because you say he is. But if so then I am interested in knowing what or why anyone has decided to get angry with something, but I would not press it as a separate moral issue or character flaw. Were your parents ever angry with you? Would you consider them somehow wrong to be angry with you, Tao? Would you say that your parents are like machines with buttons and you get to choose whether or not they will be angry with you? I know that some children come to believe it... kind of like crying in a toy store and asking, "Why do you HATE me?" Oh for the love of... better buy that kid whatever he/she wants... can't be labelled with the HATE word. Oh no can't have that. Or, in the case here better to give up the disagreement... can't be labelled with the ANGRY word... or the IGNORANCE word or the ARROGANCE word. No can't have that... must be like a machine and give that child whatever he/she wants to make it better. Hopefully when those children grow up then they will become parents and will get to see the world from a different angle. Many parents love their children... just not always in the way that their children want. Have you had any children Tao?
See I was right! You are Borg!! Absolutely no sense of humour what so ever :p

Yes I have had 2 children.

As for 123 being angry or not I do not know. All I do know is that I got uncharacteristically negative responses from him last time we exchanged words here. Juan and I have disagreed many times before but this was different and so different I am concerned about him. I count Juan as a friend here and respect what he has to say. But I too have the right to be who I am, however flawed, and if you dont like that you are under no obligation to respond to me. I am sometimes a bit too quick to make ill thought out posts, but they rarely go uncorrected by the good folks who inhabit this space. But you are wrong in saying that I "reveal myself", the truth is I never "conceal myself". And if you dont get the difference between a bit of light hearted ribbing....yes humour....and an attack on someone then you must not laugh much in life. I like laughter.

See I was right! You are Borg!! Absolutely no sense of humour what so ever :p

Yes I have had 2 children.

As for 123 being angry or not I do not know. All I do know is that I got uncharacteristically negative responses from him last time we exchanged words here. Juan and I have disagreed many times before but this was different and so different I am concerned about him. I count Juan as a friend here and respect what he has to say. But I too have the right to be who I am, however flawed, and if you dont like that you are under no obligation to respond to me. I am sometimes a bit too quick to make ill thought out posts, but they rarely go uncorrected by the good folks who inhabit this space. But you are wrong in saying that I "reveal myself", the truth is I never "conceal myself". And if you dont get the difference between a bit of light hearted ribbing....yes humour....and an attack on someone then you must not laugh much in life. I like laughter.

I do not aspire to be a comedian here and if I did I would not be laughing at my own alleged jokes. However if you do tell a joke that is funny to me I'll be sure to let you know, but right now I'd advise not quitting your day job just yet. < rib rib >
From a science perspective.

What am I, what comprises me?

How about my fingernail? Is it me? Am I it? Am I one with it? Do we symbiotically coexist? Well I guess I may determine if I wish to smite it yes? But I would still exist without it, and it would still exist for a time without me.

What about the bacteria, parasites, are they me? If I was stripped of all of them could I exist without them?

Digestive juices, enzymes I create, are they me or of me?

What of my knowledge is mine? It seems there is knowledge that my glands know that I don't. Don't they send out various defensive macrophages to determine what is attacking my body and then once having idenitified exactly with anitbody works best crank up the factories to send millions out? I don't do that, who does, is it just automatic or are they making decisions and acting without my approval? Are they me?

Where do I end? I know one of you has the logical scientific answer to this.

You are a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very small miracle.......
You are a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very small miracle.......
hmmm in relation to what?

are there different size miracles like different size infinities?

I live in the world where there are no miracles and it is all a miracle.

You my friend are very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very big miracle....... and I'm honored to have your aquaintance!
The miracle... Itself cannot be measured, nor weighed, nor priced(put a value on) it is just what it is. ;) But it lives within you, and what I meant by size was your physical size (and I guess the 'odds', but hey thats where the miracle comes in.... It defies logic, science, reason understanding.)... Example, the earth is iluminated by this intense force we know as the sun, this star is like 350 thousand times (or so) larger than the planet we live on. Yet it itself is so small and insignificant in comparison to the solar system it burns within... And that solar system is so small and insignificant in the universe that it lives within.... And that is where you can feel and appreciate the power of the miracle.... It has travelled, it has travelled along long way.... And here it is... If you pause you can feel it, it has come all this way to you, and it will be with you forevermore.. So what are you? A miracle :) And that is all that matters... And I think it is awesome....

hehe, and I am honored to be yours :)