Another Mad Lib Story Thread

Marcus did not only like to eat peas, he liked to play with them too. His favourite game was to take a quick sniff of pepper before inserting a pea into each nostril and seeing how far the subsequent sneeze would project them...
The sailor hated peas ever since he'd mistakenly eaten one of Marcus' cast offs. Forgetting this for the moment, his ruddy face turned, brave eyes filled with the image of a whale scraping a giant squid off onto his ship's deck.
and thousands of tiny japanese whale hunters screaming in terror as they were dismembered alive "for scientific purposes".......... and the seagulls screamed......."damn you, science, damn you to hell........"
And the Heart of Gold's navigation computer said "We are cruising at an improbability level of 167,444,260,578,555,224,399,777 to 1 ! Normality will be restored in twenty seconds!"
Francis King then arrived. They all quaked at the sight of the intergalactic totalitarian dictator in the flesh and secretly admired his perky breasts while Francis, arm outstretched, gave the sign of the fig above their heads.
"Five seconds to normality!!" said the Heart of Gold, but this time even the Heart of Gold didn't sound very certain that normality could ever be restored. How does one compare normality with what's normal?
All the while, Marcus went on eating his pea taco, humming to himself with a full mouth, while his stuffed bunny rabbit named Esther kept a vigilant watch out the porthole. Esther sensed Francis King's arrival, and admired his breasts with remote senses.