We are not all pigs lol... Yes I look at some females and many thoughts come to mind, that is natural I am a male animal, I am built to be attracted to the female. It's natural, I am not a "pig" for these thoughts, I am a "man" for these thoughts
acting responding to base instincts, is my reference as a pig. We aren't geese who mate for life, who sit with an injured until they get better or die, who take turns with the lead, who encourage each other...
Yes we are the male animal...ok not a pig....whatever...but if all the actions I indicate as my generalization you agree it whatever you like.
As for women, some act like men I'll agree, but most appear much more admire from afar, look at that guy, but they won't follow thru as readily as men. Again a generalization. A woman walks in a bar and goes down the line and says let's do it, she won't get to the 3rd guy before she gets an agreement and most often the first will jump at the chance. A guy does the same thing he'll get slapped numerous times and he'll probably average about 15 women before he gets a yes...and she'll probably be already softened by liquor.
Now I'm not a woman, this is my observation. I've seen women in strip joints, they are a lot worse than men in this mob mentality, for some reason the rules are different.
Again, call it crude, I think the reason we have issues with it is the truth of it, and the profanity. "Yes that mature woman with the children over there is lovely. I'd like to ask her out, date a number of times, see if we connect and end up in a relationship where we further our connection"
Abbreviated acronym, MILF.
(oh and I do know women who when they found out they were considered a MILF, the conversation went like this. "He called me a what?" "What does that mean?" "That's disgusting!!" "But me, he thinks like that of me?" and then an appreciative blush...