wil said:
Now this is the issue, while many of us have moved on from our given, born into religions, others have not. Not saying that any of it is right or wrong but just the contemplation, you are born a Jew or Muslim or Hindu or Atheist?? And a large percentage of the world never moves from that designation. Whats up with that? This scientologist sperm found this scientologist egg and hence we have a scientologist? Born and raised not to question. (Note replace scientologist with whatever belief)
And when I say whatever belief I mean...patriotism. What the hell is that? So you are a member of the lucky sperm club that landed where-ever you did and suddenly disdain falls upon you, curses and epithats should you grow up and think some other -ism, some other country or gov't appeals to you more than the one you fell into?
If you think "Damn Right" I was born a WASP, or Catholic Brit, or American Baptist, or Iranian Jew in India...if you have such allegance to your birthplace or heritage or religion...how can you not respect others to have the same?
ie if you think your Christian Capitiolism is so great just because you were born there and indoctrinated there, than can't you respect the Athiest Communist or the Socialist Hindu or the Muslim Kingdom? After all you are in the exact same boat!!!
Am I as usual off my rocker?
(note: Dondi this is not directed at you or anyone in particular, your comment just spawned, verbalized the concept that has been irritating me lately)
Dondi said:
Keep in mind that in many cases these people have been indoctrinated into their belief system for a long time, even grown up with it. And right or wrong, that is all they know. So you might be doing them a favor if you express and share your views to them as well, it could open up their eyes.
When one quotes another, particularly from a different thread, one ought to consider the quote in context. Had I just discovered CR and this was the first thread I read, I might be inclined to believe that Dondi is rather closed-minded, perhaps intolerance of other's beliefs. I don't appreciate that perception.
The quote come from a discussion on this
thread, for anyone who wishes to
peruse it. That specific conversation concerns how we deal with those who are in the habit of knocking door to door to prostelyze their religion. My quote above was exampled by an experience I had when a couple of young Mormons came to my door. Both of them had in fact been born and raised in the LDS church and I knew that their visit was part of their obligation to spread their faith, which they are highly 'encouraged' to do so. I also knew their approach and basically what they would say almost verbatim, according to the doctrines which they have been taught all their lives.
Now to a certain extent, I repects their beliefs and what they are doing to spread it. Showing tolerance doesn't mean you have to agree. And in fact, I didn't dig on their beliefs, I simply shared mine. I could have very well said, no, I'm not interested, have a nice day. But my thinking is that Mormons for the most part, like JWs, have aberrant Christian views that sway well beyond the pale of orthodox Christianity. And typically it is because they are part of an organization in which "new revelation" has caused them to distrust orthodox and biblical teachings. Rather they favor of something a prophet or teacher claims to have received through their own "revelation". Then they filter every thing they read in the bible in light of that "revelation", but what they end up with is something distorted and out of context.
I'm not upset with those who knock on my door. They are only doing what they feel is right. I believe they are sincere in their faith. I'm more upset for the organization for which they represent. Why? Because certain organization have a controlling factor in the lives off their adherents which does not allow for any latitude in exploring other faiths. That in itself isn't dangerous, but when the organization threatens excommunication and ostracization (sp?) from their families, it becomes a
big problem. There is no freedom in their faith, it is compulsion. It is a barrier to free worship and relationship with God.
Part of the problem I see is that many of these groups are performance-based. Better jump through all the hoops if you want to reach heaven. How many times did you knock on doors this week, Joe? Ah, according to our ledger, you missed a day. You better make it up next week. And oh, you only gave 9.99% this month, tsk tsk.
I just want to wake people up, that's all.