Scientology 101.....

17th Angel

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I have decided to start a thread about ANYTHING to do with Scientology, this started as a Baha'i thread, but it is growing from there, and as some users are getting antsy about it, I have decided to move it to an independent Modern religion thread, as I have a genuine interest in this religion......

I have just watched a movie file called.. "The Beginner's Guide To L. Ron Hubbard." Where this Sikh gentlemen decides to look into the religion and gets taken in by the Freezoners... And he has done what I am currently doing, getting closer to them and understanding them... And from their making a FAIR and honest feeling of them.... (I may share my log one day about my research.) Also as I am on an uber connection, if anyone wishes for me to send them this movie... via the net, just let me know...

Scientology..... Discuss...


Could I also state... isn't there a way we could have a Scientology forum here in the modern religion section? As many have questions and debates and views and such on this religion... A lot more than say the rastafarian religion, yet that has a forum.... :)
There is simply not enough traffic on that Cult to warrant a section. Unless we start an umbrella group for "Crazy Cults". What about a vote :D
Now isn't scientology the religion that was created as a result of a bet?

Let's look past the bigger picture to a small thing.... lol...

No it wasn't made because of a bet, thanks for the post/question Wil... Here ask yourself this.... You make a bet with me... For a dollar... That is like 50p lol.... Would you dedicate yourself, put your heart and soul in to an organisation... for..... Forty plus years?

But he went on to make more? Yes which was put into the church... It helped to make it grow and helped to get the organisation of the human angels.... (Voulnteer ministers are there name but to me they are angels in yellow coats and I wish I could be like them.)

Lets say "ok it was made on a dollar bet..." Lets say that for a second.... Now let's see what that dollar bought....

It has bout the LARGEST non govermental anti drug campaign..... It has bought an emergency service for 140 of the worst diaster sites. (9/11. tsunami, london bomings, hurricanes in america, mud slides in the congo, flooding of orleans... and many more....) It has bought an organisation which is so highly known for promoting the rights... Sorry our human rights.... To the world. It has formed an organisation that sees past colour, race, creed or faith. (this is my research so far...) It has a massive educational service...

That's a lot of bang for your buck.....
Namaste all,

one of my favorite subjects of discussion.

wil, it wasn't a bar bet. there is a fascinating interview on this subject from one of the writers that was present, the long and the short of it is that the idea came up in as a tangent in a writers club discussion the whole idea that it was a bet is a bit of an embellishment.

Alex P, though a being is free to hold whatever religious beliefs that they may choose it is quite important to separate the Church of $cientology and actual scientologist in this dicussion, in my opinion.

i'll leave you with a rather infamous quote from mr. hubbard:

Did you ever read...Orwell's uh.. 1984?...That would be...the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence. -- L. Ron Hubbard, Phil. Doctorate Course, Lect. 20

i am opposed to such notions as all sentient, compassionate beings should.


well, Id like to know more about it, cos im curious about it. Ok, it was started by Ronnie hubbard, what else. whats with the yellow coats, alex. whats that about. over here, ive only heard of whats on tv (tom cruise etc) so id love to know more......... go on please................
well, Id like to know more about it, cos im curious about it. Ok, it was started by Ronnie hubbard, what else. whats with the yellow coats, alex. whats that about. over here, ive only heard of whats on tv (tom cruise etc) so id love to know more......... go on please................

You actually have them in oz. They are called the Voulnteer ministers... They are intent on one thing, and that is to help. They try to help in anway possible, be it spiritual needs of victims, or those which are from the emergency services, they will also lend a hand to help get works in motion, they setup and staff shelters... (as this is one of the human rights.) From all I have seen, There are a few misunderstandings... Wait, alot of misunderstandings about them, Grey I would be happy to share something with you, and of course you can then look at this and look at whatever others will tell you about the VM and you then make your own decisions :)

YouTube - Scientology Video: Providing Effective Help
YouTube - Scientology Video: Volunteer Ministers in Partnership

Namaste all,

one of my favorite subjects of discussion.

wil, it wasn't a bar bet. there is a fascinating interview on this subject from one of the writers that was present, the long and the short of it is that the idea came up in as a tangent in a writers club discussion the whole idea that it was a bet is a bit of an embellishment.

Alex P, though a being is free to hold whatever religious beliefs that they may choose it is quite important to separate the Church of $cientology and actual scientologist in this dicussion, in my opinion.

i'll leave you with a rather infamous quote from mr. hubbard:

Did you ever read...Orwell's uh.. 1984?...That would be...the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence. -- L. Ron Hubbard, Phil. Doctorate Course, Lect. 20

i am opposed to such notions as all sentient, compassionate beings should.



Many quote L. Ron Hubbard from his sci fi books because yes he was a writer of sci-fi and mostly magazines and such before he founded the religion, and people love to quote his quotes from these books as quotes on Scientology.... That isn't accurate nor fair. Regarding your quote, I am sure that can be seen in many ways ;)

Anyway I wanted to share some of the quotes people tend to "forget"....

MY L. Ron Hubbard Quotes:
All disturbance and chaos folds up in the teeth of truth.
Don’t ever try to stop truth. It’s the only thing that can go through 16-inch armor plate

The way out is the way through

Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow

Happiness and strength endure only in the absence of hate. To hate alone is the road to disaster. To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe

Probably the most neglected friend you have is you. And yet every man, before he can be a true friend to the world, must first become a friend to himself.

The wrong thing to do about any given circumstance or situation is to do nothing.

Just a few (of many) most tend to not like to show others... :)

Oh V, aren't Xenu apart of anoynous??? "the good guys" lol...

Here are the good guys saving us from this evil cult, bless them.........

I don't know, haven't heard that quote... Or I can't recall it lol....

Also I don't know why it keeps coming to your mind.. Only you know that. Perhaps it is because maybe some of what we hear about L. Ron Hubbard isn't in the best or good light, I am as I said only just looking into this, I have found far more good than bad.

Maybe this quote is in your head, because what he started, is still thriving and it is a good aid (personally I believe so) to help you along the road.

Not sure brother.... If there is a lesson though behind the post, lets hear it. :)
Did you ever read...Orwell's uh.. 1984?...That would be...the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence. -- L. Ron Hubbard, Phil. Doctorate Course, Lect. 20

That quote is not from one of his SF Books but from a video lecture I myself have seen.

Alex, you say you want to give a genuine chance to let Scientology have a fair hearing. Well that is a damn site more than Scientology actively seeks to give its critics. And I think you should bear that in mind at every turn. I will not divulge the details of your PM to me at the weekend but if Scientology causes you to think you acted correctly in behaving that way then perhaps you do belong with them. Perhaps you have found your calling and you should sell your house move to Clearwater.

Did you ever read...Orwell's uh.. 1984?...That would be...the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence. -- L. Ron Hubbard, Phil. Doctorate Course, Lect. 20

That quote is not from one of his SF Books but from a video lecture I myself have seen.

Alex, you say you want to give a genuine chance to let Scientology have a fair hearing. Well that is a damn site more than Scientology actively seeks to give its critics. And I think you should bear that in mind at every turn. I will not divulge the details of your PM to me at the weekend but if Scientology causes you to think you acted correctly in behaving that way then perhaps you do belong with them. Perhaps you have found your calling and you should sell your house move to Clearwater.


I didn't say that quote.. But all in all mostly his sci fi books are used, I said regarding to that quote, it's meaning can be taken in many ways... I have no shame of my PM lol.... Everyone here... I informed my local church of Scientology of a protest that is going to take place... Tomorrow in fact. I have seen these protestors act in an incorrect manner, yes we have the right to freedom of expression, we have the right to free speech, we have the right to democracy, we have the right to assemble..... But, that goes both ways :) Also we have the right to privacy...

Anyway, seeing how they have previously acted... I wished to make sure they knew this was going to take place, I hold no shame in that. Thanks for reminding me of that though Tao. :D

Scientology didn't make me feel right about it, my conscience did. I respect their rights to do this... They can have their own faith, belife and opinions... If it is done in a correct manner and with respect. Treat others how you wish to be treated... They are human beings, and to torment them, throw hateful words at them and to discriminate agaisnt them cannot and will not be tolerated.. Protest? Sure fill your boots, that is ya god given right. :) However, I (personally) believe that time could be used for better things lol... But, that ain't my call.

Hehe move to Clearwater? I have ties to this country... I can't move, and we shouldn't expect people to move to where their religion is acceptable... That is somewhat along the lines of Nazi concentration camps and slums... Practice your religion whatever it may be where you live, and never feel like you need to move.
Ohhh well since you can moralise it to yourself that makes me all happy and glad!! Like I say, I think your search is over. You have found the PERFECT outfit.

Here are some comments from an EX-Scientologist. There are plenty of reasons to choose not to do scientology. On the other hand, most of the reasons commonly posted to forums are garbage IMHO. Its amazing to me how often I end up against my wishes defending scientology because of the crap that gets posted.

By definitions I think it would be a bad idea for this site to try and title it a cult.

The famous quote (or bar bet) is really from George Orwell decades earlier. Of course Hubbard is well known for "researching" (borrowing) from other sources so I wouldnt discount the possiblity he might have used it in conversation but I wouldnt give him credit for it.

Same with Scientology. Most of it can easily be found in almost the exact same wording in various works on psychology, self-help programs, and other religions. But then again its usually the detractors of Scientology that say he made it all up. Insiders tend to say researched, which is probably more realistic. He did package it all well though.

They also tend to like the words "made up by a scifi writer" which is deceptive. Hubbard was in the Guiness book of World Records for both most prolific writer, and most translated writer. He wrote in most genres.. scifi, western, romance, etc and many documentaries (researched). Im not sure if the two titles still hold but I think they do.

In the 1950s you couldnt do self-help or alternative medicine new wave. He tried it as a self-help program, then some of his claims got it pushed into it being called medicine which got him in trouble, then finally ended up as life-style-choice religion. Nowadays its presented quite differently when the same thing is tried by other people.

The courses are actually excellent. The costs are reasonable. The horror stories are few when compared to others. Most people actually only take a couple of courses without changing their religious status and then quit.

Hmmm does that cover enough? When bringing up items be prepared for comparatives with your own religion (or other well known ones). Except of course for atheists which tend to do best in such discussions.
Its amazing to me how often I end up against my wishes defending scientology because of the crap that gets posted.

You know why you do that though Gandalf.... :)

By definitions I think it would be a bad idea for this site to try and title it a cult.

But they are a cult..... I find it funny how people get this idea that cult is a word for people that are either liars or killers or whatever.... Name any religion.....

That's a cult....
Another cult...

I could go on, any religion is a cult, because a cult is a religious group which practices the same belifes and one another and so on.... Some reason though it has become a popular word to define "evil brainewashers" lol....

Same with Scientology. Most of it can easily be found in almost the exact same wording in various works on psychology, self-help programs, and other religions. But then again its usually the detractors of Scientology that say he made it all up. Insiders tend to say researched, which is probably more realistic. He did package it all well though.

Alot of the bible can be found in the Torah... Alot of Islamic belife can be found in sikhism... Alot of hinduhism can be found in buddhism.... :)

I think if what a religion.. Sorry Cult.... :) is practicing is for the better of mankind, self and the world... What does it matter... Where the ideas and set values came from? It is improving others, sure there are those that are not happy with scientology and left, and leave, like every reli...cult... That is their given right and free choice... That doesn't mean at all it won't work for others, I can see a lot ALOT of hard work ahead of me... I can understand many may not like that... Become demanding on them, but for me it is worth it.

The courses are actually excellent. The costs are reasonable. The horror stories are few when compared to others. Most people actually only take a couple of courses without changing their religious status and then quit.

The few "horror stories"

Would they complain at paying for services in other religions though? Or courses in a school/university? Also if you are staff courses are free... I have found just through looking there is alot that is either made up or way out of porpotion with what peopel say about scientology and the more I discuss it the stronger I bond to it... lol
Namaste Alex P,

thank you for the post.

Alex P said:
Many quote L. Ron Hubbard from his sci fi books because yes he was a writer of sci-fi and mostly magazines and such before he founded the religion, and people love to quote his quotes from these books as quotes on Scientology.... That isn't accurate nor fair. Regarding your quote, I am sure that can be seen in many ways ;)

i only quote from authentic Source.

what other ways can you parse the quote, Alex P? someway that doesn't make it sound like LRH is advocating an Orwellian society with $cientology in control and there being no rememdy in existence?

Just a few (of many) most tend to not like to show others... :)

where did you get your quotes, you didn't cite them and $cientology Source is sacrosanct in this regard.

Oh V, aren't Xenu apart of anoynous??? "the good guys" lol...

if you are referring to Zemu/Xenu that is a copyrighted property of $cientology and is part of the OTIII material.

i don't care for terms like good guys or bad guys.. those notions are far too dependent upon the aims of such a group being inline with our own for such notions to carry much weight.

