How do you know?

I respect your opinion Mee, but my struggle with that is that to me, the Bible is just another book on A type of religion. If Christianity is the path one chooses, then the Bible is their guide on how to live the best Christian life. Just as other religions have one form or another of a book, or directive, that they believe is from THEIR God and if that is the religion they choose, then that is their guide down that path.
For mee the bible is also a book of prophecy ,and many prophecies are undergoing fullfillment in this time that we are living in .

and it teaches mee that the earth will be brought back to paradise conditions, and the righteous and mildtempered will inherit the earth .
psalm 37;11 psalm 37;29
matthew 5;5
and it will be through GODS KINGDOM that it will all be acomplished . matthew 6;9-10 Daniel 2;44.

1 corinthians 15; 24-28

Next, the end, when he (JESUS)hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. 25 For he must rule as king until [God] has put all enemies under his feet. 26 As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing. 27 For [God] "subjected all things under his feet." But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that it is with the exception of the one who subjected all things to him. 28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone.

And the last thing to be put out of the way will be that enemy DEATH . mee likes the hope the bible holds out , it is very good :)
For mee the bible is also a book of prophecy ,and many prophecies are undergoing fullfillment in this time that we are living in .

Woe! Woe! The End of the World is Nigh!!:rolleyes:
Woe! Woe! The End of the World is Nigh!!:rolleyes:
no the end of critical times are nigh , its better to put over some :)GOODNEWS IT GIVES HOPE


And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. MATTHEW 24;14


I think sometimes it's funny how we wish for mee to express himself more as a human/indvidual than just pre-made text extracts... Yet we tend to encourage him to stay at a distance.

Woe! Woe! The End of the World is Nigh!!:rolleyes:

I knew it would be pretty much impossible to get people to express themselves without others making a joke out of their views..... I know when I stated this thread to just be about you the individual and your reasons and feelings and such for your faith. That it was a tall order. And others would have to have their -correct- say on others comments......
And others would have to have their -correct- say on others comments......

I think that is part of our "human" side rearing its head. Religion, spirituality, or even the lack of belief in either, is, at the end of the day, an emmotional thing for each individual, IF they truly follow that path. And as a woman, I understand first hand that emmotion does not necessarily always include logic.

This is one of the hardest things that I encounter as I search for where I "fit" in the world of religion/spirituality. I desperately need calm sound opinions and facts in order to make the decision for myself. ie "this relgions believes THIS..." "I think this is right because..". LOL, one HUGE problem is getting people to say "I THINK". I hear alot of "this IS right because.." and that tends to cause me to take a giant leap back from them.
How do I know there is a God?
My initial response, as it is to many religious questions, would be "compared to what?"

How do I know there are microwaves? How do I know there is a sun? How do I know that there is oxygen?
A) initially because I was told there was, what to call it, and what properties it had
B) Ive been able to test and use the properties
C) Ive also seen the results of when it is not present

I also believe in evolution, quantum theory, and Mars. But those are more difficult due to not being able to cover A,B,C
Too true, and much appreciated.

Here's my version that sums up my beliefs:

YouTube - Heaven's Here On Earth - Tracy Chapman


Nice :)

There are always different angles with which you can approach the "medium sized truths". I just got back from doing a whistle stop tour of a section of the Scottish Highlands. Showing off the beautiful land I was lucky enough to be born on to a visitor from overseas, and who had only ever seem mountains twice before. This land is heaven on Earth, and so was her joy to view it and mine to show it.

Ohhh and a bonus.... found a great new t-shirt!! see below :p

The pic shows the Isle of Jura and (left) and Scarba (right) in the distance from Crinan Harbour. If it was magnified enough you could see where George Orwell wrote 1984
Says "The Da Vinci Cod" on the "weird fish" brand....hate brands but I am a crazy pisces and I thought there it a wee bitty more lateral than average.


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I think sometimes it's funny how we wish for mee to express himself more as a human/indvidual than just pre-made text extracts... Yet we tend to encourage him to stay at a distance.

I knew it would be pretty much impossible to get people to express themselves without others making a joke out of their views..... I know when I stated this thread to just be about you the individual and your reasons and feelings and such for your faith. That it was a tall order. And others would have to have their -correct- say on others comments......

lol, try to reach Mee by your dynamical effort and I'll just tell him what i'm thinking ;)
LOL- what a T-shirt! :D

Love the photos... looks like where I live.

Yeh that part of Scotland is pretty similar from all pics and film I have looked at from almost the length of the shore from Seattle to Alaska. Scotland's you can drive round in and see all the best bits in a days leisurely driving :p A sort of Disney North Western Seaboard. I'd love to see that....maybe one day..