should I stay or should I go?

Ok, I'm not a true geek, because I daydream rather than read a lot and am more of a religion escape artist than a religionist. Mysticism doesn't have much attraction for me, however I believe in God and admit God's plan is good. Some of the comparative reading I've done here has been helpful, however everything that is outside of my focus is only gathered ecclectically. I prayed and began to understand Scripture and must continue to focus on it. I can ask some respectful questions about Baha'is, however there are only so many things that I can think about at one time.

Ecclesiastes 1:4-11 said:
4-7 Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again.

8-9 All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

10-11 Is there anything of which one can say, "Look! This is something new"? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. There is no remembrance of men of old, and even those who are yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow.
At least it's a little bit organized that way. It can be hard to keep track of everything... I don't try to keep track of everything... not in every forum anyway. I do stay on top of this one :)

Granted organisation, that be good.. But restricting others to enter certain areas because they don't match up to the criteria... Dunno, that bothers me. Say you want to learn about another religion if you make it so the abc's can only go in here and the def's can't, that be no good :(

Don't get meh wrong I like the idea of sub sections for faith, just not the idea that those that are not of that faith aren't welcome in their threads. :|
To me the reason for the different forums is that it allows anyone to ask questions of a given religion but not to use the forum for their own agenda say to promote their own religion.. there are still say comparative religion areas where people of various religions can compare and contrast..but ask Brian as he is the adminiostrator.

- Art
Alex said:
Granted organisation, that be good.. But restricting others to enter certain areas because they don't match up to the criteria... Dunno, that bothers me.
You'd effectively be banning Alex. :D Lots of other people too, and then the forum wouldn't be a forum.
That's my interpretation of the walled garden approach too, Art. It isn't that a non-Jew, for example, can't go to the Jewish section. Rather, a non-Jew can't go to the Jewish section and then go on and on about Christianity or attack Judaism.

The walled gardens are for respectful questions and discussion of concepts of a particular religion. Not for attacking that religion. Not for trying to sway people from that religion to your own. Etc. A problem I see is that lately this happens a lot on the Christian forum. Why, I do not know. I guess people are just contentious and they figure Christians are a good target.

So Alex, you're welcome in any forum. We're just trying to prevent a free-for-all attack and convert agenda in people who would otherwise have at it.
You'd effectively be banning Alex. :D

lol that thought brought a smile to ya face didn't it;)

So Alex, you're welcome in any forum. We're just trying to prevent a free-for-all attack and convert agenda in people who would otherwise have at it.

Aw thanks, I like to have me fingers in many pies. But Just one quick thought to ponder upon... Do we not within the same faith see attacks on same faith and convert attempts on same faith... *nods towards the christian forum while attempting to make it out to just be a twitch.*
Ok, I'm not a true geek, because I daydream rather than read a lot and am more of a religion escape artist than a religionist. Mysticism doesn't have much attraction for me, however I believe in God and admit God's plan is good. Some of the comparative reading I've done here has been helpful, however everything that is outside of my focus is only gathered ecclectically. I prayed and began to understand Scripture and must continue to focus on it. I can ask some respectful questions about Baha'is, however there are only so many things that I can think about at one time.

I like the quote from Ecclesiastes you posted, but when I quoted you, it only quoted what you wrote. Daydreaming is totally fine, and night dreams are great. Do you remember your dreams at night? Last night I had a really good dream, I was sitting and holding someone in my arms. Maybe she was sleeping, I've dreamed she's been asleep before. In fact, I was shown her sleeping in a cabinet one time... hehe.. in a dream of course. Anyway, I encourage you to continue to pray and dream. Keep praying and keep dreaming. I welcome any questions you may have about the Baha'i Faith and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
Granted organisation, that be good.. But restricting others to enter certain areas because they don't match up to the criteria... Dunno, that bothers me. Say you want to learn about another religion if you make it so the abc's can only go in here and the def's can't, that be no good :(

Don't get meh wrong I like the idea of sub sections for faith, just not the idea that those that are not of that faith aren't welcome in their threads. :|

You're welcome here. Don't worry about not being a Baha'i. Baha'i Temples are nine-sided for the very purpose of welcoming everyone... nine gates, nine doors... which reminds me there's a Hindu scripture talking about a city with nine gates....a city that may refer to the Baha'i Faith in my opinion. You're welcome here, Alex, no matter your beliefs.
To me the reason for the different forums is that it allows anyone to ask questions of a given religion but not to use the forum for their own agenda say to promote their own religion.. there are still say comparative religion areas where people of various religions can compare and contrast..but ask Brian as he is the adminiostrator.

- Art

Sometimes in another forum I say we can move the conversation into the Baha'i forum... so we can talk about the Baha'i Faith in the Baha'i forum. I go into other forums a lot, but easily lose track of the many, many topics in the whole of CR.
You'd effectively be banning Alex. :D Lots of other people too, and then the forum wouldn't be a forum.

It is an interfaith forum after all. The walls are more like, um, bushes.... with lots of space to walk through. :)
That's my interpretation of the walled garden approach too, Art. It isn't that a non-Jew, for example, can't go to the Jewish section. Rather, a non-Jew can't go to the Jewish section and then go on and on about Christianity or attack Judaism.

The walled gardens are for respectful questions and discussion of concepts of a particular religion. Not for attacking that religion. Not for trying to sway people from that religion to your own. Etc. A problem I see is that lately this happens a lot on the Christian forum. Why, I do not know. I guess people are just contentious and they figure Christians are a good target.

So Alex, you're welcome in any forum. We're just trying to prevent a free-for-all attack and convert agenda in people who would otherwise have at it.

R E S P E C T :D

Yeah, I don't think there should be any attacking of any religion in any of the forums. There can be honest disagreement and differences of opinion, of course, but with respect and tolerance.
Aw thanks, I like to have me fingers in many pies. But Just one quick thought to ponder upon... Do we not within the same faith see attacks on same faith and convert attempts on same faith... *nods towards the christian forum while attempting to make it out to just be a twitch.*

Mmmm, pies :) Sometimes I think of religions in terms of colors, I don't know why. I'm not sure why I see the Baha'i Faith as green, for instance... new growth? The Baha'i Faith is referred to, in Baha'i scriptures, as the Crimson Ark. Green and red are opposites, complementary... and together make brown... another color I associate with it.... Christianity I see as purple sometimes.... or the Roman Catholic Church. Orthodoxy as golden brown... Lutheranism dark brown... Islam is dark green, or tan... beige... golden.... hehe... anyway.... Judaism is dark blue :)
Interesting! I've always felt strongly about those colors, too. Why do you suppose that is?
Mmmm, pies :) Sometimes I think of religions in terms of colors, I don't know why. I'm not sure why I see the Baha'i Faith as green, for instance... new growth? The Baha'i Faith is referred to, in Baha'i scriptures, as the Crimson Ark. Green and red are opposites, complementary... and together make brown... another color I associate with it.... Christianity I see as purple sometimes.... or the Roman Catholic Church. Orthodoxy as golden brown... Lutheranism dark brown... Islam is dark green, or tan... beige... golden.... hehe... anyway.... Judaism is dark blue :)

Ooh, ooh! Post it here:
What color is your... :)
Interesting! I've always felt strongly about those colors, too. Why do you suppose that is?

There could be a lot of answers to that... colors mean a lot of different things... I'll try to remember a few meanings I've heard of...

Purple is royal? Regal? Does the Vatican have particular colors associated with it? I'm thinking purple and yellow, maybe mostly yellow... yellow and white? I also think of Easter as yellow and purple.

Blue symbolizes knowledge and wisdom, I think, and loyalty. My favorite color is blue, and I love knowledge and wisdom... I associate blue with Judaism because of the Star of David.

Green represents love and the heart. The Baha'i Faith is close to my heart and I love it. Is that why I associate green with the Baha'i Faith? Or maybe it's because Bahji (where the Shrine of Baha'u'llah is) is so green. Islam is traditionally represented as green, but I also see Islam as...

Yellow. I'll type like this for yellow so you can read it. Yellow could be symbolic of the sun... which reminds me that the sun and moon can be symbolic of the Persian and Ottoman Empires.... the sun for Persia and the moon for the Ottoman Empire. Note the crescent moons on flags of countries associated with Sunni Islam. I think an old Persian flag had the sun on it.

Orange... Hinduism.... I don't know why.

Red is symbolic of power and authority, and I associate it with Zoroastrianism because of their fire temples.... fire is a symbol of Zoroastrianism.

Someone, I think Dauer, said techelet for Judaism. What is techelet? Someone said Zoroastrianism was dark blue. But I think of fire... oh, wait, fire can be blue :) One time I had a dream I saw white fire. Christianity was given purple, red, mossy green, white... purple was said to be the color of Lent.

Then there are the chakras... the neck is sky blue... a color for communication... green is the heart.... the stomach is yellow...
Someone, I think Dauer, said techelet for Judaism. What is techelet?
The color of the blue thread Israelites were told to wear at the fringes of the garments. (Numbers 15:37-41)

Here's an interesting you tube video exploring the actual source of the blue dye.
Mystery of the Tekhelet Part 1 0f 3 The other two parts are in the "Related Videos" section of that page.
The color of the blue thread Israelites were told to wear at the fringes of the garments. (Numbers 15:37-41)

Here's an interesting you tube video exploring the actual source of the blue dye.
Mystery of the Tekhelet Part 1 0f 3 The other two parts are in the "Related Videos" section of that page.

Cool, thanks! So it is blue :) I did a quick search of youtube for "Baha'i green" and found this funny Green Acre video:

YouTube - The Green Acre Newsreel Volume I - The Peg Leg Stairs

I had forgotten there's a Baha'i school called Green Acre.

Green Acre is a Baha'i school in Maine. If you want to see the Baha'i World Center, here's a video of it:

YouTube - Haifa - Israel

The garden terraces are pretty green.
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