Islam The Right Religion


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hello people,

islam is the right religion people. The bible has many contradictions so it cannot be the correct book, but the quran has none. Quran is the right scripture, the quran has information which scientist have just figured out recently.
im not saying anything bad to the followers of other religions, but i just want to guide you people to the straight path.
if you have any question dont hesitate to ask me or if you want to have a friendly debate then just proceed.
Mani, I've sent you a PM. This thread was moved to its appropriate forum, Islam. Please be mindful of the categories and post in the appropriate one.
islam is the right religion people.

Right or wrong... hmmm... I think in terms of loving and not loving. If something encourages love and compassion in another person, it is a good path for them. If not, it isn't. I don't believe there is a right religion, but I have met many Muslims who are wonderful loving people, so I believe that Islam is the right path for them. There are many wonderful things about Islam that I appreciate, though I am not a Muslim myself.

The bible has many contradictions so it cannot be the correct book, but the quran has none. Quran is the right scripture, the quran has information which scientist have just figured out recently.

That is perhaps a thread best for the Abrahamic Religions forum in general, so that everyone can chime in (if they do not do it here). I find both books to be valuable sacred texts. But then, I am not after accuracy and science in my spirituality. I am after what creates a loving person. I study science for understanding the world in scientific ways and I study religion for understanding how people have, in various cultures and times, sought after the Divine. I do not see either science or religion as being adequate replacements for spirituality- the personal journey toward the Divine/God. That is just my 2 cents.

im not saying anything bad to the followers of other religions, but i just want to guide you people to the straight path.

People here tend to already have guides. :) What makes you more qualified than the guides we already have?

As for the straight path... I prefer the forest path, with lots of breaks to enjoy the scenery.
As for the straight path... I prefer the forest path, with lots of breaks to enjoy the scenery.

Can you hear the chorus of birds singing in many tones and in many pitches in seemingly random chaos, yet totally in harmony, and it's just for you. That I find is refreshing on the walk through that path.
islam is the right religion people. The bible has many contradictions so it cannot be the correct book, but the quran has none. Quran is the right scripture, the quran has information which scientist have just figured out recently. im not saying anything bad to the followers of other religions, but i just want to guide you people to the straight path.

every so often someone shows up peddling this tired old dawah argument that some ignoramus teacher has given them in a pamphlet and, frankly, it is very boring. the "bible" (which bible? the "Tawrah"? the "Injeel"?) has no contradictions which cannot be resolved - perhaps you just don't understand how it is done? - and the Qur'an has plenty of contradictions which can also be resolved in the same way. there is no real difference between these texts from an external viewpoint - of course, as a jew, i can hear the music of G!D's Name far better in the Torah, just as a christian can do likewise with the "new testament", just as you can through the beauty of Qur'anic arabic. however, you must understand that you cannot simply tell other people that your personal experience is more real than theirs. you aren't me, you don't understand how the Torah works and you certainly don't understand the language it is written it. until you do, you have no business coming here preaching - it is like someone who doesn't know me trying to tell how much they would prefer this new wife they've picked out for me over the one i picked for myself and love. it's just ignorant, rude and presumptuous. this has been tried ad nauseam - you can read the following threads if you like.

if you have genuine questions, as opposed to trying to hawk islam to us like a used-car salesman ("new! improved! direct from G!D!") we would be delighted to hear them. otherwise, please go back to madrasa until you learn something about the world.


salam everybody,

I think in order to establish a good dialogue, we should avoid superiority complex....otherwise, there is no is a relation of a teacher and a student...a passive and active...a lecturer and a becomes a boring relationship..

it is good to think that u have the right knowledge, and to try to convey it to others....but, how? that s the question...After all, the advice is taken or abondoned by the way it is presented...

i wont hide on u..i was doing the same thing at the beginning...but, one grows up with experience, modesty, and ability to learn and accept others..

wish you all the best...
I agree, in order to have real dialogue, there needs to be respect for religious differences and tolerance for the beliefs of others. We're only responsible for our own choices, not for the choices of others. We'll be judged by our own lives, not the lives of others. The best way to teach religion, in my opinion, is with detachment, not worrying about whether people will agree with you or not. Present the information and let go of attachment to the outcome. We're a global village with a lot of religious diversity. We need to be able to get along peacefully with each other and respect our differences.
straight path???? Why does it have to be straight, I think its the ups and downs, the twists and turns of the path that determine the experience, and as far as the end result, well, I dont really know, but its an interesting trip.
straight path???? Why does it have to be straight, I think its the ups and downs, the twists and turns of the path that determine the experience, and as far as the end result, well, I dont really know, but its an interesting trip.

Did I recall you once saying you were not wise? I would suggest you changed your opinion on our level of wisdom... Nice post.
salam everybody,

I think in order to establish a good dialogue, we should avoid superiority complex....otherwise, there is no is a relation of a teacher and a student...a passive and active...a lecturer and a becomes a boring relationship..

it is good to think that u have the right knowledge, and to try to convey it to others....but, how? that s the question...After all, the advice is taken or abondoned by the way it is presented...

i wont hide on u..i was doing the same thing at the beginning...but, one grows up with experience, modesty, and ability to learn and accept others..

wish you all the best...

Great post.
thank you for your encouragement, dauer

It s one of my pleasure that you liked my post..Actually, I m doing my best to tolerate difference...After all, the Quran is full of verses which say that the difference among human beings was, is, and will be forever

best wishes
salam everybody,

I think in order to establish a good dialogue, we should avoid superiority complex....otherwise, there is no is a relation of a teacher and a student...a passive and active...a lecturer and a becomes a boring relationship..

it is good to think that u have the right knowledge, and to try to convey it to others....but, how? that s the question...After all, the advice is taken or abondoned by the way it is presented...

i wont hide on u..i was doing the same thing at the beginning...but, one grows up with experience, modesty, and ability to learn and accept others..

wish you all the best...
Now, I will listen to you with rapt attention Dialogue. Becuase you found the key...


Salaam Mani,

I respect your zeal for Islam. For us Muslims, Islaam is the perfect religion. However, for Christians is Christianity, for Buddhist is Buddhism. Your post shows your firm belief, but--I hate to say--probably makes people who do not follow Islaam to start feeling aversion towards your statements because to them, I am pretty sure it sounds arrogant. Please do not take offense.

One thing you, me and all other Muslims should remember, is that the Holy Bible (regardless what others may have done to it) is recognized Revelation from Allah Almighty. We need to respect it and love it. We may not agree to everything it says, but that is why we have the Holy Qur'an.

Remember how the Holy Qur'an tells us the story of the fall of Iblis. He felt that he was better than Adam savs. He felt entitled to hold a better position, because he was created from a smokeless fire, which, Iblis believed is better than the dirt/mud we humans were made of originally.

Let us not be like him (Iblis) for claiming that we are better in belief, that we have the best religion, that we have the Best Book. We may believe it and it (for us) is the truth, but lets not hurt others by telling them theirs is 'inferior.' That is not what Allah Almighty meant when He said that he created us diverse (white, black, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, atheist) to see who will best behave on this Earth. It is all about being mindful, showing the best example through our good deeds which I am sure can best attract people to us and our religion.

If you want others to join you in your religousness, then show them what you know, tell them what you know, make them think. If their hearts are sincere in knowledge seeking, maybe God Almighty will englighten them to Islaam, if not, then hey: we have no control over God's creations--only He does.

God bless.