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Hi all,
Would appreciate opinions from all the wise people here!:)
I recently had an eye test after not having one for 3 years.
I have a stigmatism in my left eye and when my right eye is covered my vision on reading is greatly reduced. When I look at the forum for instance with both eyes it is fine but when I try to read it with my weak eye it is not possible and very blurred indeed.
My right eye is perfect and therefore does probably 80% of the work for my eye sight.
I don't wear glasses at the moment and never have done.
So, if I don't get glasses will my eye sight suffer even more? especially my good eye?, as it will have increased strain due to compensating for the other one?
Once I get glasses do your eyes still get worse? as when I go back next year for another test they will prescribe a stronger lense as my eyes get dependent on the glasses? So my eyes get worse with or without glasses?
I don't know much about specs so any glass wearers have any suggests or opinions for me please.
Many thanks indeed.
Hi all,
Would appreciate opinions from all the wise people here!:)
I recently had an eye test after not having one for 3 years.
I have a stigmatism in my left eye and when my right eye is covered my vision on reading is greatly reduced. When I look at the forum for instance with both eyes it is fine but when I try to read it with my weak eye it is not possible and very blurred indeed.
My right eye is perfect and therefore does probably 80% of the work for my eye sight.
I don't wear glasses at the moment and never have done.
So, if I don't get glasses will my eye sight suffer even more? especially my good eye?, as it will have increased strain due to compensating for the other one?
Once I get glasses do your eyes still get worse? as when I go back next year for another test they will prescribe a stronger lense as my eyes get dependent on the glasses? So my eyes get worse with or without glasses?
I don't know much about specs so any glass wearers have any suggests or opinions for me please.
Many thanks indeed.

Actually, if you have astigmatism, you might only have to wear glasses as a temporary measure, and your eyesight might correct itself after a while. (Unless you spilled something in your eye that etched your cornea. Then, it might take quite a while longer to correct.)
I think I've had it for quite a while, they said before (3 years ago) that my eye, instead of being round, was sort of a rugby ball shape. A specialist checked it out and said it was ok though.
Last time they said I don't really need to wear glasses but this time they said, well, you perhaps should wear them for reading and close work.
It was clearly worse this time around I think when they covered my good eye.
Hi all,
Would appreciate opinions from all the wise people here!:)

*ahem* Look no further.... Your hero of wisdom, has arrived. (Any who tells you different tells you dead wrong!!! *ruffles his fingers through his stick on beard while he raises his brow in tilted attitude to emit a pose of wisdom and confidence...*)

My right eye is perfect and therefore does probably 80% of the work for my eye sight.

The short, sweet and simple answer.... Why did god give ya two? So if one should be destroyed, damaged or so on... You have a backup... Your right eye will not become damaged or run out of steam or whatever because of this condition, that is not to say something else may cause wear and tear of course, but from this situation your right eye is perfect? Then perfect it shall remain.

specially my good eye?, as it will have increased strain due to compensating for the other one?
Once I get glasses do your eyes still get worse?

As we grow my penguin brother, buddy ol pal o'mine.... Are eyes are also continuing to grow until they get to their final point... So it is hard to say if the eye will continue to worsen, you're a young lad, not that young but young... So there is still a small amount of time I would think before they get to their final resting point... Your eye may help correct it's position.... It may even worsen... I am not an optician so yeah.... But if you have to wear glasses do not, do not, wear them constantly give your eye a time out... Try reading words from distances and such give them a work out... As yes if they come to lax then your body may not attempt to correct them and will accept that the lens will do the work... However it could possibly have no effect, it does depend on certain factors.....

I have somewhat a same kinda condition... Kinda.... Hope that helps... Maybe... Perhaps.... Meh.
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You might want to ask about getting a contact lens for that eye (or you could get a pair of glasses with one prescription lens and one decorative lens [like what they use in some of the display frames].)

I have to wear very strong glasses (if I don't, I can't move because I can't see worth enuram, but I'm not quite legally blind) that have rather strong prisms in them due to the fact that my eyes don't really work together. Heck, my eyes will act on their own if I'm tired, stressed or "under the weather" (or during some of the eye exams.)

An opthamologist I saw thought that I probably had poor eyesight back when I was six (back when Nixon was president before the Watergate scandal) at the latest, but it wasn't caught and my brain trained itself to work without stereoscopic vision to compensate.

You might want to take care of this before you end up with lazy eye or non-stereoscopic vision.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
The short, sweet and simple answer.... Why did god give ya two? So if one should be destroyed, damaged or so on... You have a backup... Your right eye will not become damaged or run out of steam or whatever because of this condition, that is not to say something else may cause wear and tear of course, but from this situation your right eye is perfect? Then perfect it shall remain.
I agree but god isn't too hot on maintenance!
As we grow my penguin brother, buddy ol pal o'mine.... Are eyes are also continuing to grow until they get to their final point... So it is hard to say if the eye will continue to worsen, you're a young lad, not that young but young... So there is still a small amount of time I would think before they get to their final resting point... Your eye may help correct it's position.... It may even worsen... I am not an optician so yeah.... But if you have to wear glasses do not, do not, wear them constantly give your eye a time out... Try reading words from distances and such give them a work out... As yes if they come to lax then your body may not attempt to correct them and will accept that the lens will do the work... However it could possibly have no effect, it does depend on certain factors.....
I'm not that young, I'm 34 and 35 next month! golly gosh! I have had others tell me today about not wearing all the time and taking it steady.
One guy wears his all the time and his eye sight has just got worse every year. Thanks for the tips here, I will take this into serious consideration if I decide to get a pair of specs. Many thanks.
Phyllis:- You might want to ask about getting a contact lens for that eye (or you could get a pair of glasses with one prescription lens and one decorative lens [like what they use in some of the display frames].)
I couldn't face having to insert something into my eye on a daily basis. I have a bit of an issue with things coming near or into my eyes! (weird I know!)
Good idea about the decorative lens though, will keep that in mind. Many thanks.
kk, well in my houmble opinion, and its the correct opinion, cos Im the MOTHER and soon to be the NANNA................... I have similar conditon in my eye. You probably will need another test in about 3 years or so and then, your eyes might require different lenses perhaps one more strength. (this is happening to me, now). (or explode, cos thats what my 17yr old wanted me to say. LOL). You have a choice with this, either wear glasses and give your eyes a rest, or walk around frowning/focussing all day and stress your eyes out. (thats how it was explained to me). I only use my glasses at work cos i have to read little numbers. but i say, I look vastly superiourly intelligent compared to those that are notbiocularly enhanced. (LOL). Embrace your glasses, they are cool.
I have had others tell me today about not wearing all the time and taking it steady.
One guy wears his all the time and his eye sight has just got worse every year.

[FONT=Tahoma, Arial]When I was first prescribed glasses I specifically asked about the issue of usage. The categorical answer I was given was this: Any deterioration in your eyes (as happens to everybody over time, typically especially after about the age of 40) is going to happen ANYWAY; it has nothing whatsoever to do with how much or little you wear your glasses. So wearing glasses all of the time or just some of the time is entirely down to need and wish. I have worn glasses for 24 years with no change in prescription. I am now borderline in need of “varifocals” but this is just part of the aging process, it has nothing to do with the fact that I choose to wear my glasses all the time (I’m short sighted so was told I only REALLY needed them for driving, the cinema, etc).


PS if you're feeling old, I'm 48. :)
I couldn't face having to insert something into my eye on a daily basis. I have a bit of an issue with things coming near or into my eyes! (weird I know!)
dude that is not weird at all! ever seen the movie under seige 2? steven seagal? no? well there is a scene where they have two computer specialists at gunpoint. they each know a code to an outer space satellite and the bad guys need the codes to take control of this satellite weapon. so anyways, the bad guy leader has what looks like a ball point pen but the tip is friggin' red hot! so guy computer specialist is supposed to give the code to the bad guy leader whom by the way has the girl computer specialist with this hot pen going closer and closer to her eye if he doesn't give up the code. all while its being explained that if the point goes into her eye, the liquid inside her eye will boil and explode in her skull causing a very painful death. i often contemplait this situation but with my kids life in the balance (pathetic, i know.). i don't know what i would do in that case. but point being, man, you're not weird. i speak for everyone here at CR, "we feel ya, man!" laters.
I have worn glasses for astigmatism since I was in the second-grade. I don't wear them all the time, in fact, I'm not wearing them right now. I hardly ever wear them around the house, unless I'm working on something tiny like sewing or reading small print. The thing you have to remember about this condition is that it makes your eyes work harder to stay in focus, so, while you won't ruin your eyes by not wearing glasses, headache and eye strain is very, very common. I would get migraines as a child if I didn't wear my glasses.

Really, they're not a bother, I always get really cute frames and I never worry about wearing them in the house, only when I'm going out. You should think about it, really, it does help. You don't notice how hard you're working to see until you slip your glasses on!


Thanks for the replies. I think I may need a pair for reading, it's just a case of when really.
Just before 50 for me....

Reading glasses...

Been buying them at the pharmacy and leaving them everywhere so I always have a pair.

'bout ready to go the prescription route after 3 years....
Would buying reading glasses from a pharmacy be easier on the eyes than a full prescription pair?
Would buying reading glasses from a pharmacy be easier on the eyes than a full prescription pair?
They are typically just magnifiers, they are both the same. You look at a chart and see which line isn't fuzzy and then buy glasses that are 1.25-4 times magnification to compensate for your lenses which have hardened and won't focus at reading distances any more.

I've always figured the quality was less. The cost is about 1/100th. ie a buck or two a pair.
[FONT=Tahoma, Arial]When I was first prescribed glasses I specifically asked about the issue of usage. The categorical answer I was given was this: Any deterioration in your eyes (as happens to everybody over time, typically especially after about the age of 40) is going to happen ANYWAY; it has nothing whatsoever to do with how much or little you wear your glasses. So wearing glasses all of the time or just some of the time is entirely down to need and wish. I have worn glasses for 24 years with no change in prescription. I am now borderline in need of “varifocals” but this is just part of the aging process, it has nothing to do with the fact that I choose to wear my glasses all the time (I’m short sighted so was told I only REALLY needed them for driving, the cinema, etc).


PS if you're feeling old, I'm 48. :)

I go with all that. It matches my own experience and I have been "specky" since I was 6. I went through a vain phase in my teens when I did not wear them, (and contact lenses were not available then), and it made no difference to my steady prescription. They are beginning to change now as age related hardening etc begins to set in.

Do what you are comfortable with. Your eyes will tell you when they need help.

Hey Penguin

I also have the same problem and I wear mine when Im at work because they help with the computer glare thing... Dont get the reading glasses from the supermarket.. They ones you get from the optometrist use this technology called prism that forces your eyes to work together but like Alex says dont wear them all the time or your eyes will get lazy and they will deteriorate over time.

gluck :)
Thanks for the opinions guys. I'm going to hold out as long as possible. It's going ok at the moment.