It seems we do indeed share a lot of the same thought on the matter.
As Solomon observed, the same sun shines and the same rain falls on both the righteous and the unrighteous. And while yes I can agree that *on occasion* the Father may choose to set aside particular persons for specific reasons, the vast majority of us are not so privileged. As I am but a common nondescript person seeking wisdom and salvation, it is to those like myself that I direct my comments. What need of medicine do the well have? Stated another way although not directly at you; physician, heal thyself. I am a poor wretch in need of spiritual medicine, so I study as though to become a doctor to cure myself. If I am able to assist others along the way, then it is good, but my primary objective is selfish; getting me to heaven and return to my Father.
Touche, and good catch! I agree, and this is true, regardless of the particular *correct* path one is on. I believe if I were born a Jew, and placed on the path of Jews, and followed with the same contrite and determined spirit, I would eventually arrive at the same destination. Same if I were born Hindu. Same if I were born Buddhist. Same if I were born Native American. Etc. You are correct, G-d knows His own, *all* of them, as He created them, and where He placed them. He knows all of their hearts. He knows those who seek Him, and He knows those who would distance themselves from Him.
Except that Jesus gave us two commandments, that if observed fulfill the ten.
I think if you happen to look, you will find a famous Jewish Rabbi (Hillel?) said something very similar to the Golden Rule around the same period of time:
Hillel the Elder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amen. Paul tells us as much in Romans chapter 2.
Sure, but He cannot force us to love Him. He made us with the capacity to love, but He cannot make us love Him or the whole shebang falls apart, all the way back to Eden. If, and this is a huge if, if G-d could force Adam and Eve to love Him, they could not have suffered the fall for partaking of the forbidden fruit. If they were always in G-d's will, then there was nothing to be forbidden, and they never would have suffered the fall from grace, be cast out of Eden, or be barred from the Tree of Life.
Ah! Now is your turn to misunderstand! Who is the more faithful and obedient; the Conquering Spaniard carrying the Bible and a sword and disease murdering and enslaving as they go in the name of G-d and King, or the Indigenous Natives living as G-d made them to and minding their own business? As you said earlier, "the Will of the Father is untraceble, no one can know this truly but the Father." But this much should seem evident; if G-d created all peoples as He intended and placed them where He intended to live essentially as He intended (with allowance of course for love and will which demand a degree of self-direction), then it seems to me that forcing the political will upon a people in the name of G-d with the ulterior motive of enslaving the people to rape the land of the silver and gold to enhance the coffers of the Kingdom is not Righteous no matter what banner is flown or what book is carried.
It is a sad truth, but great harm has been done to many, many peoples in the name of G-d and Christianity. I cannot help but feel G-d cannot help but cringe at seeing His creation done so cruelly, and by misguided humans acting in His name no less.
Agreed. Yet unless one has clear convincing evidence that they are indeed select of G-d, then like myself they must proceed to *seek* the spirit and it's guidance. G-d's will is not a destination, it is a journey. To return to the Father's bosom, *that* is the destination.