What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed?

Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

You seem to be choosing to associate the soul with the dirt and physical life instead of God's breath. The soul survives the death of the physical body so from that point of view it can exist outside of a physical body and is therefore incorporeal. But the soul also exists in conjunction with the astral body. If and when the individual attains ultimate God Consciousness and makes the decision not to return to earth as an avatar but to merge into God then the soul would no longer exists as such. It would be the fullness of God. In this latter case, the soul cannot exist as soul without the astral body and is therefore in a subtle way not incorporeal. Without an astral body there would be no 'individuated' soul, there would only be God.

What is interesting to note is that as the soul is God manifesting in the individual, everyone has exactly the same soul, i.e. God.

OK. I'm not sure how you know all that. I take it you read or heard that and it made sense to you. I don't know what a soul or spirit is, or might be. I don't know how a person would find out either except intuitively, I suppose.

Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

You are mixing soul with spirit. The soul belongs to a man, the spirit belongs to God. But without the spirit, the soul is indeed dead.

Your attempt to define soul as different from spirit is a merely a distinction without a difference. According to you, the soul is capable of dying. But the soul is God in the human form so its death is not possible. Your view may stem from the reluctance of most Christians to accept that they are divinity incarnate and to reject the notion that they are somehow permanently flawed and separate from God. In holding the latter belief and rejecting the former, Christians defy Jesus, who said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5: 48) Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, made this idea even more clear,"The Steward of God becomes God Himself; Do not be deceived by His human body."

There is no difference between soul and spirit. Each is God. In Hinduism the many gods are really personified aspects of the One God, Brahman. Any artificial distinction between soul and spirit is an attempt to focus on different aspects of God as related to the full human.

Cosmic Reality is One: the Wise perceive it in many ways.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

I don't know what a soul or spirit is, or might be. I don't know how a person would find out either except intuitively, I suppose.


If you do not know what a soul is, then please do not insist that it has a 'necessary terrestrial element'. Rather than using reason/logic to know the soul you would do better to develop your intuition and make its subconscious content conscious. This is the focus of all religions and spiritual paths.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

If you do not know what a soul is, then please do not insist that it has a 'necessary terrestrial element'. Rather than using reason/logic to know the soul you would do better to develop your intuition and make its subconscious content conscious. This is the focus of all religions and spiritual paths.

I don't believe that I've insisted on anything. I just threw out a little free associational musing. I try to contribute.

Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

I don't believe that I've insisted on anything. I just threw out a little free associational musing. I try to contribute.

If the soul is made of brown paper, then we should never allow ourselves to get wet, since it would make our souls all woobly and prone to tearing.

If the soul is made of wax, then we shouldn't go outside on hot days.

If if if if if. The thing about such "if" is that it's just plain dim to barge on ahead as if the "if" is already demonstrated.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

It's easy to burn straw men. It's much harder to engage others in actual dialogue. But if you do not like actual dialogue, continuing to create straw men will make your time here easier, though probably much less rewarding.

-- Dauer

Children should not play with matches. They get burned every time. Blowing smoke does not hide your own intimate, fiery fear and injury. When you cannot tolerate and you fear the opinions of others you consistently resort to the fallacy/straw man argument. Weak and watery. Insulting and harassing others as you do, does not hide your own deficiency(s) and obfuscation. The intent you reveal is to force and intimidate others to talk (to you especially) when perhaps they do not want to, is an immediate result of your own childish, possibly spoiled behaviors and perhaps beliefs. Force is a poor way to promote healthy dialog. Then you assume a question as a factual argument when it isn't. It is nothing more than your own tiny perception with one blatant blanket statement after another.

I am not of the spiritless and submissive womanhood that you may have bargained for and you are not interesting enough to keep my attention, yet you insist on conversing with me.

If I wanted to learn something, especially something of the spirit, I would not come to you to begin with, i.e. investing valuable time reading and responding to such egocentric replies as a full time job. The only thing that super moderator, in your specific case, proposes to me is that you achieve the last word with an ego trip. I could (yet I will not and refuse to) engage in your pathetic toilet worship ritual discussion, that no one else is interested in. The fact that it needs to be pointed out again, will surely get your dirty undies in another wad while patting yourself on the back, as you will always have something to say to keep yourself wiggling. All are of comparative unimportance to me.

Some of us do not engage in such opinionated trifles and inanimate objects that you find amusing. In reference to science or law perhaps I would diverge the way you do concerning an overly opinionated religion. You have once again reliably squandered my time and will fit nicely on the dusty ignore shelf, which could in fact end today also making you powerless and a non-essential. I have not gained any reward from reading your dialog(?) yet I have gained and enjoyed reading some of the others. You are not all that.

I will discuss when I say I discuss, not when you say I discuss. To whom, what, when and where I discuss something is my prerogative and I will keep it that way whether you like it or not.

Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed


When you cannot tolerate and you fear the opinions of others you consistently resort to the fallacy/straw man argument

I did not resort to the straw man argument. You did. You also resort to repeated ad hominem attacks. When you do that, I am not the one who appears childish. I was made a moderator because I am mature and tolerant. Your own posts have been immature and closed-minded. Your tone is not appropriate for this forum and I suggest you adjust it. You are in no place to judge the other members of this forum or to police it. Myself and the other moderators have been given the authority to maintain the smooth running of the forum and we do the best we can. If you take issue with a post by any member of the forum including myself you can come to one of us or contact the site admin.

When I say that your tone has been off I am speaking as a moderator, not as an individual forum member, based on my opinion and those of other moderators that have weighed in on the issue so I would strongly suggest you reevaluate the way you interact with others on this forum and if need be, review the Code of Conduct here:


-- Dauer
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Leo here is some ice for that slapped wrist of yours... :)

PARAM: Looking back you still haven't answered my question... Where art thou references and information coming from/based on?

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Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Your apology is accepted.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

(Proverbs 19:28-29) An ungodly witness scorneth judgment: and the mouth of the wicked devour iniquity. Judgments are prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back of fools.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

If the soul is made of brown paper, then we should never allow ourselves to get wet, since it would make our souls all woobly and prone to tearing.

If the soul is made of wax, then we shouldn't go outside on hot days.

If if if if if. The thing about such "if" is that it's just plain dim to barge on ahead as if the "if" is already demonstrated.

There are a great many things I don't know. The nature of consciousness beyond physical life is just one. There is no shortage of conjecture on the subject I find. I'm happy to consider the opinion of others for entertainment purposes.:p

Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

There are a great many things I don't know. The nature of consciousness beyond physical life is just one. There is no shortage of conjecture on the subject I find. I'm happy to consider the opinion of others for entertainment purposes.:p


Does that admission mean that you are unable or unwilling to learn? It would in keeping with atheism to say yes.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Leo here is some ice for that slapped wrist of yours... :)

Thank you darling. There is at least one gentleman here who knows how to treat a respected old lady. You will need to stop by for my homemade chicken salad one day. Your choice of bread:)
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

Hi Folks, let's try to refrain from personal attacks, as per the CoC.

Thread re-opened.

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Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

There are a great many things I don't know. The nature of consciousness beyond physical life is just one. There is no shortage of conjecture on the subject I find. I'm happy to consider the opinion of others for entertainment purposes.

That puts an entirely different light upon the subject. I had not realized that this was recreational speculation.
Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed

You are mixing soul with spirit. The soul belongs to a man, the spirit belongs to God. But without the spirit, the soul is indeed dead.
I would be interested in a source or multiple source for these concepts.

My view is quite different: The soul is G-d within Creation and, as such, is actually an eternal aspect. The individual human's spirit on the other hand is created.

G-d Divine Presence within His Creation (i.e., the soul) is in no way dependent on the individual's spirit.