This is not the thread you're looking for...move along...

I'm not sure if anyone's interested in this:

Basically, while a construction company was was working on a site to build an accessible elevator for an university, they unknowingly unearthed a first-century mikveh, a Jewish ritual bath.

I'm letting the :kitty: delegation off for a while due to the heat/humidity (they're enjoying the extra hydration of tinned food as well as freshly changed filters for their water fountains.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
:kitty:gram! 2,000 year old mosaic floor unearthed

I know, no one is interested in this. *heads for the Mope Corner, :kitty: in tow*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

I really enjoyed this paragraph (the rest was intetesting, too):

Experts say they are hopeful the discovery of the villa’s floor will shed light on the building’s first owner, Publius Vedio Pollione, a rich merchant, knight and politician. Pollione was close to Augustus, but the two had a falling out, according to a Dec. 12 Facebook post...

Imagine Pollione and the emperor Augustus having a flame war on social media 🤣
Well I'll pitch in ... a fabulous find!

I was hoping, I readily admit, it was a 'secret synagogue' after the Jews were expelled from Spain, but that was hoping too much.
Thanks, I always enjoy your archaeology news!
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