it sounds absolutely ridiculous, as far as I'm concerned... what ur all asking for is a "special place", where only the partyline is toed...
why would people go there?
When people say... aw, the thread was derailed, what they often mean was... I wanted thread X to go this way, not that way...
mmm... does that not seem, well, a little dodgy?
like, you have an agenda? You want control, you want well, devotees??
Sure, of course, u suggest the agenda is really to "discuss weighty points of doctrine", but I don't see much weighty points of doctrine here, in general, and those that do such are usually just self styled gurus... (that's not directed at u, thomas, btw...)... I would love to see some real meaty intellectual discussions here... unfortunately, what I'm seeing is something else- I am being prompted to opine, not about religion, but about other, trivial things- my favourite film, novel... I don't want that...
yet, at the same time, I don't think we should collectively create discussions which we exclude others from...
whose opinion in particular shall we exclude? those who don't know the correct pagination of encyclical 23a? Those who cannot be bothered to google and "borrow" a few quotes to maintain their intellectual facade? Those who dare to disagree with the holy whore of Rome's current squeeze?
How about I set up a group where only heterosexuals can opine? Or only those with a penis? How about a place where only white people play?
you see, we are supposed to come here to discuss and explore... different people, of different faiths, discussing things...
unfortunately, what I see is something else... factions, and strata...
the factions are not up for discussion: they just want to spin their own partyline and have you swallow it, and the strata are the usual group or "social" climbers you meet everywhere...
the people nobody likes? They're usually the ones who's opinions are worth noting, even if you find them disagreeable, as if you find them disagreeable, and irrelevant, that says a lot about you, yourself...
I can go and get some books, written by other people, and we can discuss their opinions.. sure... but I would rather discuss yours, or anothers, than the words of some dead king or pope or guru...
I can never understand how supposedly intelligent people can cast aside their own hard won opinions and instead offer up the words of others like manna and then accept us not to object that they're mouldy, or past their sell by date...
I don't care what the Pope/Dalai Lama/Rabbi SoandSo says about hell... their opinion of hell will be no less or more valid than yours, or mine... why should it? Just because it says the sky is green in some old time text does not mean the sky really is green. We cannot discuss the merit of this old time text without taking into consideration the concept of both sky, and green. And if "Poster27" throws us a curved ball, and suggests the colour is really "chartreuse", then is it really an irrelevance?