The myth of free will

The Lord said I created good and evil I the Lord did all these things
God created Satan . Satan is evil

do you you really believe the christan hoax that Satan was a good angle then turn against God.

Rev20:2 the dragon, that old serpernt which is the devil and satan
Job26:13 By His (God) Spirit He has garnish the heavens, His hand has formed the crooked serpent.

he was a murderer and a lier from the beginning.

Like it or not believe it or not God did create evil.
What I believe is the sermon on the mount. That is the purest form of Christianity there is, and you sir, are not even close to it.


how many languages shall I express this, until you get it?

Rude man.
Thanks for your corrections. I guess we all are not a smart as you. Still my incorrect spelling does not change the fact that God did creat evil. You can try to twist it anyway you want blamming on translations or whatever but facts or facts and God truths are in His own words (scriptures) you can believe it or not make fun of it make light of it. change the subject and point out my mistakes. It just shows how none of you can show me any scripture where God says He did not create evil.

God told you and you laugh at Him I feel pitty for yall

Good by and may God have mercy on yall soul

You still didn't answer my question, "what does divers mean?"
after all your twisting and spinning you still have not produce one scripture that saids God DID NOT CREAT EVIL. You the one my friend who is ignorent.... If there was a hell you would be first in line for calling God a lier.

Wow! Go away for a couple of years and when I come back, I find that the Christians have become militant! :D

Hi winner08. I haven't been involved in this conversation (obviously; we haven't met yet) but I would like to add a couple of cents to it. If we're talking about whether or not God created evil, I think there is an important distinction to be made between what God creates, and what his creations create. Satan is evil, yes? And God, because he knows things, probably knew even when he created Satan that Satan might one day turn against him, right? But when Satan rebels against God and begins to do evil things, I personally don't chalk that up to God. If you're looking for scripture, then I'd say the first chapter of James is helpful, which says (not a direct quotation) that we should not say that we are being tempted by God, because God cannot be tempted nor does he tempt others, but we are tempted when we allow our own lust to carry us away. I'd say that lust is sort of the root of all evil, and it was the lust for worship that led Satan to betray God. According to James, and if one accepts it the Holy Spirit who inspired his writing, it is not God who creates evil, but rather anyone who can't control themselves and falls away from what is good. After all, what is evil if not a falling away from what is good (good being the things that God creates and the way he creates them).

Also, on the subject of God's sovereignty: I'd completely agree with you that God is sovereign, but not unchangeable, because the idea that God is unable to change his mind negates his sovereignty.
