loss of appetite

Could be caused by lots of things I think Alex. What else might be out of balance in your life?

A visit to the Dr. never hurts if it continues without reason.
If you are still smoking the Green then it could be a sign that its time to knock it on the head. People who develop psychosis from weed usually cite loss of appetite as one of the early symptoms.

I had a friend who got really sick and lost a ton of weight his doctor prescribed a hormone and it made him feel like he was starving.. It didnt take long for the hunger to come back on its own.

When I overdo simple carbohydrates Im usually fighting cravings for hours afterwards.. Try that maybe?
I had a friend who got really sick and lost a ton of weight his doctor prescribed a hormone and it made him feel like he was starving.. It didnt take long for the hunger to come back on its own.

When I overdo simple carbohydrates Im usually fighting cravings for hours afterwards.. Try that maybe?

Awesome thank you for the suggestions.

If you are still smoking the Green then it could be a sign that its time to knock it on the head. People who develop psychosis from weed usually cite loss of appetite as one of the early symptoms.


Gave that up months ago... five maybe more months..

Could be caused by lots of things I think Alex. What else might be out of balance in your life?

A visit to the Dr. never hurts if it continues without reason.

Yeah wise call, just so hard to get time to see the doctor.

are you talking about litral food or spiritual food ?:)

Food food....
Gave that up months ago... five maybe more months..
Well what about a nice fat J !! Munchies!! :D:rolleyes:;)

Whatever it is I wish you well and congrats on kicking the erb. Its easy aint it!!

Yup it was very easy... Although I feel there was help... Cause you take it back a few months prior to me giving up I was not a very nice person if I had no weed... I would be short with people... But then I had one final smoke with my niece at a carnival... and that was the end of it... Nicotine is the biggest obstacle I feel people have to get over.
Yup it was very easy... Although I feel there was help... Cause you take it back a few months prior to me giving up I was not a very nice person if I had no weed... I would be short with people... But then I had one final smoke with my niece at a carnival... and that was the end of it... Nicotine is the biggest obstacle I feel people have to get over.

Yup .... thats another ball game altogether...
Nicotine is the biggest obstacle I feel people have to get over.

We all got cravings, addictions, attachments, aversions. We can only try our best. Knock one down and you notice another I think.

The medication I'm on more or less gives me a constant appetite; I can't do anything about that...:eek:

I want to give up alcoholic drinks...again...:eek:

See the doc, friend. :)

I want to give up alcoholic drinks...again...:eek:

I been thinking down those lines too. I have noticed that my drinking pattern tends to be becoming more regular and heavier. Approaching real binge drinking, which is the worst kind of course. But the trouble is I kind of like getting steaming even if it does mean being a real "tosser" at times. Fortunately the end of October gets near and I know I will not drink in India.


One thing you might want to also try to increase your appetite is to increase the aromatic aspect of your food (the more aromatic the food, the more likely you're going to want to eat (at least that's how I respond to food [wish I could list the types of food I love eating].)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

One thing you might want to also try to increase your appetite is to increase the aromatic aspect of your food (the more aromatic the food, the more likely you're going to want to eat (at least that's how I respond to food [wish I could list the types of food I love eating].)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

I'll give that a shot :D
I had a really hard time with being underweight, for many many years. Now I have a pot belly and 30 extra pounds I don't know where came from.

Get married. The pounds will come naturally. And medicate with the steroidal anti-inflammatory prednisone. Worked for me...too well. :D
Talking about food ,i could just eat a nice big curry .

i am addicted to them YUM YUM :)
Sorry to hear dude. When you start to give up smoking that will increase your appetite! Could go to a gym and start a bit of weight training. If it persists though I would see your GP mate ASAP.
Suggestions to get it back? :/
Five months and no ganja? Just about right. It's called body crash. (and they say dope can't hurt...:rolleyes:).

The caloric intake you were used to (carbohydrate type), you no longer need. But you do need protein. So, I suggest you eat par boiled chicken with spices (no sugar). Not alot, just three to six ounces at a setting. No alcohol.

no sodas/tonic/pop. Just lemon water (no sugar, no sugar, no sugar).

Chamomile tea in the morning and before bed (strong).

Go to the GNC or vitamin store and buy a bottle of Coloidal silver. Drink a couple tea spoons a couple times a day.

Finally, find spices that make your mouth water, when you smell them. Use them on your food. experiment with spices until you find what catches your olfactory nerves' attention.

You need to get your nose back into the business of smelling food (good food). Your stomach will follow suit.


Thank you very much for the advice, I hadn;t thought it could be something like that... Was getting slightly worried I just eating small and not so often and I feel fine and hunger doesn't seem to be present.

Soup, bananas seems to be all I am eating lol... That and some wheatabix here and there.
Thank you very much for the advice, I hadn;t thought it could be something like that... Was getting slightly worried I just eating small and not so often and I feel fine and hunger doesn't seem to be present.

Soup, bananas seems to be all I am eating lol... That and some wheatabix here and there.
Don't know what soup you eat, but bananas contain fiber and potassium (wheatabix contain fiber and iron).

I'd suggest running or jogging or walking a couple of miles each morning (I know swimming isn't your thing), and you might find a grumble or two in your stomach after a few days, about breakfast or lunch time...

Think back to boot camp, when your appetite was strongest, and work from there.