Webster’s Dictionary says that the English word "hell" is equal to the Hebrew word Sheol and the Greek word Hades.
The English translators of the Authorized Version, or King James Version, translated Sheol 31 times as "hell," 31 times as "grave," and 3 times as "pit." The Catholic Douay Version translated Sheol 64 times as "hell."
In the Christian Greek Scriptures (commonly called the "New Testament"), the King James Version translated Hades as "hell" each of the 10 times it occurs.—Matthew 11:23; 16:18; Luke 10:15; 16:23; Acts 2:27, 31; Revelation 1:18; 6:8; 20:13, 14.
The question is: What kind of place is Sheol, or Hades? The fact that the King James Version translates the one Hebrew word Sheol three different ways shows that hell, grave and pit mean one and the same thing. And if hell means the common grave of mankind, it could not at the same time mean a place of fiery torture.
Well, then, do Sheol and Hades mean the grave, or do they mean a place of torture?
Notice, too, that Jesus Christ was in Hades, or hell. Are we to believe that God tormented Christ in a hell of fire? Of course not! Jesus was simply in his grave.
he saw beforehand and spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that neither was he forsaken in Ha´des nor did his flesh see corruption.
ACTS 2 ;31
Just to add to your hell translations.
In the King James Bible the word hell is found 23 times
12 of those hell is translated from the greek word gehenns wich stand for the hebrew word geHinnom
10 times hell is translated from the greek word hades which means unseen and connotes the state of the dead.
1 time hell is translated from the greek word tartarus which means abyss
1 time hades is translated as grave.
The GeHinnom of the O.T. is not hell so why would the gehenna of the N.T. be hell. (i didn't say you said this) I was just making a comment.
The christian hell is predicated on the pagan greek hell (hades) which is borrowed from the pagan egyptians hell called amenti.
In all of Moses writings as well as the rest of the O.T. hebrews Scriptures knew nothing of an eternal hell oftorture upon death of the wicked.
Would God permit this lie? yes He would and did.
2thes.2:10-11 and with all deceivableness of unrighteouness in them that peris: becuse they recieved not the love of the truth that they may not be saved. and for this God shall send them strong delussion that they should believe a lie.
Isreal knew the teaching doctrines and practices of the pagan egyptains after living there for 4 centuries they learned teaching regarding hell from the pagans the canaanites when they possessed the land.
they learned theses pagan doctrins about hell ;from their Assyrian and the Babylonian captors during their long yrs in captivity. But they didn't learn anything about eternal hell of suffering from the O.T. or the N.T. scriptures and not from Moses or the prophets or from Jesus or from the apostles. I
It never ceases to amaze me how some people just wont believe scripture (Gods word). Gods word does not change because God does not change. Scripture can not be changed or broken or twisted to fit ones own beliefs. Scripture is truth and it only can be that one thing, truth. So If one believe in a hell a place where God will send the wicked or non believer for all eternity then one does not believe in God's word.
Just a thought