What on earth are you on about. Examples please. Lessons cannot be learned if examples cannot be pointed to broad statements are simply no help.
You don't understand this issue for the same reason that you don't understand why Berg is now taking his challenge to the Supreme court. You are primarily concerned with "results" while these issues are about valuing the "process."
Secular politically correct influences including intimidation seek to create subjective results. The essence of religion values maintaining the psychological process that manifests as the continuation of quality human awareness.
You know the old story of the goose that lays the golden eggs. People fixated with results seek the eggs without realizing that it is the healthy goose killed off through secular manipulation that lays them.
I've learned how valuable respecting the process, as with the constitution for example, is in order to continue the flow of eggs. In this case politically correct intimidation only destroys the process that reveals the truth of the human condition in favor of creating an imaginary image. It simply cannot be supported so as to "fit in" by those aware of the harm it causes through supporting ignorance of the human condition.