Butterflys and Gods

Like I said, that entirely depends on your mindset/wipe.

Yes RIGHT! It is more than apparent to me you cannot even read what I write without applying the same ever present religious cop-out. And you think it is me making a cop-out. lol But there are far better arguments you could make...


@ Tao

Ignoring the basic flaw in your argument is not gonna make it go away.

Post #22

You said: God can't do the math

We said: Since God created math, we're sure he can handle it.

@ Tao

Ignoring the basic flaw in your argument is not gonna make it go away.

No, the flaw is on you applying your own thinking to what I say and not understanding what I really say. Nothing sentient would create something so chaotic and unpredictable. I tried to give you some idea of the chaos involed but you are not listening. Like a child you invoke superstition. Lol, and you think something made a universe of utterly unpredictable chaos just so you could read the koran :rolleyes: lmao.


@ Tao

Nothing sentient would create something so chaotic and unpredictable.

Nothing is chaotic or unpredictable for a God who is Infinite. As Dondi has already stated: "Chaos seems to rely on unpredictability. But it only seems unpredicatable to us because we evidently aren't capable in measuring all the variables that are the sources of the cause of some event." post # 18

.... like a child you invoke superstition.
We did not invoke superstition, we applied basic logic.
Your argument is fundamentally flawed...

@ Tao

Nothing is chaotic or unpredictable for a God who is Infinite. As Dondi has already stated: "Chaos seems to rely on unpredictability. But it only seems unpredicatable to us because we evidently aren't capable in measuring all the variables that are the sources of the cause of some event." post # 18

We did not invoke superstition, we applied basic logic.
Your argument is fundamentally flawed...

There is no Logic in invoking a superstitious belief in an infinite being for which there is no shred of evidence. Especially a being that wants us to KNOW, FEAR and RESPECT him and that expects us to follow patently cruel and contradictory commandments he gave to warlords and charlatans centuries ago. It is utter nonsense. And the only thing fundamentally flawed is the logic of people who believe such crap.


@ Tao

There is no Logic in invoking a superstitious belief in an infinite being for which there is no shred of evidence. Especially a being that wants us to KNOW, FEAR and RESPECT him and that expects us to follow patently cruel and contradictory commandments he gave to warlords and charlatans centuries ago. It is utter nonsense. And the only thing fundamentally flawed is the logic of people who believe such crap.

This has nothing to do with your original argument. Therefore, it is irrelevant.
As for the evidence for God: Remember this thread? http://www.interfaith.org/forum/proof-of-god-9794.html

@ Tao

Yes it has everything to do with it,

Nope. Sorry. It doesn't.

And yes I remember very well your opening thread here in which you try to assert that countless thousands of scientists are dumber than you.
Do you also remember your failed attempts to disprove the argument?
Do you also remember your failed attempts to disprove the argument?
No. I only remember your crass contradictions and your failure to disclose at the outset that you were yet another *yawn* muslim trying to say Muhammad knew physics better than modern science.


@ Tao

No. I only remember your crass contradictions and your failure to disclose at the outset that you were yet another *yawn* muslim trying to say Muhammad knew physics better than modern science.

You failed there, just like you did here:

Post #22

You said: God can't do the math

We said: Since God created math, we're sure he can handle it.

@ Tao

You failed there, just like you did here:

No I have never failed in my challenge to you to prove there is any god. Since you cannot prove there is a god invoking one is meaningless. Where as the maths work. They are OBSERVABLE, TESTABLE and REPEATABLE. All you have is superstition. And, of course, your undiminished ego.


@ Tao

No I have never failed in my challenge to you to prove there is any god.

I thought you were trying to prove that there isnt. ;)

Since you cannot prove there is a god invoking one is meaningless.
But we did not invoke God. You did. You made your entire argument dependent on God when you assumed that He would not be able to do the math required to sustain the universe. We merely pointed out that such an argument is self-contradictory as an Infinite Being would be able to handle any calculation, no matter how "chaotic" it might seem to you. You tried to show that these calculations are unmeasurable. But you failed to realize it is only unmeasurable for man. Not for God.

And, of course, your undiminished ego.
I doubt anyone on this forum can compete in that department with you Tao.

@ Tao

I thought you were trying to prove that there isnt. ;)

But we did not invoke God. You did. You made your entire argument dependent on God when you assumed that He would not be able to do the math required to sustain the universe. We merely pointed out that such an argument is self-contradictory as an Infinite Being would be able to handle any calculation, no matter how "chaotic" it might seem to you. You tried to show that these calculations are unmeasurable. But you failed to realize it is only unmeasurable for man. Not for God.
Attempting to play with my words and subvert them to your own purpose is not only shallow it is underhand. But then again...as it is brainwashed into the muslim apologist I will forgive you. But you really should learn not to try and put words in peoples mouths, one day you will get a smack in the mouth for it.

I doubt anyone on this forum can compete in that department with you Tao.
I have said before, I know I am a self-opinionated to55er, but I have the advantage over you that I know it. That is the difference in our ego's. The other advantage I have over you is I have never been indoctrinated to hold preposterous superstitions ;)


@ Tao

That is the difference in our ego's. The other advantage I have over you is I have never been indoctrinated to hold preposterous superstitions
No, your more into holding preposterous suppositions. Like this one: 'God can't handle doing the math'

I have said before, I know I am a self-opinionated to55er, but I have the advantage over you that I know it.
The problem is that only you know it.

But you really should learn not to try and put words in peoples mouths, one day you will get a smack in the mouth for it.
Moving on to physical threats now are we? Well old man, I'd be careful about dishing out such challenges... You wouldn't want to break a hip.

Attempting to play with my words and subvert them to your own purpose is not only shallow it is underhand.
Was just havin some fun is all.
No, your more into holding preposterous suppositions. Like this one: 'God can't handle doing the math'
No my suppositions are based on observable data. That gives them 'infinitely' more credibility than the mere invocation of a jumped up tooth fairy.

Moving on to physical threats now are we? Well old man, I'd be careful about dishing out such challenges... You wouldn't want to break a hip.
my ohh my!! so you are paranoid too!! Well do not worry poor chap, it was merely a bit of friendly advice.

Was just havin some fun is all.
And you think I take you seriously? !!!
