Butterflys and Gods

@ Tao

You mean like this one: 'God can't handle doing the math'

Take it in the context of the thread OP and it makes perfect sense. You want to latch onto something and twist it into something it is not, thats not my problem. Its yours.


@ Tao

Take it in the context of the thread OP and it makes perfect sense. You want to latch onto something and twist it into something it is not, thats not my problem. Its yours.


First of all, I wasn't the only one who pointed this out.
Second of all, it very much is your problem. Because
its a contradiction in your theory.

@ Tao

First of all, I wasn't the only one who pointed this out.
Second of all, it very much is your problem. Because
its a contradiction in your theory.

*sighs* Ok I will try once more for you. With the observable size of space and the fact that no two molecules in its vastness are identical, and taking into account the chaos of fundamental unpredictability if a God did exist it would have to not only have created and fashioned every single nano-particle but determined its position and influence, and the whole web of influences that would create, on every other nano-particle in the universe. Not for one instant, but for all of time. So it is preposterous to believe that any sentient creature would (a) create such a poor design and (b) do it so a bunch of no hoper zealots on some little planet could whip themselves into a frenzy of belief in his 'infinite wisdom'. Now if that is not simple enough for you then you are going to have to go to special needs class.

@ Tao

if a God did exist it would have to not only have created and fashioned every single nano-particle but determined its position and influence, and the whole web of influences that would create, on every other nano-particle in the universe. Not for one instant, but for all of time.

Yes... Amazing isn't it?

So it is preposterous to believe that any sentient creature would (a) create such a poor design
This is where your argument fails. This is not a "poor design".
It is a design unfathomable by you, or any other human being.
Just because you can't understand it, does not mean God can not.

You also shifted your argument to avoid making the same mistake,
Your original argument said that God could not calculate this design Himself.
But your new approach just makes the same mistake again, albeit in a different form.
@ Tao

Yes... Amazing isn't it?

This is where your argument fails. This is not a "poor design".
It is a design unfathomable by you, or any other human being.
Just because you can't understand it, does not mean God can not.

You also shifted your argument to avoid making the same mistake,
Your original argument said that God could not calculate this design Himself.
But your new approach just makes the same mistake again, albeit in a different form.

There is no mistake in my logic. Where as you do not use logic at all but INVENT a god for which there is ZERO evidence. Regardless of which, I am tired of humouring you.

Good bye.


@ Tao


Quote from post #22:
"You said: God can't do the math
We said: Since God created math, we're sure he can handle it.

Proof of God


Well evidently I am making no headway with you, not sure if that is even possible. You said in your first posts here that you were a student of science yet very clearly you have no concept of the implications of the works of such greats as Galileo, Cantor nor Boltzmann. For if you did you would already know that I KNOW you have never studied infinity and would not raise such crass interpretations of it had you done so. Makes me wonder if any word you state will ever be real.

@ Tao

Couldn't stay away eh? I thought you were done 'humoring' me?

Makes me wonder if any word you state will ever be real.
Passing judgments on me Tao, is not going to fix your own argument. The flaw of course being that: you said that God can not do math.
Passing judgments on me Tao, is not going to fix your own argument. The flaw of course being that: you said that God can not do math.
I do not do judgements, I do evaluations based on the evidence I see before me. I may argue a point with some vigour but I never think my logic infallible. Only the religious have that certitude of ill reason. And if you think I said there is a god, if that is your interpretation, and you think by repeating it like some passage from a corrupt and dusty tome, you are free to do so. But it will never make it true.


@ Tao

Good Morning (or after noon in England?)

I do not do judgements, I do evaluations based on the evidence I see before me.


I may argue a point with some vigour but I never think my logic infallible.


Only the religious have that certitude of ill reason. And if you think I said there is a god, if that is your interpretation, and you think by repeating it like some passage from a corrupt and dusty tome, you are free to do so. But it will never make it true.

All of this irrelevant to the objections made against your argument.
Yes RIGHT! It is more than apparent to me you cannot even read what I write without applying the same ever present religious cop-out. And you think it is me making a cop-out. lol But there are far better arguments you could make...


Logic gates and the second law of thermodynamics when applied to living systems hold a magnificent example of chaos being beaten back. The counter argument does exist for anyone wishing to find it.

Logic gates and the second law of thermodynamics when applied to living systems hold a magnificent example of chaos being beaten back. The counter argument does exist for anyone wishing to find it.


Hopelessly Irrelevant...
Just like your new avatar suits you....

a horse aflame... running away.
lol, I shall educate you. In artistic metaphor running to the right is running to victory/to the fight. Im in bed with flu, whats your excuse for having nothing better to do than try and poke me? Your wknds always so desperately empty and boring? ;)

Gotta say it Tao, your horse looks like it's most recent meal was a vindaloo :p

Im in bed with flu,

I wish you well sincerely. Get well soon.
(or as one of my fav comedians would say).
"screw that! Get well NOW!"

And yes actually this weekend is pretty empty and boring....
got one major essay and a book review due.