Which God and where is he?

what do i suppose should be done? drop the self and self interest until then it will continue and thats something no-one is prepared to do, hence its all our faults. so you may imply that i'm abandoning them but so are you unless you're ego-less? if you abandon your own inner transformation you abandon also the world you live in. the problem exists because of how we are, my interest is to fundamentally change that, as that is the only action that will make any real lasting difference, everything else is barely more than pointless, but in the meantime no harm in digging so long as it doesn't interupt with the necessary transgformation in ones psyche.

why are those who help, part of the cause? are they really helping? other than a short term peripheral affect, which maybe necessary but whilst their inner conflict continues and sows the seeds of future misery, or are you saying that everyone who helps is free of conflict and ego centred activity, even the more subtle kinds.

we are not one body, there is no brotherhood, thats a noble sounding nonsensical ideal, the fact is that we are in conflict with ourselves and each other and its that, that needs addressing, nothing else. everything i have typed has been about not thinking of ones self, the difference i'm alluding to is that there is only real outward change following authentic inner transformation. i have not said don't share the coin, did you read my post?

""dig the well, give the grain and share the coin but also know that your the cause of it all""

yes, when we share our "blessings" that is the very least we could do unfortunately, the most we could do is preferable no? and that in my opinion is to drop the self and understand our inner conflict so such things never happen. anything else is a cop out, i'm nice everyone be like me and it'll be ok, self gratifying unending thoughtless self centred misery that is the current state of affairs because we're lazy and prefer to point the finger at the horrible ones over there somewhere, peace

I understand what your are suggesting and I agree to a point. Even so, there is a brotherhood of man, of which we all belong. We are in conflict, but it doesn't change the fact that we all belong to humanity. Inner transformation is a necessity, and I might suggest that we are being transformed daily. None have reached the destination as there is no destination to reach, there is only life and what we do to make life better for one another, or worse. We have to start somewhere, and a good place to start is with self.
i don't think life was fine and dandy pre white man industrialisation. there may not have been the same problems but i'm sure life was just as full of conflict then as it is now even in africa when/if there was no starvation or population overdrive. no doubt the tribes existed in a permanent state of warfare and each tribe was probably a dictatorship, women second class, male and female genital mutilation, restricting codes of behaviour etc etc. remove all thats been done and return africa to where it was a 1000 years ago and its still utterly beastly. peace :eek:
The UN scientific center already stated that everyone belongs to one community the human community all have dna. So what does skin color have to do with anything?
The UN scientific center already stated that everyone belongs to one community the human community all have dna. So what does skin color have to do with anything?

They also have international laws humane laws that is supposed to govern everyone. The Declaration of Basic Human Rights.
We also have simular laws in this country but that was an international decision by everyone who holds a seat at the united nations
They also have international laws humane laws that is supposed to govern everyone. The Declaration of Basic Human Rights.
We also have simular laws in this country but that was an international decision by everyone who holds a seat at the united nations

You might want to look it up and read it
what do i suppose should be done? drop the self and self interest until then it will continue and thats something no-one is prepared to do, hence its all our faults. so you may imply that i'm abandoning them but so are you unless you're ego-less? if you abandon your own inner transformation you abandon also the world you live in. the problem exists because of how we are, my interest is to fundamentally change that, as that is the only action that will make any real lasting difference, everything else is barely more than pointless, but in the meantime no harm in digging so long as it doesn't interupt with the necessary transgformation in ones psyche.

why are those who help, part of the cause? are they really helping? other than a short term peripheral affect, which maybe necessary but whilst their inner conflict continues and sows the seeds of future misery, or are you saying that everyone who helps is free of conflict and ego centred activity, even the more subtle kinds.

we are not one body, there is no brotherhood, thats a noble sounding nonsensical ideal, the fact is that we are in conflict with ourselves and each other and its that, that needs addressing, nothing else. everything i have typed has been about not thinking of ones self, the difference i'm alluding to is that there is only real outward change following authentic inner transformation. i have not said don't share the coin, did you read my post?

""dig the well, give the grain and share the coin but also know that your the cause of it all""

yes, when we share our "blessings" that is the very least we could do unfortunately, the most we could do is preferable no? and that in my opinion is to drop the self and understand our inner conflict so such things never happen. anything else is a cop out, i'm nice everyone be like me and it'll be ok, self gratifying unending thoughtless self centred misery that is the current state of affairs because we're lazy and prefer to point the finger at the horrible ones over there somewhere, peace

Everyone has the need for love ect remember the holocaust? Starving someone of this is a form of literally starving them. *Its also against the law because it violates someones human rights. The good emotions and interactions feed us literally for good mental and physical well being. So anyone doing anything to the contrary is not different than a wwii nazi
Everyone has the need for love ect remember the holocaust? Starving someone of this is a form of literally starving them. *Its also against the law because it violates someones human rights. The good emotions and interactions feed us literally for good mental and physical well being. So anyone doing anything to the contrary is not different than a wwii nazi

So as you can see the whole purpose of wwii was to stop them from doing that to the jews ect but how do you stop groups of people trying to starve others of love? Those people that are victims of that are people like the homeless.
The UN scientific center already stated that everyone belongs to one community the human community all have dna. So what does skin color have to do with anything?

i didn't bring colour into it, quite the contrary. i was alluding, obviously, to the fact that africa was messed up pre the white man industrialisation that radarmark was referring to because....its nothing to do with the "white man" and his actions but the human being, hence why africa was a mess before they got there, becuase the black man is a mess too, like the yellow man, the brown man and the white man so colour means nothing

stop replying to youself lol, its confusing and hello by the way :)
i didn't bring colour into it, quite the contrary. i was alluding, obviously, to the fact that africa was messed up pre the white man industrialisation that radarmark was referring to because....its nothing to do with the "white man" and his actions but the human being, hence why africa was a mess before they got there, becuase the black man is a mess too, like the yellow man, the brown man and the white man so colour means nothing

well my point is that everyone has dna so it doesnt matter everyone is alike one kind and one family. All the disputes over ethnic backgrounds is stupd because the physical difference dont matter we all have the same blood.
If the Divine can speak to us directly, surely the words are those of love and peace and unity and compassion. In a subsistence economy children are needed to herd the livestock and till the fields. Before the advent of the white man, it worked out quite well. The average life expectancy and population density pretty much made for a balanced solution. By eliminating diseases and pestulance and promoting an (at least partially) industrialized society Western Civilization is at least partially responsible for the situation (be it in Africa or at Pineridge).

What the Divine expects is love and compassion for others. Redemption, if it has any meaning at all means helping the Divine in tending the flocks.

Pax et amore vincunt omnia... radarmark

The blood is all the same so maybe you shouldnt go by outside appearances ;)
Out of curiosity what do you think about someone using abusive methods to steal kids and brainwash them? Brainwash them into thinking there is no god? Brainwashing them into exhibiting lack of compassion ect?? Sounds like a violation of basic human rights to me
I understand what your are suggesting and I agree to a point. Even so, there is a brotherhood of man, of which we all belong. We are in conflict, but it doesn't change the fact that we all belong to humanity. Inner transformation is a necessity, and I might suggest that we are being transformed daily. None have reached the destination as there is no destination to reach, there is only life and what we do to make life better for one another, or worse. We have to start somewhere, and a good place to start is with self.

cool, but i question whether inner transformation is a daily thing...??? is there such a thing as psychological evolution or progress or is that just an idea we are caught in, that one "improves". there is only the ending of misery, self etc. life cannot be made "better", either one is in bondage or not, there is no inbetween. the self is the only place to start, but freedom is the means and the end, there is no gradual improvement. if we accept time then another millenia and we'll still be utterly barbaric. i'm half quoting all this but the truth feels my own but i should share the source perhaps, peace

any chance to slip a krishnamurti bit in

cool, but i question whether inner transformation is a daily thing...??? is there such a thing as psychological evolution or progress or is that just an idea we are caught in, that one "improves". there is only the ending of misery, self etc. life cannot be made "better", either one is in bondage or not, there is no inbetween. the self is the only place to start, but freedom is the means and the end, there is no gradual improvement. if we accept time then another millenia and we'll still be utterly barbaric. i'm half quoting all this but the truth feels my own but i should share the source perhaps, peace

any chance to slip a krishnamurti bit in


pyscholigical evolution is these good aspect that everyone does have. people need to tap into those good emotions it promotes good psycholigcal health and makes enemies friends :)
Out of curiosity what do you think about someone using abusive methods to steal kids and brainwash them? Brainwash them into thinking there is no god? Brainwashing them into exhibiting lack of compassion ect?? Sounds like a violation of basic human rights to me

One might also suggest that instilling the concept of God in children is a type of brainwashing. I'm not sure what you mean by steal kids, though. The world is full of uncaring parents, who rip love and compassion away from our youth, and like you, I'm one who thinks this is a violation of basic human rights. We do have social services to help prevent this, however. Even so, they can't reach them all and many children do fall between the cracks and often mirror the way they were raised when they have kids themselves.
pyscholigical evolution is these good aspect that everyone does have. people need to tap into those good emotions it promotes good psycholigcal health and makes enemies friends :)

Everyone has good qualities love compassion kindness ect these are the evolutionary patterns. However it does need to be an active movement but also it does naturally progress. I believe people sometimes get what I call sick isnt the good doctors job to heal the sick? This movement will heal the bad aspects that causes a step back in evolution however everyone deserves to be healed and good qualities is the cure.
pyscholigical evolution is these good aspect that everyone does have. people need to tap into those good emotions it promotes good psycholigcal health and makes enemies friends :)

We just need to work out the differences and see that we all come from the Creator(s) and that if we do this with love we can make it a better world :)
The Universal Declaration of Basic Human rights and all have dna so that might tell you the rights are for everyone.
Everyone has the need for love ect remember the holocaust? Starving someone of this is a form of literally starving them. *Its also against the law because it violates someones human rights. The good emotions and interactions feed us literally for good mental and physical well being. So anyone doing anything to the contrary is not different than a wwii nazi

i'm not sure what point you are trying to make here in reference to what i posted, could you explain please. i would agree that anyone who does not have love in their heart is an archetypal nazi. are you saying that you are not of that stream? that you have abundant love in your heart, not in drips, but overflowing from a state that is completely free of all conflict, because in one conflict is all conflict and unless you are free of that then you're little different to hitler. we like to have figures that represent what we see as wrong in the world so we can point the finger, "in the condemnation of others lies the justification of ourselves"- jk.

well my point is that everyone has dna so it doesnt matter everyone is alike one kind and one family. All the disputes over ethnic backgrounds is stupd because the physical difference dont matter we all have the same blood.

we think the same here then, i don't remember implying otherwise.

Out of curiosity what do you think about someone using abusive methods to steal kids and brainwash them? Brainwash them into thinking there is no god? Brainwashing them into exhibiting lack of compassion ect?? Sounds like a violation of basic human rights to me

stealing a child is as barbaric as having an ego.
cool, but i question whether inner transformation is a daily thing...??? is there such a thing as psychological evolution or progress or is that just an idea we are caught in, that one "improves". there is only the ending of misery, self etc. life cannot be made "better", either one is in bondage or not, there is no inbetween. the self is the only place to start, but freedom is the means and the end, there is no gradual improvement. if we accept time then another millenia and we'll still be utterly barbaric. i'm half quoting all this but the truth feels my own but i should share the source perhaps, peace

any chance to slip a krishnamurti bit in


I think it is a daily thing, or at least this is true for me. We journey life the best we know how, and many do end the misery self experiences, but it doesn't end there, as we are on a continual journey. Ending the misery that self experiences is merely a point of achievement along the way (IMO). I think the next step is to help others end the misery they experience, and one day perhaps all humanity will know this type of freedom, and then grow in it, but these are just my personal thoughts. I remain optimistic.

I haven't watched the video yet, but I will in a few. It's funny you bring up krishnamurti, though. I had never heard of krishnamurti until last night. :p
pyscholigical evolution is these good aspect that everyone does have. people need to tap into those good emotions it promotes good psycholigcal health and makes enemies friends :)

everyone be nicer and group hug please, flowers for everyone...

you concentrate on your own inner transformation and forget x, y, and z, or is that not gratifying, without reward and fluffy teddies :p

the idea of psychological evolution is a gratifying concept that puts people to sleep in a burning house.
cool, but i question whether inner transformation is a daily thing...??? is there such a thing as psychological evolution or progress or is that just an idea we are caught in, that one "improves". there is only the ending of misery, self etc. life cannot be made "better", either one is in bondage or not, there is no inbetween. the self is the only place to start, but freedom is the means and the end, there is no gradual improvement. if we accept time then another millenia and we'll still be utterly barbaric. i'm half quoting all this but the truth feels my own but i should share the source perhaps, peace

any chance to slip a krishnamurti bit in


Smart man with the right idea about change :)