Smart man with the right idea about change![]()
Also I think hes says it should be a rapid change and I agree. Acts of KINDNESS is the way to do it.
Smart man with the right idea about change![]()
Smart man with the right idea about change![]()
Hes inspireing others to do this thats great! More power to him!
I think it is a daily thing, or at least this is true for me. We journey life the best we know how, and many do end the misery self experiences, but it doesn't end there, as we are on a continual journey. Ending the misery that self experiences is merely a point of achievement along the way (IMO). I think the next step is to help others end the misery they experience, and one day perhaps all humanity will know this type of freedom, and then grow in it, but these are just my personal thoughts. I remain optimistic.
I haven't watched the video yet, but I will in a few. It's funny you bring up krishnamurti, though. I had never heard of krishnamurti until last night.![]()
I now have Faith in humanity again hearing him speak and then listening to a love song on tv seeing that is what everyone really is![]()
i like the feel of holographic consciousness, 100th monkey etc, so if i change i affect the whole consciousness of man, what more can i do for my fellow man? "columbus went by ship, we go by jet" jk. its starts a domino rally affect, by making it easier for others, that could be called optimistic i suppose, but if i get caught in the gratifying notion of progress it could go on forever, i feel i have to drop progress, psychological evolution, the idea that one bbecomes nicer, more spiritual, by realising that whilst i'm in bondage i'm the cause and that nothing less than obliterating self even registers. peace![]()
put simply, if every person was not thinking of me and mine and acted in a selfless manner then they wouldn't overpopulate to a point where the land cannot support them because that would jepordise their fellow man.
Isn't that the point, to live free of misery and in a manner that is pleasing to the heart? I can tell you without question that love conquers our bondage to the negatives that plague us. Fear, anger, jealousy, bitterness, intolerance, and every other negative emotion can be conquered by simply allowing love to develop within us.
Also, by extending love towards our neighbors, we in effect help free them also. Love is like a seed and when we nurture it in our lives, it free's us from spiritual and emotional bondage, which is the root cause of our suffering in life. By extending love and by sharing it with others, lives change for the better.
If we neglect love it will wither away, so for this reason it is necessary to increase it not only in self, but also in others. Evolution is not the correct term, but rather an active pursuit to create a better life for all living beings through love and compassion. Jesus had it right (IMO), thus his focus on the kingdom of heaven (Paradise on earth).
cool, but i question whether inner transformation is a daily thing...??? is there such a thing as psychological evolution or progress or is that just an idea we are caught in, that one "improves". there is only the ending of misery, self etc. life cannot be made "better", either one is in bondage or not, there is no inbetween. the self is the only place to start, but freedom is the means and the end, there is no gradual improvement. if we accept time then another millenia and we'll still be utterly barbaric. i'm half quoting all this but the truth feels my own but i should share the source perhaps, peace
any chance to slip a krishnamurti bit in
He does exist but hes also in your heart and your headKindness and acts of kindness open the door to all good things. Every good aspect of human nature is contained in one thing.....kindness ....that man is probably the smartest man on earth
Chakra - just to clarify, are you suggesting that it's selfish to have a lot of kids? i.e. a selfless manner would be not to overpopulate by having 2 kids or less to help control the overpopulation issue?
i dunno man, doesn't feel right. are there grades of love? is it something that increases? or is it absolute? either one has it overflowing from a mind that is free of conflict or not is how i see it. can it develop? be nurtured or does it just explode? one can prepare the ground open the window but can the brease be invited? surely its at the end of all effort, when the mind's struggle's cease, not during, gradually increasing. all conflict must end completely for the other to be, period. how can we who are in bondage, "love" and reach out? we may make a certain situation slightly easier but in the realm of the absolute which is required, it pales. still better than shooting the hell out of each other, but then the seeds of that exist where ever there is self. peace
i am suggesting that where there is ego there is no intelligent action, no matter what country or situation you're in and that its that which is the cause of being unable to traverse such predicaments. when there is the space for intelligence to act, it will meet all problems fully, whether that means more or less children would be addressed as part of that intelligent awareness. the question is not how many children but what prevents intelligent action? self
How does this apply to uneducated women in Chad, Niger, Somalia, Ethiopia? (some of the countries with the higest birth rates) They obviously don't have the intelligent action you speak of, they probably haven't even heard of ego, Freud, etc; many don't even know how to read. Mostly just trying to survive...
You think "self" prevents their intelligent action? How would you suggest rectifying this problem?
it applies to them because its the cause of their mess whether they read or not......i do feel that if i/we transform and end self interest then we make it easier for others
What if it IS in their self-interest to have smaller families (which I think it is) but they just don't have the resources to make it happen?
Sometimes I think it's easier to solve a problem by looking for a win-win solution, i.e. appealing to others' self-interest, than to think that 7 billion people are going to reach some stage of enlightenment...
If you're trying to end self-interest that may work well for you, and I agree it is a worthy cause, but is it practical on a global scale?
Reminds me of a quote from Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations:
"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest."
- Adam Smith (1723-1790)
Ciel, your refusal to address the population issue makes me wonder if you are Catholic?
I'm not trying to be mean, it seems like you have a great heart and I commend you for trying to be the change you want to see in the world. But there are some huge underlying population dynamics that I think you're not addressing...
i like the feel of holographic consciousness, 100th monkey etc, so if i change i affect the whole consciousness of man, what more can i do for my fellow man? "columbus went by ship, we go by jet" jk. its starts a domino rally affect, by making it easier for others, that could be called optimistic i suppose, but if i get caught in the gratifying notion of progress it could go on forever, i feel i have to drop progress, psychological evolution, the idea that one bbecomes nicer, more spiritual, by realising that whilst i'm in bondage i'm the cause and that nothing less than obliterating self even registers. peace![]()
Isn't that the point, to live free of misery and in a manner that is pleasing to the heart? I can tell you without question that love conquers our bondage to the negatives that plague us. Fear, anger, jealousy, bitterness, intolerance, and every other negative emotion can be conquered by simply allowing love to develop within us.
Also, by extending love towards our neighbors, we in effect help free them also. Love is like a seed and when we nurture it in our lives, it free's us from spiritual and emotional bondage, which is the root cause of our suffering in life. By extending love and by sharing it with others, lives change for the better.
If we neglect love it will wither away, so for this reason it is necessary to increase it not only in self, but also in others. Evolution is not the correct term, but rather an active pursuit to create a better life for all living beings through love and compassion. Jesus had it right (IMO), thus his focus on the kingdom of heaven (Paradise on earth).
i dunno man, doesn't feel right. are there grades of love? is it something that increases? or is it absolute? either one has it overflowing from a mind that is free of conflict or not is how i see it. can it develop? be nurtured or does it just explode? one can prepare the ground open the window but can the brease be invited? surely its at the end of all effort, when the mind's struggle's cease, not during, gradually increasing. all conflict must end completely for the other to be, period. how can we who are in bondage, "love" and reach out? we may make a certain situation slightly easier but in the realm of the absolute which is required, it pales. still better than shooting the hell out of each other, but then the seeds of that exist where ever there is self. peace