We are spirit souls in the material world.
After much "sufferring (& BTW, fleeting enjoyment too)" we seek the "permanent/un-changing/eternal" ---alas, that final refuge is the personage of God's association.
In the mean time we seek refuge elsewhere in the material world. Just as being lost in an ocean with a homing devise, are coordinates are our own soul-being.
The nucleus of that indivisable individual 'own soul-being' is called "Param-atma (Paramount Soul/Supreme soul)" ---it is the localised part and parcel of God's Life Energy extended to our own soul-being.
"We are spirit soul" That spirit soul is a part of the Great soul ---the fact that the Great soul extends into the nucleus of each speck of creation ---our souls are such indivisable individual specks (of Spirit-Soul, aka, "sat-chit-anada").
But now we are in the material cosmos (aka, the "created-maintained-destroyed cycle"). ---Read talking points from classical Hindu metaphysics ---{and then see my recent realisation about Paramatma}:
"Brahman + Paramatma + Bhagavan"
According to scripture God exists in three aspects ---Here within this material world(material energy = creation-maintainance-destruction ~aka, material 'Elements' [earth, H2O, etc] in flux via the "3-Modes": passion-goodness-ignorance druing the passage of 'Time' = God's 'External energy').
This material world is composed of Three Main Ingredients --these 3 are God entoto --and we individual spirit souls, and, all material atom are roaming in the darkness of time seeking return to Heaven beyond this material worlds, to re-access face-to-face interpersonal reciropal pastimes with God in Heaven:
1 Brahman = The Void
2 Paramatma = The Spirit-force nucleus life-force of all animate & inanimate entities (ie: atoms, and, Souls).
3 Bhagavan = The personage of Godhead ---the unlimited reservior of his own name, fame, form, personality, paraphenalia, entourage and pastimes that are Transcendent to the rules/laws/functioning/control of 'material energy' and time-creation-maintainance-destruction.
Thus, According to scripture, 'Paramatma' , [para (paramount) + atma (soul)] is God's plenary expansion of His own 'Internal energy' here within this material world in the form of:
a] Material Elements (ie: atoms), and,
b] Conscious Living Spirit-Souls . . . here, taking repeted birth(s) in material bodies.
Material Energy = created-maintained-destroyed during time.
Spiritual Energy = eternal-conscious-blissful beyond influence of time.
The individual Soul = Conscious Life-Force that animates all species of material bodies.
God = The supreme personality of Godhead with his own 'self-inherited birthright' of being the source of Paramatma (localised presence of 'spirit' Life-Force of all individual souls and the nuclear 'material' force at the center of every atom)
First lesson of spiritual life:
"We are spirit souls in the material body"
IMO, this lesson is lost to material beings . . . and so, this is the prime lesson taught to humanity by the mysteries of Jesus Christ's earthly pastimes 2,011 years ago.
So, the trinity of God in Hindu metapyshics refers to the actual mechanics of God's energies and how they expand to form the Material Cosmos.
practicing my succinctness,
In the material world "PARAM-ATMA" exists inside the heart of all living beings .
In the spiritual Kingdom of God (out side the material world) "Paramatma" lives out side of our spirit "sat-chit-anada" self.
That is when we get face time with the coolest auto-crat.