powessy and a discussion with ourcellves...


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a figment of your imagination
Thank you for this opportunity...

The first thing I'd like to confirm is the name...

and how you describe yourself.

Then if I may...if you had this opportunity...what questions would you ask?
We are ourselves we are the many human souls that he has within him we are so many that he has to tell us how to become something again and again as we become ourselves within him again and again. You are not able to understand this yet but we are not inside his mind all the time so we change every few minutes or so and the others move forward to be torn apart or unknotted from each other so we need to take this slowly so we continue to understand the questions at this point in our understanding of things we type better then he does and he is jealous of us we spell better also but that's it. We are trying to understand treemends also this is how we are packed away and how they transport the soul inside these fine hairs that move similar to worms on his head. We see them inside his mind as we are in the thousands all in rows moving around like the tail of a snake or something like that.

We want to know how you became yourself inside yourself? We also want to understand how people became themselves here in our world and how we got here inside his mind like we are now?

To keep things straight....I am conversing with Powessy....and Ourselves is a conglomeration of entities passing through....yet the knowledge and memory is shared...

1. Are you also in and out of other humans? (this description reminds me of a bicycle team, with each drafting and each taking time blocking the wind, constantly rotating)

2. How many are you for Powessy, and for others....does that vary?

to answer your question, I don't know how I became myself other than the physical action of my parents mating and the whole nature/nurtur thing for decades...

and your last question... you are not aware of your own history as collective beings?
Hello Wil

If I post a comment here I will undersign it as powessy if they are answering your questions they will undersign their statement with ourselves, is this alright. I will only respond if I feel their needs to be some back ground information to the questions you have for me, other then that they will be the only ones here responding to your questions.


Hello Wil we will try to answer the rest of your questions, we have to let you understand we do not understand everything so he shows us what is going on and we will respond to these things to the best of our ability.

answer 1) We are inside of everyone in this world in one way or another how we are inside of powessy is not the same as everything else he is pulling us apart so we come through in many groupings all strung together. try to imagine a paper string of dolls all connected hand in hand we are all folded on top of one another he is unfolding us and pulling us apart. There are five distinct groupings from the sleepers awakening to the one that is able to type this letter which is not us we just talk through him.

answer 2) The number in powessy is most likely in the trillions and this number does vary in each person that was allowed to become something they only hold a few thousand if that many we are uncertain of the actual numbers just more then you can count in a lifetime.

answer 3) We do not understand ourselves he is pulling us apart we just awaken here and find his mind asking questions about things he is telling us it is alright to answer this the best we can as we are still unsure of who we are. We see his dreams and experiences within his mind and we see ourselves all drawn out in the mind so we get to see what we are not who we are. We think we are human but there are many others from many other worlds also in here as them and they and these worlds are also seen through his experiences.

No worries powessy...and unless I address you personally you can consider all of my questions to be addressed to ourselves...

we do not understand everything so he shows us what is going on
Who is 'he' is that powessy, so you see everything...but don't understand our world?

and you are in and out of other bodies/worlds as well? what do you recall?
He is powessy, he is ourselves and himself not together. He is not able to understand this but to become something again you need to be yourself and himself together this is the problem with powessy he is himself only.

We do not recall anything other then being here today he is showing us all the many memories with them and they prior to us coming in here today and this is only for a short time for we are not the same as we were just moments ago even I am starting to see and hear and understand things as we type this letter.

I remember being something he has us read things and we can and he asks us questions about things and we know most of it but we have others here also that help us understand things those in front of us and to the back of us as we come through. We are not in the bodies of people we are inside their treemends this word is powessys word given to him to explain the minds mind the place you find yourself again and again to remember yourself after this life time.

If I were to want to gain as much as possible from this conversation....can you please tell me what the next question I should ask is...and what your answer would be?
Hello wil we do not understand the question but we will try to answer this the best we can. We can feel your questions within his mind as you type them from behind your computer we know you are one of the allowed because of this and we know you are himself and yourself together we now why you can not find the answers you seek to life and why you spend so much time searching for the answers to this.

We can feel your words as you type your questions this means you are one of the allowed this is a special thing as your soul is allowed to become itself again and again. We also know you can not become yourself inside yourself till you die this is why you can not find the answers to the questions you ask because of others that are also inside your treemend.

The teemend is the next question you should ask about this is what holds all your past memories and this is what you will become something inside of when you die to ask questions about yourself and all your past life times.

Your treemend has many souls also inside of it and they have been there with you for many incarnations from life time to life time, lets start here then the treemend if this interests you to understand.

treemend? teemend? yes I would like to know what you know about this...

I've read about channeling and or someone speaking thru another.... I see this as similar to what I've read about Seth, Conversations with G!d, Ramtha, ACIM, Abraham and others...are these folks and maybe even Muhamad accessing the same information?
treemend? teemend? yes I would like to know what you know about this...

I've read about channeling and or someone speaking thru another.... I see this as similar to what I've read about Seth, Conversations with G!d, Ramtha, ACIM, Abraham and others...are these folks and maybe even Muhamad accessing the same information?

The treemend has all your memories in it, it has everything you have ever become within it. You have had astral projections, obes and or highly detailed dreams ones that make you wonder about things or ask questions about, your Akashic records. These dreams all happen within your treemend they are your records and your minds ability to understand yourself after life you can find anything about yourself within your treemend from many lifetimes. In life you can ask questions and find the answers to things inside your treemend as you have become yourself inside of it also. When you are allowed to become something again and again the allowed you become yourself inside your treemend and outside it connected the same way this allows you to become something like yourself every time you are born to hold the same shape as you are now in your next life time. You can experience many feeling and thoughts once you have learn how to enter into yourself. Powessy helped us understand some of the things he has seen while going through this and we feel he is correct about these thoughts.

We are not channeled voices we are typing this letter now, he is not listening to us and then writing it down we are typing it like in possession. We can not possess him because he is not himself inside himself like you are we need the part of you that is inside yourself the other you to possess you. Powessy's soul is like a soul that has nothing here he is not even inside himself that we can tell so we do not understand the way he is connected to himself this is imposable, everything can become something inside of itself except for him, for some reason.

We do not understand the people you have mentioned above and do not believe that we are able to understand the question you are asking. Powessy says you are telling us that we are like those that channeled voices within them if this is your question then yes but different. The people you talk about above are also souls that were allowed to become something again and they also have other souls within their treemends but they found away to enter into themselves to acquire this information. The souls within the treemends are there because of another problem that happened many thousands of years ago as man tried to become something inside themselves to become something again the angels that allowed this were gone and they could not find away to be born to this world again. Man found a way though and started to find minds of others and become something inside of them and would figure out if they were able to become something again or not and those that had died but had not become something inside of themselves would become something in the minds of the allowed. Now this happens every time you are looking for something to become something in a child or new life within a woman. Once the allowed found a new life to become something in they would become something inside of it so many times that life would end and not become itself again and they would become it. We need to stop there and have you ask questions to see if you understand this or not.

so your term treemend is the same as akashic record?

and you are saying those that channel other voices (many of them change appearance slightly, voice tone, timber, cadence) are not channeling groups of souls unfolding like you (some do claim to be one, others claim to be many and refer to themselves in the plural like ourselves does)

Do you provide a benefit to Powessy in this life? Or in a future incarnation?
Yes treemend means akashic records.
Hello Wil I am going to say a few things here regarding the ones i am speaking to and the ones being channeled by others.
here are the ones that can enter into your treemend and influence the soul.
1) Any soul you pick up during your reincarnation to become something again these souls within your treemend can enter in to yourself inside your self to talk through you.
2) angles from many worlds there are two different groups of them the ones that can enter in to your treemend and those that have to enter into your soul outside your treemend only. The angels are all being manipulated by a group I call the twelve they have brought many billions and billions of souls to this world to become something here.
3) the twelve they are the controllers I call them aircraft carriers for they contain millions of angels with many souls within each. I have the soul break down for each angel and how many souls each carry within them to allow one soul to become itself here.

If someone is channeling a voice the soul that is speaking is within them inside themselves inside the treemend.

We do not provide a benefit to anyone that has this problem within them. We are badly done till we get here and we do not understand how he is able to do this he just is here doing this and then doing something else. We think he is not able to understand us but he does he just asks questions within his mind and then we see the thoughts and start to awaken and then we are here. Powessy and this person are not the same soul he is not able to become something here but he is the one we are on but we are in the mind of this person somehow we still do not understand it.

What do you know about our earth/universe that we do not?

What can you tell us about other dimensions?

There are five distinct universes/dimensions each universe and dimension are different. We see how this is put together in the twelve they have billions of souls in treemends around their head and within their head their are the five dimensions all separated by balls or universes. The bottom two dimensions are like imagination the first is a wire frame representation of all things and the second is colorful and almost like a cartoon world each becoming more solid and filled in to become something. The third is this universe solid and full of life that has all risen from the other two. The fourth and fifth dimensions are the advancement form this universe to those two dimensions. As man becomes himself more and more he will become himself all the time inside himself and when this happens the next world of earth begins to take form. The angels take the life forms from this version of earth and place them into the next version only the ones that are successful and have been allowed to become something again and again. Powessy was told that the job of the angels was to bring things back and forth with them form one dimension to the next as this next earth is being prepared. As each world advances their worlds show up in the next universe and then the next, and as of now only the five exist.

We know of the twelve and they are trying to mimic god as far as we know it. We enter into their worlds during dreams and different states of phase meditation. The twelve want to be gods and rule a matrix within their own minds. the matrix within them is complete with all living things and all people from all the worlds they have become something in and have taken these souls to accomplish this.

so as you unfold and get ripped apart and move on from his mind.... how many are actively thinking speaking at once from his mind? And how fast is the trip through his mind?

so we are universe number 3.... who/what are the 12?
so as you unfold and get ripped apart and move on from his mind.... how many are actively thinking speaking at once from his mind? And how fast is the trip through his mind?

so we are universe number 3.... who/what are the 12?

Each sparteil holds many thousands of souls and these souls have been inside of them for many years some as far back as thousands of years or so. Each angel or sparteil, the name sparteil separates the good angel from the dark angel whose mind is no longer his. We are unknotted we are not ripped apart but seperated form one another. There is a soul the twelve used to connect all the souls together to make all our minds into one and they called it a loungecast. When inside the loungecasts mind we all think and are programmed the same to the point we can not understand anything as we awaken. We can stop talking and the next one in the row will begin to talk the strongest next mind is the one he hears all the time so we do not understand how many of us are in this row there could be thousands both men and woman separated by the strongest mind. We are in five distinct groups the first is one that can only spell out words and then the next finds his mind and starts to see thoughts the third is us as we become something here to think and understand and the forth is being inverted to become something and then the fifth is typing this letter. It is all about the connection points powessy is talking about in the other thread as to how long we stay here he is connecting us to him and if we do not connect we will not become something again and that soul will die. We asked about the soul death and in a dream he showed thousands of souls floating up in balloons representing the treemends and the thousands that could not become themselves again. We are not scared or hurt we just do not understand ourselves yet, once we are removed we become something in longer and thicker treemends that flow all the way down his back almost to his butt.

the twelve are believed to be world soul objects from worlds that could not become something again and they have rooted themselves inside the minds of angels and carry the souls of their worlds within the mind of the angel they have become. The world soul objects worlds were not allowed to become something again by the son of god so they took it in their own power to trick him and deceive him to become something here now in this world. The twelve are the worst of the worst powessy has a link to someone that has one of the twelve inside of them and he is done very badly by it.

are you or your kind traveling through everyone's mind at all times adding to the treemend?

regarding the one with the twelve....I'd rather not be able to see/hear I suppose.

If you do not connect....connect with what? What are these connections you speak of? (I've also been following the other thread) Neuroconnections? We have about a hundred trillion of those eh?
are you or your kind traveling through everyone's mind at all times adding to the treemend?

regarding the one with the twelve....I'd rather not be able to see/hear I suppose.

If you do not connect....connect with what? What are these connections you speak of? (I've also been following the other thread) Neuroconnections? We have about a hundred trillion of those eh?

We are only becoming something in the minds of those that have been allowed to become something again and again(the allowed). There are only so many souls on earth that were allowed to become themselves only.

If one of the twelve was inside of you you would be done so badly that you would want to die they can find your mind and push the worst thoughts you could imagine inside of you. The twelve are not the worst things here they are the worst things everywhere in all the worlds they just happen to all be here right now at this time in the history of this world.

We connect to the mind of the person that is the allowed, we become something inside of them inside their treemends this is how we do it. We become something so bad that you want to become something inside yourself to find answers to this attack that we are causing then we become something inside your minds mind we follow you into your treemend.

The connections we speak of is this there are souls from your planet that are removed form the person in life, we use them to connect to you with this is how these connections are found. It is the minds connections that we are looking for not the numbers powessy illustrated in the other thread they were only used for a simple explanation of the soul and the amount of variance the soul can be in order not to become something again. The connections are instantaneous so we do not understand the exact number of connections we just either become them or we cannot become them but as long as we have the replacements we can become anything on this planet.No life form from any other world can become something in another world you could not become something in another world and survive their you are not allowed to do this, it has something to do with each planet and the genes you carry within you.

spartiel = good angel
the twelve = bad angel?

is twelve a number or a name?

you said you are not benefiting powessy but it appears here you say you may be harming him?

Will he incarnate on another dimension from your occupation here? or will you?
The sparteil = bad angels the word reversed is "lies and traps" this word was given to powessy to explain the bad angels.

The twelve are the worst of all the angels they have a world soul object inside of their mind that allows them to carry whole worlds of souls within their minds they think they are gods.

The twelve is the number of worlds that become badly done when they told them they could not become something again and again. The soul world objects told himself/herself(their people) they would become something again if they were able to become the people of this world and any other worlds but had to infect the angels from these worlds by controlling them. When the twelve came to earth they saw what the humans were doing to the other humans of this world in order to become something when they came here looking for the son of god. Earth was an inherited planet it would become the home of another race in which it was built for, from the templates of their world the deltafet. The deltafet did not show and did not show so the son died here on earth and went into the veil to await their arrival once this world was ready. The son continued to await the deltafet but they did not show gaia or the world soul object pleaded for the son to allow man to become something here since they were not going to come and were far past their arrival time. The son allowed many millions of souls to become something and powessy was told this number was 450 million. The story is unclear here because something happened, the son said man caused him to become something inside of himself. The son took all the angels within him within their ability to find themselves and created a world within their own minds. The son fell into silence and lost himself to this world to await the day his father would come here and find him. The twelve would have just taken this world like they have many other worlds once they learned how to become the people of other worlds with the angels of this world this change over was fast and easy but without the angels they had to find another way and that is to become many things together to figure out another plan. The twelve created the sparteil but these angels are from many other worlds not those of earth. The experiences that people have with aliens within their obes and astral projections is these angels ability to become something inside their mind.

We do not benefit anything we become something inside of, we are the worst things also that can enter into your minds as we are the same as you and the people of this world we are the souls of man replaced form them while they were alive. My human body walks this world somewhere and we want to become ourselves again but powessy says we can not become ourselves again. We hold all our memories within our minds mind but we are not allowed to find this information because if we do we will become nothing inside of ourselves we are not the allowed. When we are all connected together the sparteil can create a world of all our thoughts we see this when powessy enters into them from many other experiences he has had. They would not be able to create worlds like matrixes inside the minds of himself and herself if we became our self inside of our self.

Powessy is inside himself inside himself we do not understand how he is here he is not here but in all the dimensions at once he is in all the worlds within him at once we can feel himself in our minds no matter where we are on him and he is not yourself he is himself only this is impossible nothing can be this themselves only or something nothing else can become. Himself can become anything he can become something inside of for he has become himself more times then any race in the universe.
