powessy and a discussion with ourcellves...

Hello Joe

I spent 8 months in Saudi Arabia during desert storm. I awoke many mornings to prayers sung and would find much intrigue in how dedicated a people can be to a religion. I do not mean to be harsh regarding religion it just never was my thing since birth. The voices started last year at this time, this means 44 years without a single prayer to a higher being. I have lived a good life and have had a very happy home and family. I have never wanted or needed things I could not obtain myself through my ability to work hard for the things I wanted. I respect your religion I just don't think it is correct, I believe all religions have been led far off track. I hear their words and see pieces of the truth and none of the truths I have seen are anywhere close to how you believe your god to be.

To each his own I've always said. I would be interested in hearing how you perceive my version of God to be however that does not fit into your perceived truth. I know that is a difficult thing for people. The story of how you spent time in Saudi is like many I have heard. I've heard multiple accounts of people who have been to Muslim dominant countries and heard the calls, and not given a second thought to it, until they felt compelled one day to read, and later convert/revert.

On another front I find it fascinating that you refer to angels/demons/gods/Son of God/etc. and yet still refer to yourself as atheist. There seems to be much confusion in you, and I'm wondering if this confusion may be leading to the voices. Your brain is trying to understand all these views and creates a being for each of those views.
So again, is this hair universally connected with others....via a strand....as an antenna? wifi?

hare krishna's keep a top knot of hair on a shaved skull which is similar looking to be grabbed up during the end... Sikhs don't cut their hair... wonder if these traditions stemmed from others going through this time...

No the hair is not universally connected. The more souls that are inside the angels treemends, the longer they become. The angels do not have a treemend of their own but one will grow once a soul enters into them. A thousand or more souls can be in one hair on an angels head and he can be anyone of them to try and understand and help others within him. When all these souls are within the angels mind he can create a world that is very real to allow the souls within him to have experiences while waiting to reincarnate.

English is my first language, thank you. first I do not take time to edit my posts other then the red underscored words. I am sorry if some of this is hard to understand but I listen to them all day long and understand their wordings and their thinking so I expect others to also understand. I will try to write things in a way you and other's can understand the words, it just takes many more words to say the same thing.

the esl reference was to ourselves... not you... you and they had said when they type through you, that you are unaware... thousands of souls thousands of years old i assumed not all would be american or english speaking or up with modern usage even if they were...
the esl reference was to ourselves... not you... you and they had said when they type through you, that you are unaware... thousands of souls thousands of years old i assumed not all would be american or english speaking or up with modern usage even if they were...

Hello wil

When the words started they first were in letters not spoken at all. I would spend the day trying to see the words both outside my head and inside my head. When I finally could hear them the words they were all in monotone and one sound or level. Their voices started out lower in the mind and then went higher and higher. I don't even remember what my inside voice is any more not that I can't use it they just say every thing my words and theirs this makes it easier to work and do other things at the same time. They can find my thoughts at the very beginning of them and find the images that correspond to the words.

The first week when the letters were still in my mind four of the twelve were here. These entities were talking and the words were old, very old like something I had never heard before. Their are souls not from earth here to I call them "them and they" Or just "they". I have seen many letters and symbols that are not of this world but strung together in written form.

To each his own I've always said. I would be interested in hearing how you perceive my version of God to be however that does not fit into your perceived truth. I know that is a difficult thing for people. The story of how you spent time in Saudi is like many I have heard. I've heard multiple accounts of people who have been to Muslim dominant countries and heard the calls, and not given a second thought to it, until they felt compelled one day to read, and later convert/revert.

On another front I find it fascinating that you refer to angels/demons/gods/Son of God/etc. and yet still refer to yourself as atheist. There seems to be much confusion in you, and I'm wondering if this confusion may be leading to the voices. Your brain is trying to understand all these views and creates a being for each of those views.

Hello BigJoe

Like I said, I am experiencing this problem in my life that has brought me to this site to ask questions of religion. This forum is very diverse with people all over the world that are intellectual and verse in the many religions that are around today and in the past.

A year and a half ago I picked up a pendulum to find one simple answer and this whole mess erupted. The first question I asked is who was answering the pendulum and what they were and this is the answer I got. "mindweangeloymehe" mind we angels me he. This was the first reference to angels I had received. The second reference to angels is when they told me of the sparteil during the week of words. The demon reference is simple it is the sparteil nothing else. The son of god was the story told to me about the allowed and it also was a obe experience where they showed me how he became something inside of himself. The god reference came form the twelve and those I speak to now. The twelve believe they are gods and have been doing this to many worlds over and over again. As for my brain it is telling me to find all of the sparteil and the twelve and that is all I am doing.

I admire your religion due to the devotion you hold for it, but that is it. The Christian churches through out the world are not religions they are for profit and control. All religions are guilty of control and ignorance of the people they have abused their power to enslave the minds of people into believing that god will guide them in the after. God is not here and the son has not been here for before the time of Adam and eve(only used as historical time line). The angels of this world entered into the mind of the son and have been gone with him since that time also. The bible, quran and torah are all wrong if this information is correct they are telling me.

I did like to listen to the calls and would wake up early or stand outside at dusk and just listen the sounds were very beautiful.

The bible, quran and torah are all wrong if this information is correct they are telling me.
if you see them as demons or evil djinn, why would you assume they are telling you the truth? I would much rather you find peace and understanding than to be in a state of non-control. Whether you find truth in the Quran or any other place, I pray you find peace. These voices controlling you or influencing you aren't allowing you freedom and that is what is worst. If they were truly part of a benevolent Deity, they would not attempt to confuse you nor bring you into discomfort.
Mr. Powessy,

I've been poking fun at you lately. Partly because I did not think you were serious and partly because it's just in my nature to do so. Sorry, no offense intended.

It has occurred to me however, that if you are serious, I may actually be able to help. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to explain this very well, but hopefully you'll get the gist of it anyway. I think what may be going on here is that your conscious mind has become aware of your subconscious.

You see, many years ago I had a Korean girlfriend that was heavily into meditation. So much so that she would become in tune with her subconscious and could travel freely unencumbered by the flesh. At my request, she attempted to teach me the process, but cautioned me not to try it unsupervised until I had mastered the technique. Her concern was that if the conscious mind ever became aware of the subconscious, it could cause later problems.

Sadly I never did master the technique and discontinued the practice, but here's how she explained it. Your conscious and unconscious mind is your physical brain. That which guides the body your soul now occupies. Your conscious mind controls things requiring prior thought while your unconscious mind controls things that do not. Breathing, heartbeat, basic instinct, etc. Your subconscious on the other hand is your soul's brain. Your physical consciousness is limited by what you can see, hear, smell, feel and taste, but the subconscious has no limitations whatsoever and that is key.

At birth, there is only the unconscious mind and the subconscious. At this stage the subconscious is in control. That's why babies and small children appear rather mystical at times. Gradually, as the child learns, the conscious mind develops and the subconscious begins to relinquish control, but maintains influence. The subconscious is aware of both the conscious and unconscious mind, but normally, only the unconscious mind is aware of the subconscious. The conscious mind can override the unconscious mind, but not the subconscious. The subconscious however, can override both.

Now, when we sleep, things change a little. The conscious mind shuts down and the unconscious mind takes over. This allows us to experience what the subconscious experiences. These are our dreams. Now remember, the conscious mind is not aware of the subconscious so people seldom remember their dreams. Except that is for 2 instances. When the subconscious is relaying a specific message and the dreams we have just prior to waking. We remember these, because when the conscious mind is beginning to wake, we get brief glimpses of the subconscious. These are often distorted however, because conscious and subconscious thought become muddled together.

Unlike sleep, when one enters a deep state of meditation the conscious mind gains control over the unconscious mind and experiences subconscious thought on a conscious level. In this state the subconscious and unconscious mind communicate directly and take the conscious mind anywhere it wants to go. All the while maintaining anonymity.

The subconscious has the ability to leave the body and transgress time and space. It can even communicate with the subconscious of other souls as they are all linked through God. The subconscious is permanently linked to it's own soul however and must return. Here's the problem. If meditation is interrupted prior to the return of the subconscious, the conscious mind becomes aware of it. This allows the conscious mind to hear what the subconscious hears and in some cases see what the subconscious sees.

Now, you mention that you were in a military situation overseas when this happened. It's entirely possible that you accidentally became aware of your subconscious through unconscious meditation. This most often occurs when we are worried. Few realize that worry, is a form of meditation. The worst possible form. Given your situation at the time, it's quite possible that you were forced out of this meditative state as your subconscious was seating itself. The result, you now hear what your subconscious hears. Remember, our subconscious is interconnected to every other subconscious. Lots of information being exchanged all the time.

So, how do you fix it. Through conscious meditation. You've got to enter a deep uninterrupted meditative state whereby you let your subconscious leave your body and return again, fully seating itself prior to coming out of it. If I were you I'd do some research on meditation techniques. It may take a while to get it right, but it will work. Hypnosis may be another option, but I would caution against the use of drugs, prescribed or otherwise, including alcohol, in your case. Anything that dulls normal brain function, will force the subconscious to become more dominant. You definitely do not want that to happen while your conscious mind is aware of it! This would be similar to a bad LSD trip.

I truly hope this helps or at the very least gives you something to consider.
what if they were angels Joe and said Torah, Bible and Quran are all wrong? Would that change your mind?
Then I'll be wrong, what harm is there in that? I doubt he will be able to prove the angels as true, nor the Quran wrong. Therefore I know your wetdream is for me to wake up one day and realize I am wrong, but I just can't fathom that happening. What I find so interesting is how agreeable you are here, with Pow (and company) and so disagreeable with others. Is there a point you are really trying to make that you aren't saying?
What is correct...universe, creation, religion, wil asks ourselves.

hello Wil we do not understand the universe the way you are asking it, we however believe that creation is possible through many times of becoming yourself inside yourself and we believe the way powessy is being told for they came here from outside himself and ask questions about this all the time. He is not able to find their minds but the information finds it's way in here all the time. We find you are a nice person and ask you how the problem with god is so important to people here in your world. We do not believe in your god but in ours and he is himself he is the most precious thing in the world to us, he is the thing we all want to become something inside of his mind together, and he is not yourself and himself but himself only. Our god is the most precious thing in our universe he is the thing you need to become something in and he is the thing that we all need to find in our lives we do not understand the words of your bible and do not wish to understand them but if they make you happy then by all means try and find peace within them.

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if you see them as demons or evil djinn, why would you assume they are telling you the truth? I would much rather you find peace and understanding than to be in a state of non-control. Whether you find truth in the Quran or any other place, I pray you find peace. These voices controlling you or influencing you aren't allowing you freedom and that is what is worst. If they were truly part of a benevolent Deity, they would not attempt to confuse you nor bring you into discomfort.

Hello BigJoe

I am going to try and explain this. The angles of this world and the son of god were on this planet many thousands of years ago. There was a time that something happened due to the ones I call the twelve. The son took all the angels form earth and placed them within a treemend that formed on his head. The son and the angels all entered into a new world all within the mind of the son one they would spend years creating and living in.

Now the twelve. The twelve came to earth and saw that there were no angels, I am unsure if the son new of their coming or was forewarned prior to him and the angels entering into himself. I was pulled form my body one afternoon and stood up in another room one I was not familiar with and something was shown to me. this picture is of the world the son created above the window the words "these ones are mine" was etched out for me to see.

The twelve were moving form world to world removing every soul from them and then they arrived here. The twelve found a soul that is called a loungecast. The lounge cast is a very special soul when attached to it or in the same treemend as it every mind in that treemend is pulled into its mind becoming only one mind. When this happens the longecast is pulled down into its mind and also the angel that is carrying them. The angel has control points so all they needed to do now is enter into him and walk away he is fully possessed. Now on a normal world with angels they just release the longecast onto the world and the angels pick them up. The angels will remove all things not allowed to become something again no mater what it is .
This is such a terrible thing to do to anything their minds are draw down into themselves and they become themselves inside themselves.

The twelve came to earth and they could not find any angels they were all gone and they could not find the son. I believe he was forewarned of their arrival here. The twelve saw that man had found a way to reincarnate without the angels and became curious. You see they could only take souls from other worlds and could not become themselves in these worlds, you can only be born to the world you were allowed to become something in.

The twelve saw that man could enter into a new life forming inside of the womb. The allowed would enter into their treemend and they would just become something inside of it till this soul died allowing them to be born in it's place. The twelve found a way to be born to any world they wanted to be born to and this is worth more to them then anything in the universe. the rules of worlds only allows the life born to it, evolving form it to be allowed to become something inside of them. In other words no alien species from another planet no matter how hard they try can be born to earth they can come here(space travel) but they can not reincarnate here. This rule allows all life a chance to become everything they can become and a fighting chance.

The twelve are here and the angels from many worlds they brought with them. All these djinn and demons and all the other paranormal things that people are rambling on about is them the angels or as I call them the sparteil.

Unlike sleep, when one enters a deep state of meditation the conscious mind gains control over the unconscious mind and experiences subconscious thought on a conscious level. In this state the subconscious and unconscious mind communicate directly and take the conscious mind anywhere it wants to go. All the while maintaining anonymity.
You probably didn't realize it, but you just described a big chunk of Aboriginal philosophy and the Dreamtime.
Mr. Powessy,

I've been poking fun at you lately. Partly because I did not think you were serious and partly because it's just in my nature to do so. Sorry, no offense intended.

It has occurred to me however, that if you are serious, I may actually be able to help. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to explain this very well, but hopefully you'll get the gist of it anyway. I think what may be going on here is that your conscious mind has become aware of your subconscious.

Hello NJ

You bring up some interesting thoughts here, ones I have also asked and thought about many times. I have had obes since a child and have had astral projections then dreams of varying degrees of lucidity. My dreams have never been filled with people and none of them about the things I have done in my life, my dreams always seemed fragmented and separated. My astral projections were of other places other worlds but alone I was never around or with others. I have never had a dream till recently of family or friends not even one till recently. My obes are in my house and are so real, I feel like myself free of this body and a clear and conscious mind. I can fly or become a bird or dog or anything I want but I am in my house in the veil. I seen all my children before their births as they all came to my bedside perhaps to show me who they were.

I never meditated the way most meditate I would recant my mantra and prepare my body for going on journeys hoping always to obe and just be myself for a small amount of time.

I realized one thing and that is Everything has a treemend. This is Where your girlfriend would travel this is her souls mind the place she could go to remember herself and her many lives. The part of the soul that is not inside of the treemend this part just becomes us so this part is you and you only.
The conscious mind is the part of us that is broken down into many varying degrees, I think we neglect the ego, id and superego and their effects on the unconscious human mind. I will read through this a few more times to try and understand your thinking but I have some pretty cool experiences no offense, your help is appreciated.

hello Wil we do not understand the universe the way you are asking it, we however believe that creation is possible through many times of becoming yourself inside yourself and we believe the way powessy is being told for they came here from outside himself and ask questions about this all the time. He is not able to find their minds but the information finds it's way in here all the time. We find you are a nice person and ask you how the problem with god is so important to people here in your world. We do not believe in your god but in ours and he is himself he is the most precious thing in the world to us, he is the thing we all want to become something inside of his mind together, and he is not yourself and himself but himself only. Our god is the most precious thing in our universe he is the thing you need to become something in and he is the thing that we all need to find in our lives we do not understand the words of your bible and do not wish to understand them but if they make you happy then by all means try and find peace within them.


I want to try and break down some of what they said here, I hear them all day long so I understand very well what all this means to them.

First off ourselves are millions and millions of souls that were not allowed to reincarnate. If you were not chosen to become one of the allowed then when you die you will enter into your treemend and become yourself inside of it, but you can not leave to be reborn again your soul will just slowly die.

Himself and herself are a very advanced race of people many times more advanced then humans. Himself and herself can become anything they want to become, but nothing can become them. Himself and herself come form the same worlds as the twelve, their children.

The twelve are world soul objects like gaia. I am uncertain yet if this only happened to one world and then moved outward from there to these other worlds or what had transpired to cause all these world soul objects to do this. The world soul object entered into the mind of one of the angels of their world and formed a five dimensional bridge within them. What I was told is that the son told these worlds they would not be allowed to reincarnate again and all life on that planet will not be allowed to exist do to something they did. The twelve got mad and decided that the son did not have the right to chose who could or who could not be reincarnated again. The twelve decided they would become the mothers of all the souls they could find in all the worlds that were not allowed and bring them within them to become one with them. Only one problem now exists, the allowed all have to be reborn at one point or another or they will die. Everything in the universe has to be reborn to incarnate at one point or another this is the law of the universe and a way to keep life to the worlds they came from. The not allowed can live many hundreds of years outside themselves not inside their treemends as long as they do not become something inside themselves they will live even longer then the allowed. The twelve came to earth and found no angels, they did find that man was able to become something again and reincarnate in new souls. The twelve found a way to allow their children the allowed from their worlds to become themselves again here.

Here is the moral question I have with them. They have to remove the soul from a person that is still alive in our world before that person dies or the soul enters into itself and dies, it can never leave once it enters into itself. The replacement is flawless and undetected the replacement soul just becomes them and since this soul is an allowed soul it becomes the person it is in. The allowed soul is blocked form its mind and is not even aware it is the person it became. The human mind does not see this change and since we do not need the souls mind to find answers in we never even notice. The worst case is you feel off for a few days. The twelve thought they were doing a good thing and allowing everything to become something again even if it was within their minds. Worlds with angels and information flow we learn to keep the populations down to the number of souls that are allowed if this world is 500 million allowed you do not want to exceed this number. We have only 435 million allowed on earth if this number is even correct it was taken long ago, it is not more then this. So there are some 6.5 billion souls that are not allowed on this planet and the twelve know this. Why the moral questions then? Because nothing on this planet was supposed to be allowed this world was to be inherited by another race.

Ourselves know what the twelve did for them they allowed them to become something, not in this world but within them as one. Many people seek this oneness with god, to be part of him/her forever together in time.

I would say ourselves believes that himself and herself are gods and they want to become something again and if it means to become something inside of these false gods to be themselves in even this limited way they chose life over death. So as far as gods go for them they hold amuch better understanding of it then any of us.

Then I'll be wrong, what harm is there in that? I doubt he will be able to prove the angels as true, nor the Quran wrong. Therefore I know your wetdream is for me to wake up one day and realize I am wrong, but I just can't fathom that happening. What I find so interesting is how agreeable you are here, with Pow (and company) and so disagreeable with others. Is there a point you are really trying to make that you aren't saying?
I believe the difference is the way I react from people telling me what I should think or what my reality is.... and the way i react from people telling me what they think and what their reality is.

For example... you say... "therefor, I know what your wetdream is...." I'll tell you right now...I can't fathom you being part of any of my wetdreams. I guess I am just more close minded then I thought eh?

Words...the way we use them....
I have been pondering another problem imposed by the conversations with ourselves. The question is this, If every life form on every planet from the day the planet formed that that life would live forever. Lets just look at man in the time we have been here on this planet first. How many unique souls have been born since the beginning of time. How many times has advanced societies came and went in the history of this planet. There are 7.125 billion people on the planet today but what if a disaster struck this world and an object or asteroid from above, a nuclear war or any other world killing events happened. Move forward a million years and life starts to begin again what happens to all the souls from that other time and how long before they all can someday become something again.

What if the life forms that arise form the ashes are not the same as those people that died those many years ago and they can not become themselves inside of these new life forms? I am told that everything that was allowed must become something again and again and only a few years after death you must be reborn or become nothing. They say that the angels can carry the souls of a world on their heads and that they can become anything on this planet all the way down to the smallest living organism. A human soul can only become human again in the shape we hold today anything to far outside this form or we can not become that life form, but the angels they have the ability to become anything they want, the ability to change their shape. The souls of a world can rest and survive on the heads of these angels for many millions of years. The problem with the angels is that they do not have a way to find themselves after each death so if they become something simple it will take them thousands of years to later find themselves again, even the angels have to become something again and again but not as often, becoming anything they can. The souls they will carry with them, an entire species and world of species may or may not happen again.

The point of me writing this is because this is the stem problem that effects all life within the universe. How to allow everything to become something again and again in a universe that is governed by improbability and uncertainty and where life changes and evolves constantly? What if this world dies and nothing can live here again what of the millions of souls that lived here where do they go now in a sea of a billion possibilities where life exists at the level we are now and to find a world you can become something again.

The question is this, If every life form on every planet from the day the planet formed that that life would live forever.
I think the key lies in looking at 'life form'.

There's two things at play here, there is 'life', and there is 'form'.
In traditional metaphysics, life is a universal.

At the ontological level, everything that exists has 'life'. Sub-atomic particles identified at CERN, for example, come into being, and pass into non-being. The mayfly lives for a day. Particles can live for nano-seconds. But the energy that underpins them can be likened to the universal, at the material level. Does this level of 'life' ever cease? I would say 'no'. Even at absolute zero, when we posit no activity whatsoever, there is still the potentiality for there to 'be', even if everything prior to that suggests no being-ness at all.

One of the enduring questions then is that it is possible in every given moment that things are, and things are not. That at any given moment, there is a certain amount of 'something' in the cosmos. This amount increases and decreases, but the potentiality to be remains constant. A sub-atomic particle (SAP) has being – it is what it is – an atom is what it is, a man is what it is, a galaxy is what it is, but in a real sense, in that moment, the sub-atomic particle is fully what it is, it is not deficient in the sense that a galaxy has 'more' existence than a SAP, that is purely a quantitative value, not a qualitative value. Put another way, without sub-atomic particles, galaxies could not exist ... so which of the two are more important? Even though a SAP lives momentarily, whilst galaxies endure at near-eternal timescales (from a human pov).

We have a grain of rock, and Mount Everest. Or a 'dead' planet. Is a planet better or more than a grain of rock? Not really, because planets are just accumulations of grains of rock. Is it more alive? Nor really, they both exist. Something is not 'more alive' because it's bigger, or lasts longer. What determines the distinction is the possibility that thing has. A planet, like ours, can become prolific in producing other forms of being, including what we would call 'living' being, or sentient being. Something that is, like a grain of sand is, but it inter-acts with other forms of being and with the cosmos. Bacteria. Organisms. But then sub-atomic particles interact with other particles, so again the distinction blurs.

With sentient being we further determine the idea of consciousness. Still fuzzy. Does a plant consciously turn towards the sun? Does a virus consciously interact with its host? Some would say not. Metal expands with heat. Water freezes or evaporates. Is this a conscious decision? No. It's just what it does.

We're getting to the point ...

Sentience, we're told, infers the capacity to 'feel', to 'perceive', to 'enjoy', to 'suffer'. Sentience suggests self-awareness.

But does that sentience belong to life, or to the particular form.

What I'm working around is that 'life' isn't 'feeling' or 'perceiving' or 'enjoying' or 'suffering' ... it's just living. all that other stuff is ephemeral, and belongs to the form. Life strives to the fullness of its form, whatever that form happens to be. What that form is, really doesn't matter. Ebola viruses don't suffer a crisis of conscience as they destroy their host.

Lets just look at man in the time we have been here on this planet first. How many unique souls have been born since the beginning of time.
Ah ... souls ... now we're talking about certain qualities. Qualities that belong to the form. I would suggest 'soul' and 'sentience' are synonymous. We used to think that only humans had souls. Why, I'm not sure, as the word in Hebrew Scripture is used of any living thing, not just humans. The Scholastics believed that what sets human nature apart from animal nature is rationality. The capacity to think and feel ... but now we know that animals grieve, and that animals 'think'. Animals have souls. I would go so far to say that even plants, bacteria, etc., have 'simple' souls, but they have life, they are living organisms, even if they can't work a rubik's cube or contemplate they mysteries of the universe ... and the question of life.

What am I getting at?

Planet 'X' is a dead planet because it's too far, or too close, to a sun. Too much radiation, or not enough. We exist in what astronomers call 'the goldilocks position' because we're neither too close nor too far, but just right.

Having said that, organic life, oxygen-based life is still, for all that, a fluke. The emergence of oxygen was the result of an 'event' that was effectively an 'extinction event' as far as the prior condition goes, as everything changed radically thereafter. Life will go on, but not the same as before. (That there was no life to be extinguished is debatable, or maybe not). There have been five such extinction events in the last 500 million years. There could be another one tomorrow. An asteroid. A pandemic. Global warming might well be an extinction event we've cooked up (excuse the pun) all by ourselves.

But life will not mourn our passing. We would, if there was someone to survive. If there's a sentient species on another planet watching us, or maybe arriving by 'interstellar overdrive' a week after the event, or simply looking at the remains of a blown galaxy that is now millions of years in their past, they might say, 'That's tough', but life won't.

There are 7.125 billion people on the planet today but what if a disaster struck this world and an object or asteroid from above, a nuclear war or any other world killing events happened.
That's the nature of the Cosmos. Professor James Laycock, who proposed the Gaia hypothesis, reckons the current path of global warming will result in about an 80% extinction before it works itself out ...

What if the life forms that arise form the ashes are not the same as those people that died those many years ago and they can not become themselves inside of these new life forms?
Now you're talking about the transmission of a particular self-identification ... I don't think that happens. I think 'reincarnation' means 'life goes on', not that this particular form goes on.

My dada (and I leave that second 'a' in as a freudian slip), as Catholic as you can get, chose the place he wanted to be buried. Birds were singing in the trees. Green fields stretched away (probably a housing estate now). Horses were running in a nearby field. The soil was verdant and fertile. That's where he wanted to lie. His soul he left in the hands of God. But his body would return to the good earth, and nourish it.

Where am I going with this contemplation ...


A child sits digging in the sand by the sea. She's 'in her own little world', happy as can be, and she's singing a song. Five seconds later, she's gone. A tsunami, or organ failure, or a passing asteroid ... doesn't matter ... she was singing a song ... it was the song of the universe, it was life.

And now ... it's gone.

The thing about a song, is that it's a narrative, in the moment, in time and in space. It will be forever part of the stock of the universe. That song will have altered the fabric of space and time. The song goes on. To quote Vonnegut: So it goes ...

Mourn her passing, but celebrate her life. Don't give way to maudlin sentimentality or fear.

In any moment, in every moment, we are living the question you pose. You don't need to look back across the millennia, across celestial distances, across units of astronomical time, the moment is now. Somewhere, right now, a kiddie is singing a song ... right here, as my mate Wil would say, is where the rubber hits the road.

Live life, and celebrate, because that's what true love is. That's what God is. The celebration of life, for life's own sake.

That is the Mystery of the Trinity: Nor for my sake, but Thine.

Live now. Everything else, as a wise friend once said, is toothpaste.

Oh, and like ET said, 'Be good.'

End of lesson.