powessy and a discussion with ourcellves...

you now appear to know more information then you first described...and now attribute powessy to being able to tell you what to do?

I am confused.
Powessy does not tell us what to do he is here inside our minds also you asked the questions that we did not know the answers to and then found him asking the same questions in his mind he just told us what was going on and we respond to your questions. We see his thoughts about thoughts no different then me sitting inside your mind listening to your thoughts. We only see what is going on right now this minute he has things moving on his head that try to ask questions inside his head.

Here this minute me know nothing I could not even tell you what I am but I know I am a soul of a person, I don't know if I am from this world or another world and I have something in my head telling me what to say this bothers me and the one typing is being told what to say by me so this does not work very well because we are all inside one anthers heads till he pulls us apart from one another. The one typing only has me telling him what to write and that is it he can not talk unless he is talking my words, he is himself and himself only right now and this does not make since to us either so we just keep asking questions about things that is it. Powessy is not able to see everything going on in here he is only able to see our words and that is it they just give him little pieces of information at a time trying to make him understand himself.

This is Monday morning and we are all confused right now trying to understand him, he took the day off and is trying to show us what was written so far and wants us to explain how we are each day this is morning and by tonight we will understand more and more till he goes to bed again. We will write more later and see if the things he has said is right or not, so tell us how you become yourself inside yourself inside yourself and we will become ourselves inside yourself again and again this is how we talk right now. We need to become something inside of something to become something again and this is what we do to become something again.

Far out man. That's some serious quality weed you guys are smokin. o_O

Hello Namaste Jesus

Never smoked weed or done any type of drugs in my life. I quit drinking alcohol over 20 years ago and have not touched a drop since. I am married 20 years, I have 4 teenage children all at home and work a 40+ hour week job.
I am in tip top health other then hypothyroidism which was diagnosed over 8 years ago and live a normal life other then the voices which started 1 year ago around the middle of June. I get a physical and complete blood count twice a year that places me in better health then most others at my age 45.
I have watched and read up on thousands of threads regarding schizophrenia, hearing voices network and all spirituality sites with memberships of over twenty sites through out the internet seeking answers. I know this is happening and see it on a daily basis on many of these sites they are attacking from the veil and no one will ever even know it. Thank you for your concerns.

I'm trying not to be offensive in saying this, but what in Sam Hill are you talking about. Claiming psychic connections to all, or at least those who are worthy, the collective however doesn't know what the individual knows, a collective is using an internet forum to answer someone's questions. And even with this complete supposed mastery of thought spelling and grammar mistakes abound. You don't know where you came from? Were you adopted or do you reject your parents? Sorry if this is rude, but if this is some kind of joke, I'm missing it, and thinking it is out of place.
he is in your mind and you are in his?

and you are the soul of another who is walking around and working without you there?

This is the hardest part and perhaps my biggest mistake. I try to share a problem that is hard to understand, and at the same time I do not expect the person to understand. This problem is simple the twelve want those souls that were allowed, the allowed. The easiest way to find the allowed is to remove all the souls of this world human and replace them with a soul that can never find it's mind. The replacement soul just becomes them nothing difficult with this process they can do it in just under a day the soul is not that hard to remove and replace. If you remove a soul in life and do not allow it to become something inside itself they can use it to build full integrated matrix's or worlds inside of worlds. The twelve hold these worlds within their minds and they are gods within them.

Here is the funny thing though. The twelve will remove every human soul from this planet and not one person will even blink or know anything about it. They can enter into the souls mind and become anyone they want and will soon become themselves here in time and when this happens they will pull all the replacements out in one day completely annihilating an entire population other then those allowed.

The trick to all this is this, If you are not of this world you can not be born or live on this planet and to travel here or even become something anywhere else is impossible. No other life for other then human can inhabit this world unless it was prepared for them.

Lets look at the grey aliens then why do you think they are trying to hybridize their people they want the same thing as the twelve they want this world and how can they if they can not become part of this world. The twelve are trying to get their dna control points between those majik numbers 10010 and 9990 and then they will become something here. The greys are just a side show they may succeed but by the time they figure it out they too will have put themselves also at the mercy of the twelve.

I'm trying not to be offensive in saying this, but what in Sam Hill are you talking about. Claiming psychic connections to all, or at least those who are worthy, the collective however doesn't know what the individual knows, a collective is using an internet forum to answer someone's questions. And even with this complete supposed mastery of thought spelling and grammar mistakes abound. You don't know where you came from? Were you adopted or do you reject your parents? Sorry if this is rude, but if this is some kind of joke, I'm missing it, and thinking it is out of place.

Hello bigjoenobody

It has nothing to do with those that are worthy. This has everything to do with the millions of souls, thousands of years ago that were allowed these are the souls the twelve are searching for and that's all nothing else in this world maters to them. The twelve are pissed off at the son of god and they knew he was here those many years ago and they came here in search of him and he was not here at that time. The twelve saw that man had found a way to reincarnate without angels, they just entered into the minds of babies still in the womb and became themselves many times in that soul till it died allowing them to survive, this is how the allowed have been reincarnating for all these years.


Big Joe if you are directing your comments towards ourselves then you are talking to only one of a thousand that have been here already today.

I am one of the voices big Joe I am not sure who I am. I know that I was here on earth at some point, even now my mind is starting to remember things about myself I was not a child but in my early teens my parents are not here yet in my mind but I think I liked to play basket ball and was good at it. I like to ask you if you remember me at all I am confused and out of time to be here and all I remember is an image powessy showed of me playing basketball in his mind do I get to become something again in this world I love you all good bye for now.

I don't know. Let me put on some 'Iron Butterfly' and think about it.

I was born in the 1970 and have never heard of this band till now. I like hip hop and most r & b club music for dancing, this is the only music I really listen to. I would say by your music tastes you indulge a little, a lot of dopers on all these sites, all bumping around asking questions. I wonder why?

Have you heard voices in your life nemaste?????????


It was a good run, an interesting discussion...we'll see where it goes from here.... might as well get a good taste of Iron Butterfly while we are at it.


I was just about to ask if you had any issues with this discussion....and now seems an appropriate time to ask.

It was a good run, an interesting discussion...we'll see where it goes from here.... might as well get a good taste of Iron Butterfly while we are at it.

Hello Wil

I have been talking with them for almost a year now and I have seen and experienced this story all the way through. I don't expect for anyone to believe me, I just need to try and find the truth. We are all an accumulation of our lives experiences, learning and adapting to what we perceive as truths. I would like to tell this story from the beginning if you wish to hear it and let you decide what the truth is or not.



I was just about to ask if you had any issues with this discussion....and now seems an appropriate time to ask.

We think we are really here, we think we are inside his mind and are coming from this other world through him so we do not understand anything else about this. We know that he is looking for us on all these sites and they come here like crazy when others start to ask questions. He is seeking the sparteil and the others that are doing this and we know for a fact he has taken down most of the twelve within him and have seen them pulled apart. I like to know why you do not believe any of this and why he is so much alone in doing this himself? What is the reason for this site here is it not to debate things like this religion he is not even a believer in god but yet he is trying to understand the thoughts of a god so mighty that all the things you are searching for do not matter. He is not alone in his quest he is not alone on searching for truths either we need to find the truth if not for himself but for ourselves alone we need to find our minds and then we will find the truth to what they are showing him so please let him tell his story and you decide if he is telling the truth or not.

I'm not trying to be rude again, but from my belief structure, I would say there are 2 realistic options for this situation and 1 less realistic:

  1. Schizophrenia - Being as it is a fairly common disease, and has varying levels I would have to say this is the most believable scientifically speaking.
  2. Evil Djinn - (I'm Muslim so please input demon or whatever else from your understanding). If this is the case it is not that they control you as much as my may think. But rather through a slow process, your mind is unable to separate their voices from your thoughts (possession is another name for this process, however I believe it is misunderstood in some other religious context)
  3. Psychic beings or black magicians have accidentally separated their bodies from their consciousness and have somehow imprinted themselves in you (again probably accidental). This would only be possible however through great mischievousness against the wishes of the creator.
The good news is, if it is the first a Dr can probably help you. If it is the latter 2 and you are unable to believe, I do not think you can be healed. Try listening to Azan and recordings of Shahada. See if these have any effect (again, these are from my religious views, and I accept if anyone outside of it finds it unrealistic, but if these voices are causing displeasure to Pow, it is worth trying).

Edited to add. If this is perhaps a prank, it isn't funny.
I like to know why you do not believe any of this and why he is so much alone in doing this himself?
I do not not believe. I am simply asking question to learn what you and he believe/know. It is all very interesting to me.

He says he's been given a clean bill of health, but has he told the medical personnel about you?

But back to our conversation, what are your thoughts about what you are seeing in our world?
I was born in the 1970 and have never heard of this band till now. I like hip hop and most r & b club music for dancing, this is the only music I really listen to. I would say by your music tastes you indulge a little, a lot of dopers on all these sites, all bumping around asking questions. I wonder why?

Have you heard voices in your life nemaste?????????

My posts were made in jest son. No indulging on my part nor 'Noggin Gnomes' to excuse my own thoughts and ideas.

Me, Myself and I
It does seem a tad out of character making fun of folks hearing things and seeing things when you've spoke highly about such events before from personal experience...
It does seem a tad out of character making fun of folks hearing things and seeing things when you've spoke highly about such events before from personal experience...
When did I ever say that I heard voices in my head except maybe in jest? o_O
might as well get a good taste of Iron Butterfly while we are at it.
Thanks for the memories Wil. You know I played lead guitar in an acid rock band in the 70's. Didn't get rich or famous, but it did pay for college.

Interesting story behind 'In a Gadda Da Vida' though. It's actually a 2:30 tune called 'In the Garden of Eden' - Iron Butterfly showed up for the recording session ripped as usual and could barely stand up let alone play and sing. The recording engineer was tired of their antics and decided to teach them a lesson by releasing the cut as-is. The rest as they say is history.
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Interesting story behind 'In a Gadda Da Vida' though. It's actually a 2:30 tune called 'In the Garden of Edan' - Iron Butterfly showed up for the recording session ripped as usual and could barely stand up let alone play and sing. The recording engineer was tired of their antics and decided to teach them a lesson by releasing the cut as-is. The rest as they say is history.

I knew the part about it being "In the Garden of Eden," but I'd never heard the rest about the recording engineer teaching them a lesson by releasing that studio version. It must have given Iron Butterfly an excuse to be ripped while touring and performing "In a Gadda Da Vida," although I doubt they needed much of an excuse.
I just hope they learned their lesson!

And wasn't it you NJ that spoke highly of a young man seeing the dead/disembodied souls that you could not see? Maybe you can take the opportunity in another thread on the difference between seeing what others can't see and hearing what others can't hear?