powessy and a discussion with ourcellves...

I'm not trying to be rude again, but from my belief structure, I would say there are 2 realistic options for this situation and 1 less realistic:

  1. Schizophrenia - Being as it is a fairly common disease, and has varying levels I would have to say this is the most believable scientifically speaking.
  2. Evil Djinn - (I'm Muslim so please input demon or whatever else from your understanding). If this is the case it is not that they control you as much as my may think. But rather through a slow process, your mind is unable to separate their voices from your thoughts (possession is another name for this process, however I believe it is misunderstood in some other religious context)
  3. Psychic beings or black magicians have accidentally separated their bodies from their consciousness and have somehow imprinted themselves in you (again probably accidental). This would only be possible however through great mischievousness against the wishes of the creator.
The good news is, if it is the first a Dr can probably help you. If it is the latter 2 and you are unable to believe, I do not think you can be healed. Try listening to Azan and recordings of Shahada. See if these have any effect (again, these are from my religious views, and I accept if anyone outside of it finds it unrealistic, but if these voices are causing displeasure to Pow, it is worth trying).

Edited to add. If this is perhaps a prank, it isn't funny.

Hello Bigjoenobody

As for number 1; I would definitely say I do not have schizophrenia, i do not even consider this as the cause of the voices.

I would say number 2; is much more like it, Evil Djinn, demon, sparteil, the twelve, possession. I am not arguing this and agree with this one the most for it is them I seek. I have been all over the internet in search of them and they find me all the time they are the remnants of Ourselves pulled apart. Every thing in the veil will be inside of me before this is over.

As for number 3 no magicians, Mischievous and full of tricks this is them also. I am atheist and have been my entire life do you realize how many Muslims have given me these recordings to listen to. I do not wish to sound condescending or anything but all your religious beliefs mean nothing to them the music just hurts my ears and theirs and that's about it.

My posts were made in jest son. No indulging on my part nor 'Noggin Gnomes' to excuse my own thoughts and ideas.

Me, Myself and I

I am not sure it is such a good thing not to hear voices or have had obes in your life time, to me this tells me you are not one of the allowed.

I do not not believe. I am simply asking question to learn what you and he believe/know. It is all very interesting to me.

He says he's been given a clean bill of health, but has he told the medical personnel about you?

But back to our conversation, what are your thoughts about what you are seeing in our world?

Hello Wil

Can I then take the double "not" to mean you do believe; just joking I expect people to ask questions and to be doubtful as I am. I stand on the edge of this problem everyday and at times fold my arms and close my mind to them begging to go back to sleep. It is not ourselves that keeps me awake to finish my mission it is the others the ones that are here but not here also. I am a avid reader of this site and also a member. Take a few minutes and read some of the posts and see how these people adjust to living on a daily routine you will see that I am far from schizophrenic. http://forum.schizophrenia.com/ Read down through the threads on this page and pay attention to the threads labeled unusual beliefs.



Hello Wil we do not see anything yet I am number 3 as we move forward in his mind we can see in the 4 and 5 spot, and now I can see the keyboard and see the words being typed by number 5 and by the time we are done typing this letter I will be typing it as I am now. Now I feel good to understand what is happening here, he is allowing me to see his mind and world for the first time in my life he is unable to understand this but he is asking what do I mean. I mean that he is here in my mind and he is here in my world around me not in the minds mind of worlds to become something in, he is not able to see me typing this letter but I am, he is worried I will stop typing soon so hello and goodbye for now.

You can take it that my mind is currently open... I do not not believe what you say. My asking questions is not (just) out of skepticism but out of interest.

I'm hoping now that others have jumped on board they can limit their disdain, disgust or whatever they are feeling and allow simple discussion to continue. Hopefully they'll ask questions...as in this issue...they surely don't have answers.
On schizophreni, psychology doesn't really work that way. Many cases can't be self-diagnosed even if the person is well versed in psychology. Many times mental illnesses is a result of not being able to process reality and thus creates its own. I can't even say for sure that I'm not schizophrenic. Not telling you that you are, but you shouldn't perhaps be so sure that you're not. The internet is good, but not that good.
Maybe we can put this to rest....Powessy has said he's been to the doc and has a clean bill of health....

Powessy have your physicians decided you are not schizophrenic and are ok with your thoughts?
I am atheist and have been my entire life do you realize how many Muslims have given me these recordings to listen to. I do not wish to sound condescending or anything but all your religious beliefs mean nothing to them the music just hurts my ears and theirs and that's about it.
I would have to inform you that this reaction of hurt ears (and the voices admitting the same) is in congruence with reactions of "possessed" persons. I have heard accounts from very reputable sources that have family in Egypt who during Ramadan are the most regular people around. They give Salat, listen Azan, etc. Once Eid hits during Azan severe pain becomes present in the person, burning skin, and even complete unconsciousness. I will not badger you, if you say you have tried my suggestions, so be it, but part of it is perhaps the fact that the words of God cannot heal someone so separated. It would require much more direct action to which God is no longer willing to do for those who have rejected him.
Perhaps God is sending you a wake up call....
The fact that you admit they could be demons, evil Djinn, etc. goes to show your absolute Atheist notions are in question. These evil forces are the counterpart to the good. I would say (again from an Islamic POV) it is part of your test. God is allowing you to witness the worst Shaytan can offer, so that you may return to the correct path.

If however you are saying you just didn't like the sound of it, from a melodic standpoint... please try other recordings... Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) is supposed to be very agreeable with western ears.
Surely Joe you realize that to a medical professional your response and discussion would be considered as crazy as you think Powessy is....
Surely Joe you realize that to a medical professional your response and discussion would be considered as crazy as you think Powessy is....
I gave the medical answer as well... whether science can ever prove the unseen, we will just have to wait and see. (BTW, in case you didn't know, there are many a Medical Professionals who adhere to religion and have used techniques of those religions to great success, including playing Azan and verses of Quran.)
Perhaps God is sending you a wake up call....

Hello NJ

This is a interesting notion since this began. I see how the twelve are arranged when they get here and see what they have become within themselves which makes me ask many questions I have never thought about regarding god. The twelve are mimicking god and how he is put together they have all the same pieces but on a much smaller scale.

You can take it that my mind is currently open... I do not not believe what you say. My asking questions is not (just) out of skepticism but out of interest.

I'm hoping now that others have jumped on board they can limit their disdain, disgust or whatever they are feeling and allow simple discussion to continue. Hopefully they'll ask questions...as in this issue...they surely don't have answers.

hello Wil

One of the main reason I came here was to try and understand this and to see if others have questions about this that I am not seeing. I want to try and understand them and I want to try and understand why things became this way. As long as I hear voices someone is going to cry schizophrenia, I have told my family we talk about it often but they do not understand them either. I chose not to go to a shrink because they do not even understand schizophrenia where it comes form or why some have it and other do not. I know that I do not have any other symptoms other then hearing voices and the tactile sensations on my head of Ourselves and the others that come here. I am 45 years old and I think I know myself better then any person or health professional. I would like to start at the beginning and will try to explain how all this started and hopefully get some feed back as to others thoughts. I will begin talking of the beginning unless you wish to start somewhere else.

I gave the medical answer as well... whether science can ever prove the unseen, we will just have to wait and see. (BTW, in case you didn't know, there are many a Medical Professionals who adhere to religion and have used techniques of those religions to great success, including playing Azan and verses of Quran.)

Hello Joe

I spent 8 months in Saudi Arabia during desert storm. I awoke many mornings to prayers sung and would find much intrigue in how dedicated a people can be to a religion. I do not mean to be harsh regarding religion it just never was my thing since birth. The voices started last year at this time, this means 44 years without a single prayer to a higher being. I have lived a good life and have had a very happy home and family. I have never wanted or needed things I could not obtain myself through my ability to work hard for the things I wanted. I respect your religion I just don't think it is correct, I believe all religions have been led far off track. I hear their words and see pieces of the truth and none of the truths I have seen are anywhere close to how you believe your god to be.

On schizophreni, psychology doesn't really work that way. Many cases can't be self-diagnosed even if the person is well versed in psychology. Many times mental illnesses is a result of not being able to process reality and thus creates its own. I can't even say for sure that I'm not schizophrenic. Not telling you that you are, but you shouldn't perhaps be so sure that you're not. The internet is good, but not that good.

Hello cup

Tell me what is the definition of schizophrenia? please don't I have been reading up on it for months and have a membership on every schizo site on the web. It is very possible I could be schizophrenic, I hear voices and feel things touching me all the time through tactile experiences but they do not bother me. I do not have paranoia or psychosis and have voices 24/7 how many others out their are within their minds to talk like this with others with all this happening within them. I have had thousands of out of body experiences and have seen many things that move through the veil so to have them touch me does not shock me at all. If we are talking about reality I am in the here and now. I am here asking questions not living in some dream world or pretending to be something I am not. I find the voices interesting and find this story even more interesting. I can only tell you what they say and you can decide what you want to believe or not.

I appreciate the picture from the other thread...the treemend reminds me of an ankh...is it connected to anything else at the other end?
I appreciate the picture from the other thread...the treemend reminds me of an ankh...is it connected to anything else at the other end?

Hello Wil

I have had thousands of obes in my lifetime. I get out of my bed and stand up and start to move along the hallway to the other end and then return, once back in body I astral project most the time but not always. The thing I notice when I am out of body is, I am complete and in the shape of a person but composed mostly of very dark dots like the shadow people that many see.

If you are one of the allowed you are both inside your treemend and outside of it also. The Wil or you inside your treemend is the real you the one that will become itself over and over again. In every life time you will be very similar in appearance and shape and size to the you inside your treemend this is your template to becoming yourself again and again. When this soul enters into its treemend it will try to become nothing first and when it tries it realizes it can not become nothing so it becomes badly done to figure itself out and returns to the veil to find another life to become something in.

If you are not a soul that was allowed, and when you die you will go no further you will move up into the treemend inside this hair and you will become something there. The soul will die inside of itself and never become something like it was again. This process is not badly done the soul is not even aware it just moves within it's treemend and inside its memories till the walls move in and the lights go out. This soul will become something in everything else in this world as the energy is re-dispersed.

So again, is this hair universally connected with others....via a strand....as an antenna? wifi?

hare krishna's keep a top knot of hair on a shaved skull which is similar looking to be grabbed up during the end... Sikhs don't cut their hair... wonder if these traditions stemmed from others going through this time...