Do feminists care about men, or are they just being selfish?
A parallel:
"Do democrats really care about aristocrats, or are they just being selfish?"
Do feminists care about men, or are they just being selfish?
A parallel:
"Do democrats really care about aristocrats, or are they just being selfish?"
Well, China is a good example.Those societies that don't judge by what God has revealed cannot be successful.
Well, China is a good example.
Money isn't necessarily what we think it is.
Do YOU want to be an aristocrat?
.. I doubt most women want to be men..
There you have it, an often-overlooked aspect of the patriarchy: It is bad for us men, too, in so many ways.I blame men.
There you have it, an often-overlooked aspect of the patriarchy..
It's just another label .. you make it out to be a "dirty word" as if it is responsible for injustice.
It does not explain injustice to women at all. That would be the political system eg. capitalism
It's a label that refers to a very real social hierarchy which puts roughly every other person on this planet at a disadvantage from birth..
It is also one of the mainstays of capitalism, I agree..
Contradictory to Patriarchy perhaps... Huldah was a prophetess and the Bible had no problem with that. Of course it was just probably the Patriarchs who put the Bible together to throw the women a crumb or two, a mere token, while they jealousy continued to dominate and have their way.However, the ordination of women in the Christian Church, is a step too far for me. It is contradictory.
Contradictory to Patriarchy perhaps... Huldah was a prophetess and the Bible had no problem with that. Of course it was just probably the Patriarchs who put the Bible together to throw the women a crumb or two, a mere token, while they jealousy continued to dominate and have their way.
The term Deuteronomistic history was coined in 1943 by the German biblical scholar Martin Noth to explain the origin and purpose of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings.These, he argued, were the work of a single 6th-century BCE author/compiler seeking to explain recent events (the fall of Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile) using the theology and language of the book of Deuteronomy.
There's some evidence to suppose women played a leading role in the development of the early church..
Why shouldn't they?
I assume that you don't agree with the ordination of women in the Catholic church?