Who created God?

I can add a fourth grand error of logic: Deliberate misunderstanding as a respectable discussion instrument?
Errr .. no ;)
IF IF IF he had seen the Gospel of Truth, I doubt he would have considered it "tosh".
You know what Isaac Newton would have thought? That's a good one!
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Much of it .. yes.

I wonder what was going through Judas Iscariot's mind when he betrayed Jesus
to the Sanhedrin..
It seems he didn't expect what actually happened. He presumably thought
that Jesus couldn't lose against them. Was he really a bad person?
I doubt it.
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Gnostic thought merely shows how the message and the life of Christ work on all levels, from the most practical to the most mystical: from king to beggar and from child to professor. Gnostic thought is just one interpretation amongst many others. The discussions will continue for another 2000 years into the future, imo
Gnostic thought merely shows how the message and the life of Christ work on all levels, from the most practical to the most mystical: from king to beggar and from child to professor..

..the Nag Hammadi texts do not present a single, coherent picture of any unified Gnostic system of belief, but rather divergent beliefs of multiple Gnostic sects.

What's "Gnostic" about the Gospel of Truth?

The ideas expressed deviate from the views of Valentinian gnosticism.
What's "Gnostic" about the Gospel of Truth?
The Nag Hammadi documents are (basically) Gnostic documents.

You mention Richard Dawkins, but your own sneering attacks against the Christian beliefs of a-third of the world's people at their holy time of year is not much different, imo.
Great Link. Thank you

Nag Hammadi library
Gospel of Truth

The Gospel of Truth is one of the Gnostic texts from the New Testament apocrypha found in the Nag Hammadi codices ("NHC"). It exists in two Coptic translations, a Subakhmimic rendition surviving almost in full in the first Nag Hammadi codex (the "Jung Codex") and a Sahidic in fragments in the twelfth codex.

The Gospel of Truth is not titled but the name for the work is from the first three words of the text, it may have been written in Greek between 140 and 180 by Valentinian Gnostics (or, as some posit, by Valentinus himself) ...

… Not all scholars agree that the entire library should be considered Gnostic. Paterson Brown has argued that the three Nag Hammadi Gospels of Thomas, Philip and Truth cannot be so labelled, since each, in his opinion, may explicitly affirm the basic reality and sanctity of incarnate life, which Gnosticism by definition considers illusory…

Rather splitting hairs, imo ...
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Mmm .. and here's another one from the same site

I think we have to be careful here. If one is sincerely interested in the GoT, one shouldn't rely on
dubious translations. If we compare these 2 alone, we can see quite a difference in rendering.

..and @RJM Corbet .. where is the interfaith version on the original website?

..and here's another..
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On the subject of ladies obeying their husbands..

There is no doubt what the official teaching is in dealing with the relation of husbands to wives.
We find that the Catechism of the Council of Trent points out that wives are to be obedient and subject to their husbands.
Quoting St. Ambrose it says:
"quo etiam declarari videbatur, viris obedientes subiectasque esse oportere."
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One thing that can't be denied, is that it is clearly subordinationist .. and what's more,
it was a prevalent belief in the first and second centuries.

Yes .. I also wish all a wonderful Easter weekend. :)
One thing that can't be denied, is that it is clearly subordinationist .. and what's more,
it was a prevalent belief in the first and second centuries.
The Incarnation and life of Christ can be taken in many ways by many people. Christ reaches every heart and soul. He will continue to do so for future millennia. That is the validity of Christ, imo